Alessandro's email earlier on reminded me that most of our hooks were
actually not using `set -e` and had the habit of going past errors.
So, I am asking reviews of the feature/catch_errors_in_hooks branch.
Short log:
4642a61 Catch more errors in local hooks
5653409 Fail hard if adduser fails in local hooks
dd2a001 Fail hard if 'rm' fails in local hooks
bb45a71 Remove uneeded chroot_local-hooks/15-fix_X11
610428b Remove chroot_local-hooks/11-clean_live-initramfs_scripts
ed512d0 Do not try to remove non-existing /var/lib/dkms/virtualbox-guest
d3e3b76 Remove the correct gcc symlink in virtualbox hook
The first three commits tighten error processing. The others are fixes
for the newly detected errors.
Candidate for next major release.