[RSF] FW: [pace] Libia: non è finita

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Autor: pilar anita quarzell castel
Dla: juliavshawlawrence, forumroma
Temat: [RSF] FW: [pace] Libia: non è finita

> To: pace@???
> From: a.marescotti@???
> Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2012 00:46:44 +0000
> Subject: [pace] Libia: non è finita
> www.peacelink.it
> -----Original Message-----
> From: glry@???
> Sender: disarmo-request@???: Fri, 20 Jan 2012 01:24:13
> To: <CSINISTRI@???>
> Reply-To: disarmo@???
> Cc: <disarmo@???>
> Subject: Libia: non è finita - Libya and the NTC: 12,000 US troops to Libya
> Report dalla Libia, 19 gennaio 2011
> Truppe USA di rinforzo in arrivo in Libia: la Resistenza e i contrasti in NTC (Governo di
> transizione) creano problemi imprevisti (??).
> La corsa agli oleodotti pure, tra truppe francesi, qatariane e accampamenti italici nel deserto
> a far la guardia ai barili di petrolio (perduti) e ai datteri (sporchi di sangue uranio e fosforo).
> Il Progetto per il Nuovo Secolo Americano del National Endowment for Democracy si
> sviluppa nel chaos da esso stesso progettato e messo in opera.
> Tra lavoratori libici espulsi dagli impianti strategici e sostituiti da tecnici occidentali, fame
> carcere e miseria, inquinamento chimico e nucleare, la caccia ai Black Libyans procede nel
> silenzio dei media e di Amnesy International. Chi sulla propria terra resiste risponde: `Let the
> Americans come. We want them to taste our sandwiches. We will give them the same
> serving they got in Vietnam.´
> La giornalista autrice dell'articolo, statunitense, invita i connazionali, quando saranno
> chiamati alle urne, a ricordare gli autori e i corresponsabili di questi crimini pianificati. Per
> quanto vale, nei ristretti limiti delle nostre pseudodemocrazie, ricordiamoci anche noi di chi,
> negli organi rappresentativi e governativi e tra le parti sociali, supporta le politiche e i
> finanziamenti alle missioni, alle spese e all'industria militari. Vote for peace, lavorare per la
> pace, costruire la pace.
> "Odio l'indifferenza".
> J. Ellero
> --------
> Libya and the NTC: 12,000 US troops to Libya
> Cynthia McKinney
> 2012-01-19, Issue 566
> http://pambazuka.org/en/category/features/79227
> http://www.pambazuka.org/en/category/features/79227
> There are fears that the US is in the process of sending thousands of troops to Libya, but
> there is a way that you can vote for peace.
> --
> It is with great disappointment that I receive the news from foreign media publications and
> Libyan sources that our President now has 12,000 US troops stationed in Malta and they are
> about to make their descent into Libya.
> For those of you who have not followed closely the situation in Libya, the resistance to the
> rule of the National Transitional Council is strong. The National Transitional Council (NTC)
> cast of characters has about as much support on the ground as did Mahmoud Abbas before
> the United Nations request for Palestinian statehood or Afghanistan's regal-looking but
> politically impotent Hamid Karzai or for that matter, George W Bush after eight years.
> The NTC not only has to contend with a vibrant, well-financed, grassroots-supported
> resistance, but the various militias of the NTC are now also fighting each other. I believe
> this `sociocide´ of Libyan society, as we previously witnessed in Iraq and Afghanistan before
> it, is part of a carefully crafted plan of destabilization that ultimately serves US imperial
> interests and those of a Zionist state and its US agents who are bent on Greater Israel's
> suzerainty over huge swaths of Arabic-speaking populations. Pakistan is also on the list for
> neutering in Muslim and world affairs, saddled with its own unpopular civilian leadership that
> finds itself in the hip pocket of the United States for survival, often getting sat upon by its
> fiscal guarantor.
> The `Arab Spring´ has sprung and the indelible fingerprints of malignant foreign financed
> operations must be erased if the people are to have a chance to truly govern themselves.
