> > Please review and merge feature/newer-barry.
> > Ticket: todo/upgrade_barry_to_fix_error_messages_on_boot
> > Candidate for 0.17.
I just tried with experimental build today.
There are still ugly messages at boot time related
to /lib/udev/rules.d/10-blackberry.rules.
/etc/apt/preferences reads:
Package: barry-util
Pin: origin backports.debian.org
Pin-Priority: 999
Package: libbarry18
Pin: origin backports.debian.org
Pin-Priority: 999
Package: *
Pin: origin deb.tails.boum.org
Pin-Priority: 1005
dpkg -l barry-util
ii barry-util 0.15-1.2~bpo60+1
Sorry… 1005 > 999 so the version of deb.tails.boum.org gets installed.
I tagged the ticket todo/code again.