Dear all,
We are pleased to invite you to the seminar "Analysing State Restructuring and Urban Policies: Public Real Estate between Urban Developments and Financial Constraints" to be held on November 22, 14:00-18:00, at Politecnico di Milano, Spazio Aperto, floor -1, Edificio Nave, via Bonardi 9.
The seminar is organized with the DiAP and the PhD programme in Territorial Design and Government (GPT).
Please find attached the flyer and the program of the seminar.
Detailed program
Anne Haila (Department of Social Research, University of Helsinki):
"The state as a real estate entrepreneur: the case of Finland"
Davide Ponzini (DiAP, Politecnico di Milano):
"Restructuring the Field of Cultural Heritage Policy in Italy: Trends, Tools and Urban Policymaking"
Francesca Artioli (CEE, Sciences Po Paris):
"State restructuring and metropolitan governance. Financial and rent-seeking strategies for military spaces in Rome and Paris (2007-2012)"
Félix Adisson (DiAP, Politecnico di Milano - LATTS, Université Paris-Est):
"The purposes of State space restructuring: French State, railway sector and local governments interplay in two urban development of railway sites"
The presentations will be discussed by:
Serena Vicari (Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale, Università Milano Bicocca)
Gabriele Pasqui (DiAP, Politecnico di Milano)
For further information, please contact: felix.adisson@???
Félix Adisson
PhD candidate, joint supervision:
DiAP, Politecnico di Milano
Latts, Ecole des Ponts - Université Paris Est
Francesca Artioli
PhD candidate:
Science-Po Paris - Centre d'Etudes Européennes