Re: [Occupyresearch] OWS is largely a group of self-describe…

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Autor: Eric Lotke
Data: 2012-04-13 18:11 -000
Dla: List of the shared space for distributed research occupyresearch, jake
Temat: Re: [Occupyresearch] OWS is largely a group of self-described anarchists
But let us not forget and become defensive about this. We are often
described as anarchists or communists or criminals, vagabonds, disaffected
college kids ... whatever. And some number of us will answer to one or more
of those labels, especially without probing what the label means (eg.
anarchist). Who cares?

The key is not who we are but the political point being made. We don't want
a "hand out" or a "free ride."

Occupiers want jobs, not hand-outs. Many actually have them.

Occupiers want the rich to pay their fair share. Big corporations that use
our roads, schools and courts are the free riders!

What happened to "self-reliance in America?" It came to the park to defend
the American Dream, in the face of police threats.

"Re-build the infrastructure," I often say. "Put people work doing it. Need
money? Go where the money is." -- Is that an anarchist in search of a

Have a nice day.

On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 4:34 PM, <jake@???> wrote:

> Hi Occupy Research folks,
> There is a US senate candidate in WI whose new ad is saying
> "OWS is largely a group of self-described anarchists who want a hand out
> in the form of high paying jobs regardless of merit. What ever happened to
> self reliance in America"
> He also says ows is like Wall Street itself because they "simply want a
> free ride" off the taxpayer.
> I'd like use OR data to debunk this claim. I know preliminary results of
> surveying suggested only a tiny fraction of survey respondents
> self-described using a form of the word anarchism, but I was hoping on more
> finalized data and will be contacting the campaign directly. Thanks in
> advance,
> Gus Wynn, Editor
> <>
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