[Occupyresearch] Allied Media Conference OR survey session

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Lähettäjä: Mary Joyce
Vastaanottaja: occupyresearchsurvey, occupyresearch, Mark, Patricia Camilien, Amani, Elahe
Aihe: [Occupyresearch] Allied Media Conference OR survey session
Hi All,

On the survey call last night Chris, Saba, and I discussed the idea of
doing a training on how to analyze the occupy survey data at the Allied
Media Conference <http://amc.alliedmedia.org/>, with a focus on training
occupiers in attendance.

If you are planning to attend the conference and would like to be a
trainer, please respond to this thread. You do not need to know how to
train on survey data analysis now, you would just need to commit to
becoming trained (through participating in one of Sasha's planned training
webinars) before the conference, which is June 28-July 1 in Detroit.


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Digital Activism Consultant | www.MaryJoyce.com
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