Re: [Tails-dev] Sound in the Unsafe Browser

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Lähettäjä: anonym
Päiväys: 2012-10-08 23:36 -000
Vastaanottaja: The Tails public development discussion list
Aihe: Re: [Tails-dev] Sound in the Unsafe Browser
30/09/12 11:00, intrigeri:
> Hi,
> this was pushed to devel:
> f6dba62 Enable sound in the Unsafe Browser.
> I beg to disagree.


>> I think a valid use case for sound in the Unsafe Browser is to make
>> it usable for people with sight impairments. I'm unsure whether
>> Tails includes any text-to-speech software that actually makes Tails
>> usable with such impairments, but even if it doesn't the support
>> should be there for the day such software is added.
>> Hence commit f6dba62.
> [1]
> Tails has been shipping a screen reader (GNOME Orca) since 0.8,
> so the necessity and usefulness of this change can actually be tested.
> Orca works quite well with most applications shipped in Tails, but
> a quick test shows that it does not work out of the box, as of Tails
> 0.13, for iceweasel (be it the regular one, or the Unsafe Browser),
> and I did not quickly manage to fix this.

Actually it worked for me with the regular Iceweasel.

> Once we fix this, I'm not
> sure if we can, and want, the Unsafe Browser's session to start and
> use a separate instance of Orca, that would bring the need for the
> clearnet user to be part of the audio group; I've no idea how ATK and
> AT-SPI work; maybe the existing instance of Orca would access the
> Unsafe Browser UI? I'd like us to know the answer to this question,
> before doing changes that might, some day, fix something, or be
> useless forever.
> So, either the potential usefulness of this change is displayed a bit
> more clearly soon, or I'd rather see us revert it.

Agreed. Reverted in devel now.
