[movimenti.bicocca] CFP - A Global Dissenting Youth? Student…


著者: Lorenzo Zamponi
To: movimenti.bicocca, sgmovimentipartecipazione
題目: [movimenti.bicocca] CFP - A Global Dissenting Youth? Student movements and youth activism in the anti-austerity and anti-corporate mobilisations: relevance, role, strategies and effects
Ciao a tutti. Vi scrivo per chiedervi di darmi una mano a diffondere la
call for papers per un panel che sto organizzando con un collega spagnolo
alla General Conference 2011 dell'ESA a Torino. Il nostro obiettivo è
raccogliere un ampio spettro di punti di vista sui *movimenti studenteschi*e l'
*attivismo giovanile*, in particolare nel contesto delle più recenti
mobilitazioni. La scadenza è il *1 febbraio*, e gli abstract vanno
presentati attraverso il sito della conferenza<http://www.esa11thconference.eu>

*ESA 2011 General Conference - “Crisis, Critique and Change” Turin, Italy,
August 28th-31th
The upcoming 11th congress of the European Sociological Association will
take place in Turin this year from the 28th to 31th of August, 2013. The
Social Movements Research Network (RN 25) invites abstracts to contribute
to the sociology of social movements and empirical research on mobilization
in various contexts of crisis, critique and change. Comparative work that
connects theory, empirical analysis and interdisciplinary methods is
particularly encouraged. Please note that one joint session on the role of
emotions will be organized together with the network on the Sociology of
Emotions. A semi-plenary session will be organized together with Political
Sociology. The deadline for Abstract submission is February 1 2013. Paper
givers are invited to present papers in the following eight sessions:

*Specific Session VI: A Global Dissenting Youth? Student movements and
youth activism in the anti-austerity and anti-corporate mobilisations:
relevance, role, strategies and effects*

Chair: Lorenzo Zamponi, European University Institute,
Co-Chair: Joseba Fernández González, Universidad del País Vasco,
Discussant: Eduardo Romanos Fraile, Universidad Complutense de Madrid,

When did the current cycle of global contention start? Can we consider it a
single phenomenon or an articulated set of different and interrelated
social facts? Which are the shared traits among episodes of collective
action placed in different political contexts, cultural settings, social
roots and goals? These and other questions are at the core of the
contemporary debate on contentious politics, and we aim to contribute in
addressing them focusing on a particular aspect that is common to most
mobilisations of this cycle: the significant involvement of young people in
collective action and in the politics of dissent. Our panel will focus on
the student movement, as a social actor which has been active in different
countries in the last years, and on youth activism, as a wide set of
experiences and practises of contention which have played a relevant role
in many different conflicts, contaminating and disseminating contents and
forms of mobilisation. The wave of student mobilisation against the
corporatisation of education and knowledge and the increasing precarity of
work, in fact, is the immediate antecedent of the current wave of protests
in Europe, and it might me argued that the contemporary anti-austerity
movement discourse has been developing in that context. Furthermore, some
scholars have already underlined the role of university campuses as a space
for mobilisation and of student loans as a fundamental topic in the Occupy
movement in the USA. But generational cleavages are visible also out of the
education system, and youth activism has been considered relevant in all
the indignados mobilisations, involving the so-called “generation of
digital natives”. We invite empirical-oriented papers and interpretive
analyses, aiming at building, through the lens of youth activism, a
genealogy of the contemporary wave of mobilisation and to contribute to a
better understanding of it.


For any additional information on the conference, please make contact
Nicole Doerr (Mount Holyoke College), Marianne van de Steeg (FU
Berlin)nand/or Alice Mattoni (European University Institute):
For specific questions on panels proposed as listed above please directly
contact panel chairs. Note, however, that all papers ultimately have to be
submitted to the ESA’s electronic abstract proposal system until February 1.

Lorenzo Zamponi
PhD Candidate/Researcher
European University Institute
Department of Political and Social Sciences
Via dei Roccettini 9
I-50014 - San Domenico di Fiesole (FI)