[movimenti.bicocca] Fwd: NEWSLETTER SISP - MAGGIO 2012

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Autor: Tommaso Vitale
Dla: ML movimenti Bicocca
Temat: [movimenti.bicocca] Fwd: NEWSLETTER SISP - MAGGIO 2012

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> From: segreteria@???
> Date: 30 maggio 2012 11:56:30 GMT+02:00
> To: tommaso.vitale@???
> Cari soci,
> la SISP sta preparando il suo prossimo Convegno Annuale. Nelle prossime settimane saranno rese note le prime informazioni, sia organizzative che logistiche, in vista del Convegno. Nel frattempo, ricordiamo a tutti i coordinatori di panel che, entro il 1° giugno, dovranno comunicare alla Segreteria la composizione dei rispettivi gruppi di lavoro (indicando i relatori e anche i nomi dei discussant). Ricordiamo, infine, che tutte le altre scadenze e ricorrenze relative al Convegno, compreso il “Decalogo” per l’organizzazione dei panel, si trovano sul nostro sito internet.
> Sommario Newsletter - Maggio 2012
> -           CALL FOR APPLICATION 2012: Ph.D. Università di Trento

> -                      CALL FOR APPLICATION 2012: Master in Public Policy and Social Change

> -                      JOB OPPORTUNITIES: University of Exeter – Department of Politics

> -                      CALL FOR APPLICATION: Workshop “Introduction to Research Data Management”

> -                      CARLO ALBERTO INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL: Intergenerational Relationships in a Globalized World

> -                      CALL FOR PAPER: Seminario di Studi Post-elettorale SISE

> -                      CALL FOR PAPER: Basta! Patterns of Protest in Modern Italy. History, Agents and Representation

> -                      CALL FOR PAPER: Les régimes politiques et leurs transformations au XXIème siècle

> -                      CALL FOR PAPER: Politica, Democrazia e Genere

> -                      CORSO OPeRA: Opinione Pubblica e Rappresentanza Politica – Università di Urbino

> -                      NUOVE PUBBLICAZIONI DEI SOCI

> -          CALL FOR APPLICATION 2012: Ph.D. Università di Trento

> The doctorate in International Studies is the flagship program of the School of International Studies. It brings together research departments (Economics, Humanities, Legal Studies, Sociology and Social Research) to construct an interdisciplinary research degree.
> Starting from 24 April 2012, the School of International Studies is accepting applications for admission to its doctoral program in International Studies. The doctorate is taught entirely in English and is characterized by a multidisciplinary approach. During the first year, students take courses in politics, law, economics, as well as research methods and academic writing, before focusing exclusively on their thesis research.
> Applicants should submit a short research proposal (max. 2500 words) in one of the areas covered by the program. Applicants are encouraged to visit the school’s website (http://www.unitn.it/en/drsis/11118/faculty) to examine research interests of faculty members.
> The School offers six doctoral positions all covered by scholarships (approximately €13,500 gross per year). One of the scholarships is specifically dedicated to the topic “Strategic studies and international security”. The scholarships are renewable for three years conditional on the fulfillment of the academic requirements of the program. Further information available here: http://www.unitn.it/en/drsis/14813/admission
> -          CALL FOR APPLICATION 2012: Master in Public Policy and Social Change

> MAPS (Master in Public Policy and Social Change) is promoted by the University of Torino and held at Collegio Carlo Alberto. It is an Advanced Master's programme (Master II), open to students with at least 4 years of tertiary education (BA + MA) in social sciences (including economics and business administration), statistics, law, humanities and the like. MAPS trains highly motivated students in the processes of social change in European societies and the public policies to meet these challenges at the national, European and global level. MAPS graduates receive an Advanced Master's Degree (Master II) from the University of Torino. All courses are taught in English. MAPS will start in September 2012. Deadlines: June 1st, 2012 for students who apply for tuition waivers. Afterwards, a rolling application will be kept open. Further information here: http://carloalberto.org/maps
> -          JOB OPPORTUNITIES: University of Exeter – Department of Politics

