[Hackmeeting] software liberi, security, molte piattaforme, …

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Autor: vecna [ml]
To: hackmeeting, La mail list del Progetto Winston Smith
Betreff: [Hackmeeting] software liberi, security, molte piattaforme, tabella di riferimento
descrizione interpretata:

ecco a voi una tabella, divisa per piattaforme, di software di sicurezza.
Suddivisa non forse al meglio, ma indicativa per un pubblico ampio.
Utile per chi volesse elaborare una collezione di questi sw da offrire ai
suoi utenti, o per chi volesse preparare una presentazione di bassa
complessità su: "come usare software liberi per sopperire alle esigenze
quotidiane digitali, senza sottoscrivere patti dot.devil"

descrizione poco descrittiva:

To be honest, this is might be the least satisfying game of bingo ever—but
let’s play anyway. The rules are simple: draw a grid, label the columns for
different platforms, and label the rows for important communication
toolsets. In each cell, put the name of an open source software package
with reasonable security properties. If this exercise doesn’t make you
break down in tears, then you have won.

E' qui: https://leap.se/en/2012/security-bingo

ed ora, la daily useless links collection:

Russia’s parliamentary majority party announced it will support amendments
to a hotly contested libel law in order to *find and punish those who post
anonymous insults on the Internet.

In the battle for control of the Internet, the US holds most of the cards.
Now Russia and China are calling for greater individual state power, while
others argue the UN is best placed to manage the global network.
Massive Leak: Project HellFire Hackers Dump 1 Million Accounts from 100


Further reading and discussion on the civil rights implications of big data.
I am a big fan of Jekyll <https://github.com/mojombo/jekyll>, a static blog
generator developed by one of those smart guys behind GitHub<http://github.com/>
, Tom Preston-Werner <https://github.com/mojombo>. I love being able to
write posts in Markdown and being able to version my entire site in a Git

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