[RSF] FW: [reteromanapalestina] Sintesi per reteromanapales…

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Asunto: [RSF] FW: [reteromanapalestina] Sintesi per reteromanapalestina@googlegroups.com - 3 messaggi in 3 argomenti

To: reteromanapalestina@???
From: reteromanapalestina@???
Subject: [reteromanapalestina] Sintesi per reteromanapalestina@??? - 3 messaggi in 3 argomenti
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2012 08:04:36 +0000

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aggiornamenti da Gaza [1 aggiornamento]
video scioccante [1 aggiornamento]
[PCHR_e] Occupied Lives: I have no future [1 aggiornamento]
aggiornamenti da Gaza
Rosa Schiano <schiano.rosa@???> Aug 09 02:43AM +0200

E' alto il livello di apprensione e di preoccupazione nella Striscia di
Con la chiusura dei tunnels, nella Striscia di Gaza non potranno più
entrare materiali da costruzione, combustibile ed altri beni per la
popolazione di Gaza.
La mancanza di combustibile si traduce prima di tutto in mancanza di

Prima dell'attacco nel Sinai, le persone avevano riposto grande speranza
nell'apertura del valico di Rafah, c'era una grande aspettativa a seguito
delle elezioni in Egitto.
Questa speranza è ora svanita improvvisamente.
Come mi ha spiegato questa mattina un importante ricercatore professore di
psicologia della Islamic University di Gaza, questa improvvisa mancanza di
speranza ha costituito uno shock per la gente di Gaza, che vive
continuamente tra illusione e disillusione.
Questo continuo oscillare tra illusione e disillusione colpisce
psicologicamente la popolazione di Gaza.

Intanto, sono circolate sul web immagini e notizie di assurde reazioni di
forte rabbia da parte degli egiziani nei confronti dei palestinesi.
La divisione tra Egitto e Gaza fa solo il gioco di Israele, anzi, ritengo
che Israele l'abbia esplicitamente voluta ed ottenuta.

In giornata l'esercito egiziano ha rilasciato un comunicato sulle
operazioni militari nel Sinai, affermando che queste sono iniziate martedì
sera. Le forze egiziane hanno inoltre fatto appello alla gente ed alle
tribù del luogo affinché cooperino per ristabilire una situazione di
Durante la notte l'esercito egiziano ha ucciso una ventina di miliziani
Inoltre fonti locali riferiscono che un uomo canadese è stato arrestato in
Egitto con il sospetto di essere coinvolto nell'attacco del Sinai, sembra
sia entrato nel paese domenica mattina, lo stesso giorno in cui è avvento

Intanto, il primo ministro egiziano Hesham Kandil, ha affermato che è
necessario aspettare i risultati delle indagini per decidere quale azione
intraprendere, rimarcando l'importanza del controllo del confine e
l'eliminazione di gruppi armati.
Ha affermato inoltre che il capo del governo di Gaza Ismail Haniyeh l'ha
chiamato ieri, e che nel corso della conversazione Haniyeh ha affermato il
proprio sostegno alla decisione dell'Egitto di rendere sicuro il confine,
aggiungendo che "la liberazione della Palestina non avverrà a spese degli

Anche la Islamic Jihad si è espressa sull'attacco nel Sinai, considerandolo
Il leader della Islamic Jihad Nafeth Azzam lunedì ha affemrato che
l'attacco nel Sinai è stato un attacco di "indicibile crudeltà" che non ha
giustificazioni e che è servito solo agli interessi israeliani, spera
inoltre che questo crimine non incida sui rapporti con l'Egitto.

Intanto, aerei militari israeliani hanno ripreso a volare sulla Striscia di

Gaza, 8/08/2012

video scioccante
Menrica Ghazal <menricagaz@???> Aug 08 05:21PM +0100

andate a vedere il video sottostante
Gerusalemme: bambini palestinesi rapiti da militari israeliani mentre giocano a pallone+VIDEO su facebook.
Proporrei a Luisa di mettere in moto una interrogazione parlamentare del Parlamento Europeo, per capire che fine fanno questi ragazzi rapiti dai militari israeliani!

