[Tails-dev] Major / minor releases [Was: Tails 0.17 release]


著者: intrigeri
To: The Tails public development discussion list
古いトピック: Re: [Tails-dev] Tails 0.17 release
題目: [Tails-dev] Major / minor releases [Was: Tails 0.17 release]

sajolida@??? wrote (13 Jan 2013 19:15:18 GMT) :
> But there's a question I've been willing to ask for some time.
> Only major releases have been published since Tails 0.13 in September.
> That's fine with me but that doesn't match with what is been announced
> on the website:

> "The idea is to put a major Tails release out every 12 weeks, plus a
> point release in between."

> How is it?

I don't know exacly how it happened. Probably a sequence of
exceptional circumstances that turned into a habit.

I've wondered a few times too, but since it looked like it works fine
like this is happening in reality, I've never felt in the mood of
raising the discussion. But I agree it's useful to clarify this at
some point :)

Apparently, we always have stuff that looks good enough to be pushed
to our users in a few weeks, so we're eager to do it and we do.
I've been quite happy with this. One drawback of this approach is that
preparing a major release eats much time, that could be spent fixing
existing bugs and/or improving our infrastructure.

I propose that if release N is a major one, the Release Manager(s) for
N+1 decide and announce (at least on tails-dev) whether N+1 is going
to be a major or minor one. The RM should make their decision known at
the very beginning of their release cycle (that is: when release N is
published), and if possible quite earlier (so that one can schedule
new features development accordingly, and not be sad to see stuff that
they worked hard to get in mergeable state on time be postponed at the
last minute).

Rationale for having the RM decide: they are the ones who are the most
affected by this decision.

What do you think?

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