[Tails-l10n] tails-greeter Arabic translation


著者: intrigeri
日付: 2013-02-14 16:11 -000
To: Mohammed ALDOUB
CC: tails-l10n
題目: [Tails-l10n] tails-greeter Arabic translation
Hi Mohammed,

(I'm Cc'ing the Tails localization public mailing-list.)

I see you've worked on the tails-greeter translation on Transifex.
Thanks a lot!

I have one question, though. I've seen the Enter key symbol ("⏎") used
in strings such as:

"لايف-بيرسست \"live-persist\" فشل في %(returncode)s:⏎ %(stderr)s"

What's the expected effect? Do you intend to have this character
displayed as is in the software interface, or anything else I'm not
aware of?

Best regards,
| GnuPG key @ https://gaffer.ptitcanardnoir.org/intrigeri/intrigeri.asc
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