[movimenti.bicocca] Fwd: AFSP / Appel à contributions pour l…

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Lähettäjä: Tommaso Vitale
Vastaanottaja: ML movimenti Bicocca
Aihe: [movimenti.bicocca] Fwd: AFSP / Appel à contributions pour la RSulACP (Revue Sud-Américaine de Science Politique)

Début du message transféré :

> Expéditeur: Isabelle Rocca <isabelle.rocca@???>
> Date: 11 luglio 2012 13:48:47 CEST
> Destinataire: AFSP <afsp@???>
> Objet: AFSP / Appel à contributions pour la RSulACP (Revue Sud-Américaine de Science Politique)
> L’Association Française de Science Politique vous informe...
> Appel à contributions pour deux numéros de la Revue Sud-Américaine de Science Politique
> Date limite : 31 août 2012 et 31 octobre 2012
> Veuillez trouver en document attaché (PDF) l’appel.
> Contact : rsulacp@???
> Revista Sul-Americana de Ciência Política
> Revista Sul-Americana de Ciência Política
> South American Journal of Political Science
> Chamada Internacional de Artigos
> Llamado Internacional de Artículos
> International Call for Articles
> Português – Español – English
> 1. New Cartographies for Political Science in Latin America
> Latin America has been at the center of a series of new experiences with regard to representative and participatory democracy. In this context, the mistrust and pessimism of the transition theorists in the 1980s and 1990s with respect to consolidation of democracy in the continent has been replaced by new practices, spaces, institutions, individuals and political identities. Contemporary democracy in Latin America is steadily breaking away from the elitist views of authors in the Global North with regard to our destiny, showing that - not without difficulties - we are able to reinvent and rewrite our own democratic history. Through these transformations, Political Science in Latin America encounters challenges and obstacles for the construction of new normative and explanatory theoretical understandings.
> This Featured Section for the first edition of the South American Journal of Political Science will discuss the disciplinary challenges that we face today, informed by the new empirical scenarios. The reflection is dedicated to the theoretical and/or empirical studies in Political Science which refer to the new democratic experiences, the reinvention of representation, the affirmation of subaltern identities, the new institutional and constitutional foundations, the phenomena of populism, the metamorphoses of left wing parties, the cases in the Andean region and the decolonial projects for global inclusion. Additionally, the South American Journal of Political Science will also receive texts for its free articles section, as well as reviews of recently released works in Political Science.
> Deadline for submission of articles: August 31, 2012.
> Edition to be released in: October 2012.
> 2. South/North Occupation from the South?
> The events which marked the Arab Spring, from January 2011 onwards, inspired a series of protests in Global North countries. Protest movements and manifestations of indignation in Spain, Greece, Italy and the United Kingdom, among other countries, flourished in the face of the serious crisis that plagued the economies in these countries. The spectrum of protests even crossed the Atlantic and camped in Wall Street, the financial heart of the United States, in September of the same year. Even though the actions in the south (the Arab countries) and the north (Europe and the Unites States) began for very different reasons, that fact is that the movements in the south inspired demonstrators in advanced capitalist countries. In this sense, we can say that the South/North occupation started from the South.
> The second Featured Section of the South American Journal of Political Science is especially dedicated to theoretical and empirical analyses of the protest movements that occurred after the Arab Spring in 2011. Texts will be received from many different theoretical and methodological areas in Political Science which focus on local, regional, national and/or international protests, actions and civil disobedience in different locations around the globe. Additionally, the South American Journal of Political Science will also receive texts for its free articles section, as well as reviews of recently released works in Political Science.
> Deadline for submission of articles: October 31, 2012.
> Edition to be released in: December 2012.
> Guidelines for authors
> 1. The South American Journal of Political Science is the scientific journal of the Graduate Program in Political Science of the Federal University of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. It accepts articles and reviews in the area of Political Science. All submitted works must be original. Sending of manuscripts: rsulacp@???
> 2. The publication of works is conditional upon approval by referee and, if necessary, faithful compliance with the content of opinions expressed. Additionally, publication will be subject to consideration of the featured section to which the work is most suited.
> 3. For approval of the work, the criteria of originality in the treatment of the subject, consistency in the use of concepts, as well as the contribution to the advancement of scientific knowledge will be taken into consideration. The names of referees and authors of the works will be maintained confidential. Authors will be informed of acceptance or rejection within 90 days after receipt of their contribution. In case of acceptance, the author will be informed of the expected date of publication, as well as any changes to be made.
> 4. The works will be published in Portuguese, Spanish or English. Articles should be at least 15 pages and may not exceed the limit of 25 pages, typed in single spacing, 12 pt, Times New Roman font. The articles should also be accompanied by abstracts of between five to ten lines, in Portuguese or Spanish and English, which should contain the objectives, methodology and conclusions of the work. A list of three to five keywords should accompany the abstracts. Any tables and graphs should be presented in an attached file. Reviews should be between three and six pages.
> 6. All contributions should present the following information on the cover page: education (graduation, specialization, master's, doctorate, post-doctorate), the institutions that granted the academic titles, the institution to which the author is currently linked, the last three publications, mailing address, e-mail address and telephone numbers.
> 7. Footnotes, reduced to a minimum and when strictly necessary, will be of an explanatory nature and should be numbered sequentially and without specific formatting. References to authors will be inserted throughout the text and the author-date system should be used in the following way. 1) For indirect quotations: (Author's surname, year of publication), example: (Althusser, 1985). 2) For direct quotations: (Author's surname, year of publication, page number), example (Foucault, 1987, p. 32). 3) Different titles by the same author published in the same year should be identified by a letter after the date, as follows: (Laclau, 2000a), (Laclau, 2000b).
> 8. Bibliographical references should be presented at the end of the work, listed in alphabetical order, according to the following rules:
> Book:
> SURNAME, Name. Title in italics: subheading. Number of edition, if not the first. Place of publication: publisher, year.
> Example:
> FOUCAULT, Michel. Vigiar e punir: nascimento da prisão. 16ª ed. Petrópolis: Vozes, 1997.
> Anthology:
> SURNAME, Name. Chapter title. In: SURNAME, Name (abbreviated) of the organizer(s). Anthology title in italics: subheading. Number of edition, if not the first. Place of publication: publisher, year.
> Example:
> HALL, Stuart. Quem precisa da identidade. In: SILVA, T. T.Identidade e diferença: a perspectiva dos estudos culturais. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2000.
> Articles in journals:
> SURNAME, Name. Title of article. Journal name in italics, volume and number of the journal, year of publication, page range.
> Example:
> LACLAU, Ernesto. Os novos movimentos sociais e a pluralidade do social. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais, v. 1, n. 2, 1986, p. 41-47.
> Dissertations and theses:
> SURNAME, Name. Title in italics. Place. Academic level and field of study [Dissertation (master's) or Thesis (doctorate)]. Institution in which it was presented, year.
> Example:
> SOARES, Gláucio. A. D. Desenvolvimento econômico e radicalismo político. Tesis de Doctorado. Washington University St Louis Mo, 1965.
> Internet (electronic documents):
> SURNAME, Name. Title [Online]. Production in italics, volume, number, year. Available at: indicate the website. Accessed on: dd/mm/yyyy.
> Example:
> CARVALHO, José Murilo de. O motivo edênico no social brasileiro [Online]. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais, vol. 13, nº 38, 1998. Available at: . Accessed on: 19/04/2007.
> < Call for Papers Revista Sul-Americana de Ciência Política.pdf>