anonym wrote (28 Oct 2012 20:35:14 GMT) :
> I haven't found any issues at all, so I say merge.
Great. Would you please try to do it yourself, so that it helps
ensuring that the Git + APT merge process works fine even when *I* am
not the one who runs it?
1. Merge the feature/torbrowser Git branch into the testing and
devel ones.
2. "Merge" the feature-torbrowser APT suite into the testing and
devel ones:
a. Add your SSH pubkey to the "reprepro" user's
~/.ssh/authorized_keys on "autobuild".
b. Proceed as documented on the APT repository ticket [1]
("Workflow" section, "Merging a topic branch" subsection).
c. Make sure it has worked:
ssh reprepro@??? reprepro ls iceweasel
d. If something goes wrong, please send me the logs and
resulting output.
3. Build an ISO image from testing, and check it gets the right
iceweasel in the end.