[movimenti.bicocca] International Seminar "Personal networks…

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Autor: Tommaso Vitale
Dla: ML movimenti Bicocca
Temat: [movimenti.bicocca] International Seminar "Personal networks in times of economic hardship and political discontent". 11-13 July 2012 | egolab

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International Seminar "Personal networks in times of economic hardship and political discontent". 11-13 July 2012

Submission deadline: May 1, 2012.


The Personal Networks Laboratory (egolab-GRAFO),

Wednesday 11, Thursday 12 and Friday 13 of July, Auditorium, Faculty of Arts, Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Confirmed keynote speakers:

Christopher McCarty, Director of the Bureau of Economic and Business Research and Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Florida, US, http://www.bebr.ufl.edu/facultystaff/chrism
The Network Scale-Up Method (NSUM): Past, Present and Future.

Markku Lonkila, Adjunct Professor at the Department of Social Research, University of Helsinki, Finland, http://blogs.helsinki.fi/lonkila
The Role of Personal Networks and Social Media in Mobilizing Russian Opposition Protests.


The Autonomous University of Barcelona organizes for the second year the International Seminar on Personal Networks, this time with the theme "Personal networks in times of economic hardship and political discontent". In light of the financial crisis, we wish to focus on the instrumental dimensions of personal networks for individuals and communities. More specifically, we wish to discuss to what extent individuals can mobilize economic resources via their personal networks, or social resources in response to economic needs. In addition, we wish to address the question how personal networks are used to mobilize collective action such as protest. Scholars working in these areas are warmly invited to present their research in the seminar. We are particularly interested in contributions that do not only demonstrate that resources or collective action are mobilized via personal networks, but that also pay attention to the underlying mechanisms, the conditions under which it occurs (or does not occur), or that control for alternative explanations such as different distributions of network resources among social groups. Both quantitative and qualitative contributions are welcome.

Some of the potential topics are:
- The use of informal network connections for sustaining small and medium enterprises.
- Effects of mixed embeddedness of ethnic entrepreneurs / ethnic enclaves.
- The use of network contacts for getting hired or promoted in a job.
- The role of personal networks in the decision to move abroad to improve job prospects.
- The role of personal networks in coping with poverty.
- Effects of the financial crisis on the social capital available through personal networks.
- Comparison of properties of personal networks of the employed and unemployed.
- The mobilization of citizens through personal networks for political protest.
- The role of social media in the spontaneous organization of civic demonstrations or protest.
- Institutional, organizational and/or network constraints on the mobilization of resources through personal networks.

The seminar will take place in continuation of the summer course "The measurement of personal networks" which is also organized by the research group egolab-GRAFO (www.egolab.cat, see for the contents of the course http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/egolab/content/summer-course).

Researchers interested in participating in the seminar are invited to submit a title and an abstract of max. one page before the 1st of May to gr.egoredes@???. Authors will be notified of acceptance by the 15th of May. Enquiries about the seminar can also be sent to gr.egoredes@???.

The participation fee is €90, payable by bank transfer before the 20th of June, 2012. The fee covers 2 lunches and 1 dinner, coffee and tea served at the breaks, a name badge and a conference program.

Important dates:
- Abstract submission deadline: 1st of May, 2012
- Acceptance decisions: 15th of May, 2012
- Finalization of the program: 1st of June, 2012
- Registration deadline: 20th of June, 2012
- International Seminar: 11-13 of July, 2012

Scientific committee:

Local committee:
Miranda Lubbers, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain
José Luis Molina, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain

Additional consultants:
Filip Agneessens, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Wenhong Chen, University of Texas at Austin, US
Mario Diani, Pompeu Fabra University, Spain
Isidro Maya Jariego, University of Sevilla, Spain
Joan Miquel Verd, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain

Accommodation can be found on the campus of the same University, either as apartment (contact in this case with ines.zamora ad uab.cat for a special rate completing the same form as for the Summer Course) or in the Campus Hotel (http://www.hotelcampusuab.com). Of course, participants can also book a hotel in the center of Barcelona.

How to get to the UAB

The best way for getting to the UAB from the centre of Barcelona is by train with the "Ferrocarils de la Generalitat de Catalunya, FGC", lines S2 and S55. From Catalonia Square ("Plaça Catalunya", at the Centre of Barcelona) the trip takes about 30 minutes. There is a stop for the University, which is "Universitat Autònoma". From this stop to the Faculty of Arts ("Facultat de Lletres") or to the "Vil•la" (the accommodation facilities) the walk takes about 10 minutes.

There is another train station close to the University named "Cerdanyola-Universitat", from the national train company Renfe, but it is a bit far from the Campus, so we recommend strongly to take the FGC line instead.

How to get to the Airport from Catalonia Square ("Plaça Catalunya")

Take the "Aerobus" shuttle, in front of El Corte Inglés (a big mall). You will note that there are two separate queues – one for the Aerobus (A1) to Terminal 1 (T1) and one for the Aerobus (A2) to Terminal 2 (T2). The trip takes about 40'.

Previous International Seminars (2011)


Bank transfer details

Sender:(Name - Surname)
Beneficiary: Facultat de Lletres - UAB
Subject: International Seminar 2012
IBAN ES87 2013 0692 8102 02084930
90 Euro

Data i hora: 11 Juliol, 2012 (Tot el dia)
Lloc: Sala de Graus - Facultat de Lletres (UAB)
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International Seminar "Personal networks in times of economic hardship and political discontent". 11-13 July 2012
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