> There are 4 job opportunities in the Department of Politics, University of Exeter:
> 1) Job title Lecturer in Politics Job reference R11272 (Date posted 22/05/2012 Application closing date 24/06/2012); Location Exeter Salary £31,948 Package Generous holiday allowances, flexible working, pension scheme, car lease scheme and relocation package (if applicable):
> http://admin.exeter.ac.uk/personnel/jobs/R11272.pdf
> 2) Job title Lecturer in Politics (Education and Research) Job reference R11267 (Date posted 21/05/2012 Application closing date 10/06/2012); Location Exeter Salary Starting salary will be £31,948 Package Generous holiday allowances, flexible working, pension scheme, car lease scheme and relocation package (if applicable): http://admin.exeter.ac.uk/personnel/jobs/R11267.pdf
> 3) Job title Lecturer in International Relations Job reference R11271 (Date posted 22/05/2012 Application closing date 05/06/2012); Location Exeter Salary Starting salary will be from £31,948 Package Generous holiday allowances, flexible working, pension scheme, car lease scheme and relocation package (if applicable): http://admin.exeter.ac.uk/personnel/jobs/R11271.pdf
> 4) Job title Professor in Political Theory Job reference R11262 (Date posted 21/05/2012 Application closing date 10/06/2012); Location Exeter Salary We are offering a starting salary of not less than of £65,000 per annum, although a higher salary may be available to an exceptional candidate. Package Generous holiday allowances, flexible working, pension scheme, car lease scheme and
> relocation package (if applicable) http://admin.exeter.ac.uk/personnel/jobs/R11262.pdf
> -          CALL FOR APPLICATION: Workshop “Introduction to Research Data Management”

> Looking after your research data is essential. Good data management practice minimizes the risk of data loss, ensures research integrity and facilitates replication; it enhances data security, research efficiency and reliability, and saves time and resources. Moreover, data management planning and data reuse is increasingly a requirement of funding organizations. This workshop extensively discusses ways to ensure the security and integrity of your research data. It is designed to address the needs of social science researchers working with either qualitative or quantitative data. Workshop sessions include basic concepts of data management, advice on writing a data management plan, licensing data for reuse or to reuse, consent and ethics for data reuse, file formats, documentation and metadata, data storage, back-up and security, data management in collaborative research, and archiving your data. Participants are expected to be advanced students or researchers in the social sciences or humanities. A good command of English is required.
> Registrations will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis. If required, a waiting list will also be ordered by application date. Further information: http://www.gesis.org/index.php?id=2194
> -          CARLO ALBERTO INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL: Intergenerational Relationships in a Globalized World

> We are glad to present you the Carlo Alberto International Summer School 2011 on ‘Intergenerational Relationships in a Globalized World’ co-organized by: Doctoral School in Political Science and International Relations (University of Turin); Graduate School in Social and Political Sciences (University of Milan); Collegio Carlo Alberto, Moncalieri (Turin). This summer school (23-27 July 2012) focuses on the theoretical and empirical complexities brought about by the introduction of the perspective of migration and geographic mobility in the analysis of intergenerational relations in ageing societies. It integrates the rich scholarship on the impact of demographic ageing on generational roles and intergenerational exchanges with that on migrations, considered from the triple perspective of the receiving and sending countries, and that of the migrants themselves as members of intergenerational networks.
> The International Summer School is devoted to PhD students and junior researchers. The organization of the Summer School is centred around two daily sessions: a lecture on the state of the art of a given topic by a scholar of international standing followed by a general discussion; a second session, chaired by the same scholar, where participants present and discuss their papers related to the topic. This is an opportunity for participants to receive suggestions for their on-going research or PhD completion.
> The International Summer School lasts five days. Applications should be addressed to Dr. Cornelia Lawson (iss.dss@???) by May 31st, 2012. Further information available here: http://www.graduateschool.unimi.it/carlo_alberto_ss_2012.html
> -          CALL FOR PAPER: Seminario di Studi Post-elettorale SISE

> La tradizionale giornata di analisi e discussione “post-elettorale”, organizzata dalla Società Italiana di Studi Elettorali, quest’anno, edizione 2012 (Firenze, si concentrerà sulle elezioni amministrative del 6-7 maggio e dei successivi ballottaggi. Di seguito vengono suggeriti alcuni temi sui quali il seminario intende concentrarsi. Sulla base delle proposte di comunicazione che perverranno alla Sise, anche su argomenti di studio diversi da quelli indicati, la giornata verrà articolata in sezioni omogenee: 1) il voto personale e di partito; 2) partiti, coalizioni e liste civiche; 3) voto e non voto; 4) nuovi soggetti politici: il Movimento 5 Stelle; 5) analisi dei risultati e dei flussi elettorali; 6) Le campagne elettorali: Modalità, organizzazione, temi e candidati.
> La scadenza entro cui far pervenire le proposte è il 20 giugno 2012. Il comitato scientifico della Sise, in base alle proposte giunte, si incaricherà di definire il programma con la successione degli interventi. L’indirizzo a cui inviare la proposte è il seguente: segreteria@??? Per ulteriori informazioni: http://www.studielettorali.it/convegni/Call%20Seminario%20SISE.pdf
> -          CALL FOR PAPER: Basta! Patterns of Protest in Modern Italy. History, Agents and Representation