[PCHR_e] Occupied Lives: I have no future
loretta mussi <loretta.mussi@???> Aug 08 03:41PM +0200


Come si fa a non odiarli!******


**Palestinian Centre for Human Rights***



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*8 August 2012*****

*Occupied Lives: I have no future*


*Mamoun* *Ahmad Dalloul in front of his destroyed factory in Tel-el-hawa.*

Mamoun Ahmad Dalloul (36) lives in Tel-el-hawa with his wife and 9 children.
Until recently, he owned a dairy-products factory that produced milk,
cheese and yoghurt. Since December 2008, Mamoun has re-built his factory 4
times after it was repeatedly targeted and destroyed by Israel’s forces. On
04 June 2012, at around 1:00, his factory was targeted and destroyed by
Israel’s forces for the 5th time.****

** **

On the evening of the most recent attack, Mamoun received a call from his
brother, who lives adjacent to the factory, informing him that the factory
had been destroyed by a missile from an F16: “I rushed to my factory and,
when I arrived, there were firefighters and police. The neighbors were
panicking and standing in the streets. I was told that a missile had hit
the factory and then penetrated 6 or 7 meters into the ground. There was
something like an earthquake for 5 minutes, and then the missile exploded
and pulled everything into the crater. I do not know what kind of missile
it was.”****

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After 5 attacks on his factory, Mamoun is devastated: “The first time my
factory was destroyed was in December 2008 during Operation Cast Lead. The
factory was very big and on the ground floor of our residential apartment. I
received a call from Israel’s forces, who told me that the building would
be targeted in the next 15 minutes. My family and I fled immediately. 3
missiles were fired from an F16 and the building was completely destroyed. In
just a few minutes, we lost everything. We were suddenly homeless and I
had lost my only source of a livelihood.”****

** **

Mamoun and his family were forced to shuffle from one household to another,
looking for a place to stay: “We would stay at my parents’ house for a few
days then move to my brother-in-law’s house and spend a few more at my
brother’s house. My son kept asking why we had no home. Finally, as my
wife is a refugee, UNRWA built us a single residential unit. I then
rebuilt my factory in Sabra, which is in central Gaza City. It was very
small and modest because there was barely any construction material in
Gaza, as well as money constraints. 6 months later, it was destroyed by
Israel’s forces. I then partnered with someone else and tried to rebuild
in a different location, but it was destroyed while we were still
constructing.” ****

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*A crater made by the missile fired from an F16 on 04 June 2012.*

At this point, Mamoun had given up and decided to not rebuild his factory:
“The first 2 times, I rebuilt because this is my only source of a
livelihood. There are hardly any employment opportunities in Gaza. My
factory provided work for 120 individuals, including my 3 brothers and my
son. I saw how they were all suffering without work and thought that the
factory would at least provide them with the income to support themselves
and their families. I had enough after the 3rd attack, but a
representative of the European Commission came to visit from Jerusalem and
said they would mediate on my behalf. They promised that the factory would
not be targeted again. Each time I bought new machines, they came and took
pictures and reassured me all was well. I was encouraged by this and
started to develop the factory slowly. Then, just like that, it was
targeted and destroyed again. They did not keep their promise.”****

** **

Each attack has resulted in severe economic hardship for Mamoun and his
family: “I have had to borrow money and my savings are almost depleted. I
sold 2 pieces of my land to rebuild my factory. I even sold the house that
UNRWA gave us to set up the factory and have a source of income. I can no
longer sustain the expenses for my family. For a while, people would not
even let me rent an apartment in their buildings, because they thought it
would be targeted.”****

** **

Mamoun feels that his story is one of many that illustrate the suffering of
Gaza: “There are people who are displaced and dying. I know what it feels
like to be homeless. My children have had to grow up seeing dead people,
war and destruction. They no longer even react to airstrikes, because this
is what they are used to. My factory was a civilian establishment and I
did not plan any resistance activities there. Why would I want to put my
family in such danger? I am tired of this destruction. I have no future
now. Why can’t we be left to live in peace and stability like other people
in the world?”****

** **

The direct targeting of a civilian object constitutes a war crime, as
codified in Article 8(2)(b)(ii) of the Rome Statute of the International
Criminal Court. Similarly, under the Fourth Geneva Convention Article 53,
the destruction of private property is prohibited unless rendered
absolutely necessary by military operations. The destruction of such
factories infringes upon human rights principles, including the right to
work and right to attain an adequate standard of living contained in
Article 11 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural

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To see a video narrative given by Mamoun Ahmad Dalloul please click

*Public Document*


For more information please call PCHR office in ******Gaza****, Gaza Strip,
on +972 8 2824776 - 2825893****

PCHR, 29 Omer El Mukhtar St., El Remal, PO Box 1328 Gaza, Gaza Strip.
E-mail: pchr@???, Webpage http://www.pchrgaza.org ****


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