[Occupyresearch] New Articles on Occupy in AE (Juris, Razsa/…

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Lähettäjä: Jeff Juris
Päiväys: 2012-05-10 20:50 -000
Vastaanottaja: List of the shared space for distributed research occupyresearch
Vanhat otsikot: Re: [Occupyresearch] Occupy Research in the NYT
Aihe: [Occupyresearch] New Articles on Occupy in AE (Juris, Razsa/Kurnik, and Nugent)
Hi all,

American Ethnologist's (AE) May 2012 issue (Volume 39, Issue 2) features
three open-access articles on the Occupy movements (by Jeffrey Juris,
Maple Razsa/Andrej Kurnik, and David Nugent).

See Juris on social media, public space, and Occupy; Razsa and Kurnik on
Occupy and direct democracy in Žižek's hometown, and Nugent's
commentary on both pieces.

***Photos, abstracts, and direct links to the articles are available on AE's website: http://www.americanethnologist.org

Click on the Occupy article titles and you will be taken to the
abstracts (and accompanying photos), and at the end of the abstracts you
will find live open access links to the full article PDFs in the
Wiley-Online Library.

The pieces are titled as follows:

Maple Razsa and Andrej Kurnik, "The Occupy Movement in Žižek’s hometown: Direct democracy and a politics of becoming"

Jeffrey S. Juris, "Reflections on #Occupy Everywhere: Social media, public space, and emerging logics of aggregation"

David Nugent, "Commentary: Democracy, temporalities of capitalism, and dilemmas of inclusion in Occupy movements"

Please spread the word!

Thanks, Jeff

Jeffrey S. Juris

Associate Professor of Anthropology

Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Northeastern University