> The great number and variety of protests around the globe that have defined the year 2011, provide the focus of the Annual ASMI conference 2012 (London, 23-24 November) on the topic of protest in Italy: How does Italy protest – throughout its history and in the present? How do individuals, organisations and institutions express their opposition and protest? Which forms of protest (e.g. civil, political, folkloristic, intellectual, ideological, organisational, legal, illegal) have been established with time and which other forms have developed recently? What are the issues, topics and conditions that make Italians turn to protest?
> The purpose of the conference is to bring together scholars from different disciplines and to investigate the historical, political, sociological and cultural roots and forms of expression of protest and protest movements and their dynamics and reception in Italy – topics surprisingly unexplored by academia. Issues like the contents, strategies, agents, participants, promoters, social dynamics or social and political consequences of protest have been hardly analyzed so far.
> Please send your 200-300 word proposals and a brief biography of 100 words in English or Italian by Sunday 15th July via Email to: Dr. Rada Bieberstein, University of Tuebingen, Institute of Media Studies, Email: rada.bieberstein@???; Anne Bruch, M.A., University of Hamburg, Department of History, Email: anne.bruch@???
> -          CALL FOR PAPER: Les régimes politiques et leurs transformations au XXIème siècle

> L’Association luxembourgeoise de science politique (Luxpol) lance un appel à propositions de panels en vue du 5ème congrès du réseau des associations francophones de science politique qui se tiendra les 24, 25 et 26 avril 2013 à Luxembourg- Ville. Ledit congrès qui est commun aux associations belge, française, luxembourgeoise, québécoise et suisse, a pour theme: Les régimes politiques et leurs transformations au XXIème siècle. Les proposants de panels doivent remplir le formulaire proposition de panel (ci-dessous) et le renvoyer au plus tard avant le 31 août 2012 à l’adresse suivante : demos@??? Site internet: http://luxpol.unblog.fr/
> -          CALL FOR PAPER: Politica, Democrazia e Genere

> La questione dei generi si incrocia da più di un secolo con la natura, la qualità ed il funzionamento dei sistemi politici democratici. Declinata più specificamente come problema del mancato/ridotto riconoscimento del ruolo delle donne in politica (e non solo), la questione ha attraversato almeno quattro diverse stagioni: a) quella del riconoscimento formale del diritto all’elettorato attivo e passivo anche femminile; b) quella del dibattito sul raggiungimento sostanziale di pari opportunità e pari rappresentanza, tramite azioni positive, quote rosa, ecc.; c) quella della richiesta di servizi (sociali, in primis, a tutela della maternità e dell’equa ripartizione dei carichi domestici tra donna e uomo) a garanzia dell’effettiva praticabilità di ruoli politici da parte delle donne; d) quella, infine, riconducibile all’idea che l’adozione di un più completo punto di vista di genere anche in politica non possa che accrescere la sensibilità verso i bisogni di tutte le persone e migliorare la qualità complessiva della politica e del governo.    

> Il convegno, organizzato dalla Associazione Italiana di Sociologia e che si terrà a Roma, presso la Facoltà di Scienze Politiche dell’Università La Sapienza, dal 4 al 5 ottobre 2012, si propone di fare il punto su questi aspetti e su altri ad essi correlati. Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare il sito: http://www.ais-sociologia.it/call-for-papers/politica-democrazia-e-genere/
> -          CORSO OPeRA: Opinione Pubblica e Rappresentanza Politica – Università di Urbino

> È con piacere che segnaliamo a tutti i soci il Corso di aggiornamento professionale OPeRA (Opinione Pubblica e Rappresentanza Politica), promossa dalla Facoltà di Scienze Politiche dell’Università di Urbino. La struttura del corso prevede complessivamente n. 450 ore di attività formative, corrispondenti a n. 18 CFU. L’attività didattica si articola in quattro moduli. Ogni modulo è costituito da lezioni frontali e incontri seminariali. Il percorso formativo sarà supportato da attività di tutoring. Corso ad accesso libero, 50 posti disponibili, termine utile per la preiscrizione 31/05/2012. Ulteriori informazioni: http://www.uniurb.it/it/portale/?mist_id=0&lang=IT&tipo=LRT&page=178&aa=&id=1305208

> Ø Pietro Grilli di Cortona, Orazio Lanza e Barbara Pisciotta (con la collaborazione di Luca Germano), Capire la politica. Una prospettiva comparata, Novara, UTET, 2012;
> Ø Gianni Piazza (a cura di), Il movimento delle occupazioni di squat e centri sociali in Europa, in "Partecipazione e Conflitto", n. 1, Milano, Franco Angeli, aprile 2012;
> Ø Fabrizio Tonello, L'Età dell'ignoranza. E' possibile una democrazia senza cultura?, Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 2012;
> Ø Cristian Vaccari, La politica online: Internet, partiti e cittadini nelle democrazie occidentali, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2012.