[movimenti.bicocca] International Symposium - "The neolibera…

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Lähettäjä: Tommaso Vitale
Vastaanottaja: ML movimenti Bicocca
Aihe: [movimenti.bicocca] International Symposium - "The neoliberal city: a credible thesis?" - September 13th 14th 2012 - Lyon / Saint-Etienne (France)
> The neoliberal city: a credible thesis?
> September 13th-14th 2012
> Lyon / Saint-Etienne (France)
> Université de Lyon / Intelligences des Mondes Urbains
> Sciences Po Lyon / Université Jean Monnet de Saint-Etienne
> EVS / Triangle
> For now more than two decades, the signs of a cities comeback and of the reinforcement of urban and metropolitan governments have multiplied. The emergence of figures of great urban leaders, the reinforcement of metropolitan institutions, the enlargement of the range of policies implemented by urban governments but also the launch of major urban projects and the organization of major events are all elements which attest this trend.
> For some, this urban renaissance took place under the signs of entrepreneurialism and neo-liberal agendas. Whether liberal or conservative, urban governments seem to have the same agendas and priorities: creating the best conditions to attract businesses, investors, tourists, and the so-called "creative classes" rather than ensuring the reproduction of labor and the redistribution of the benefits of urban growth. The obsession with growth and competitiveness appears to be widely shared by urban policymakers, making them some of the prominent operators of the neoliberal globalization.
> However, other readings nuance this picture of a standardization of neoliberal urban agendas and policies. From one city to another, from one national context to another, differences express in the weight given in urban policies to the competitiveness objectives and those of the struggle against inequalities. What if there were still many varieties of urban policies as there are varieties of capitalism and welfare state? And if behind the highly visible flagship urban projects and events, there were discrete policy choices that were able to change drastically the life of urban dwellers from one city to another.
> Organized over two days and gathering the best international specialists of urban studies, the symposium "The neoliberal city: a credible theory? " aims to take stock of this controversy and to confront the research results derived from various disciplinary perspectives: political science, sociology, geography, economy, etc.
> This conference is the inaugural event that will celebrate the opening of the "AlterVilles" master degree. The Altervilles master degree is offered by Université Jean Monnet Saint-Étienne and by Sciences Po Lyon, members of Université de Lyon. It is a master degree with both research and vocational training intended to train professionals of urban policy and strategy making with a focus on the research of alternatives to mainstream solutions.
> Information and registration : please send an email to Anne-Cécile COULET (anne.cecile.coulet@???)
> Venue :            Saint-Etienne Télécom, Université Jean Monnet (25 rue Docteur Rémy Annino, Saint-Etienne) (to be confirmed)

> 9h00-9h30 :      Welcome coffee

> 9h30-10h00 :     Introductive speeches

> 10h00-10h30 : Introductive session
> Christelle MOREL JOURNEL (Université Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne, EVS), Gilles PINSON (Sciences Po Lyon, Triangle), « Néolibéralisation généralisée des politiques urbaines ou variété des capitalismes urbains ? »
> 10h30-12h15 :   SESSION 1 
>                        The neoliberalisation of urban policies. Theoretical and historical frameworks and controversies

> Alan HARDING (University of Manchester), « Is there a neoliberal project for cities? A sympathetic critique of the Critical Approach »
> Jason HACKWORTH (University of Toronto), « The neoliberal city as a political and scholarly construct »
> Manuel AALBERS (Universiteit van Amsterdam), « Do maps make geography? The pre-histories of neoliberal urbanism in the U.S. »
> Roundtable
> 14h00-15h45 : SESSION 2
>                         State, cities, markets, crisis

> Marisol GARCIA (Universitat de Barcelona), « State-led estate boosterism and the breakdown of the Spanish urban model » (to be confirmed)
> Anne HAILA (University of Helsinki), « Housing and estate policies in East Asian cities: between municipal socialism and State-present capitalism »
> Dominique LORRAIN (CNRS, LATTS), « Variétés de capitalisme. Ce que nous apprennent les firmes urbaines »
> Roundtable
> 16h00-17h45 : SESSION 3
>                       The neoliberal city : policies, actors, instruments

> Fulong WU (Bartlett School of Planning, University College London), « State entrepreneurialism and the production of urban inequalities in China »
> Patrick LE GALES (Sciences Po Paris, CEE), « Convergence néolibérale ou dépendance au(x) sentier(s) : que nous apprend l’analyse des politiques urbaines ? »
> Mike RACO (Bartlett School of Planning, University College London), « Hybrid neoliberalisation: sustainability and the transformation of urban policies »
> Roundtable
> Venue:               Sciences Po Lyon (Petit Amphi), 4 rue Charles Appleton Lyon

> 9h00-9h30 :        Welcome coffee

> 9h30-10h00 :      Introductive speeches

> 10h30-12h15 : SESSION 4
>                         The neoliberal city : processes, forms, effects

> Edmond PRETECEILLE (Sciences Po Paris, OSC), « Ségrégations et inégalités urbaines dans les grandes métropoles européennes: les impacts de la crise financière » (to be confirmed)
> Costanzo RANCI (Politecnico di Milano), « Disconnected cities: competitiveness and social cohesion in neo-liberal cities »
> Hélène REIGNER (IFSTTAR), « De l'analyse du cadrage néolibéral des politiques urbaines à l'objectivation de leurs effets dans la ville. Le cas des politiques de transport et de déplacements en France »
> Roundtable
> 14h00-15h45 : SESSION 5
>                         Citizenship, mobilizations, conflicts and governance in the neoliberal city

> Mustafa DIKEÇ (Royal Holloway, Londres), « Ce que la néolibéralisation fait à la citoyenneté urbaine »
> Tommaso VITALE (Sciences Po Paris), « Objets, formes et lieux du conflit dans la ville néolibérale »
> Christian LEFEVRE (Institut Français d’Urbanisme, LATTS), « Les élites économiques urbaines, nouvelles élites politiques ? »
> Roundtable
> 15h45-16h30 : Posters sessions organised by IMU PhD students
> 16h30-17h00 : Conclusive session
> Michael STORPER (London School of Economics, Sciences Po Paris), « Justice, Efficiency and Urban Policy »
> Felipe DE ALBA (Collegium international de Lyon), « Neoliberalization and the city. A view from the South » (to be confirmed)
> Christelle MOREL JOURNEL (UJM, EVS), Gilles PINSON (Sciences Po, Triangle), Vincent BEAL (King’s College, Londres), Stéphane CADIOU (Université de Nice, ERMES), Eric CHARMES (ENTPE, EVS), Rémi DORMOIS (EVS), Deborah GALIMBERTI (Triangle), Charlotte HALPERN (FNSP, Pacte), Aisling HEALY (UJM, Triangle), Gwenola LE NAOUR (IEP, Triangle), Julie POLLARD (Université de Lausanne), Hélène REIGNER (IFSTTAR), Max ROUSSEAU (Triangle), Valérie SALA PALA (UJM, Triangle)
> Information and registration : please send an email to Anne-Cécile COULET (anne.cecile.coulet@???)