> Unfortunately, these foreign-inspired organizations are present and operating in just about
> every country in the world. The threat is ever-present like sleeping cells - all that is needed
> is that the right word to `activate´ be given. Both Daniel Ortega and Hugo Chavez can write
> tomes on the impact of the National Endowment for Democracy in the political life of their
> countries.
> In other words, those who create the chaos have a plan and in the midst of chaos, they
> usually are the ones who will win. Those who wrote the plan of this chaos were affiliated with
> the Project for a New American Century - read `A Clean Break´ if you already haven't.
> General Wesley Clark told us of the plan to invade and destroy the governments of seven
> countries in five years: Iraq, Syria Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran. `These people
> took control of the policy in the United States,´ Clark continues. He concludes, `This country
> was taken over by a group of people with a policy coup: Wolfowitz, Cheney, Rumsfeld,
> and...collaborators from the Project for a New American Century: they wanted us to
> destabilize the Middle East.´ Clark concludes: `The root of the problem is the strategy of the
> United States in this region. Why are Americans dying in this region? That is the issue,´ he
> finishes.
> Now, from Libya, reports are that even while the Misrata rebels (NATO allies responsible for
> the murder of hundreds of Libyans, including Moatessem Qaddafi) attempted to scale the
> petroleum platforms in Brega (an important oil town in Libya), they were annihilated by the
> Apache helicopters of their own NATO allies. A resistance Libyan doctor-become-journalist
> reported that all of the petroleum platforms are occupied by NATO and that warships occupy
> Libya's ports. Photographs show Italian encampments in the desert with an announcement
> that the French are to follow.
> Another news outlet reports that Qataris and Emiratees are the engineers now at the oil
> plants, turning away desperate Libyan workers. While long lines exist for Libyan drivers to
> get their gas, foreign troops ensure the black gold's export. Libyans lack enough food and
> the basics, the country has been turned upside down, and contaminated with uranium while
> the true number of dead and unaccounted for remains high and unknown. Thousands of
> young Libyans, supporters of the Jahamiriya, languish under torture and assassination in a
> Misrata prison where a humanitarian disaster is about to unfold because Misrata rebels want
> to kill them all and have already attacked the prison once to do so.
> An urgent appeal to contact the International Red Cross was issued to help save the lives of
> the prisoners. And finally, Black Libyans continue to be targeted for harassment and murder
> in Libya by US/NATO allies on the ground. Teaching hate, given the images of US soldiers
> in Afghanistan urinating on Afghani dead bodies, is not a difficult thing to do, it would seem.
> Videos are posted of Black Libyans being beaten, whipped, threatened, harassed, and
> humiliated. These videos remind me of the antebellum South - reminiscent of the days of
> slavery and The Confederacy. So, when I use the word `descend´ to describe US anticipated
> actions, I mean just that: US troops are about to descend into the hell on Earth created by
> their President and the leaders of other countries who approved of, aided, or participated in
> the death of Libyan-owned society. A report from last night indicates that one militia, fearing
> other militias, even invited foreigners in to protect them.
> I hope the report that I'm reading from 12 January 2012 is not true. I hope our President has
> not sent 12,000 troops of occupation to Malta destined for Libya. Lucy Grider-Bradley (of our
> DIGNITY Delegation) reminded me of the words of a high-ranking Libyan Jahamiriya
> Foreign Ministry representative who just happened to be at the Tunisia/Libya border office at
> the same time we were waiting there. He said, `Let the Americans come. We want them to
> taste our sandwiches. We will give them the same serving they got in Vietnam.´
> Please write to our President (at www.whitehouse.gov) and ask him not to send troops of
> occupation (or whatever `euphemism de jour´ this Administration chooses to use) to Libya.
> To save the lives of the young men in prison, please e-mail the International Red Cross at
> any or all of the e-mail addresses given below:
> in Tripoli 218213409262 / Croix rouge
> 218919418066 / 218925236582
> : tri_tripoli@???
>      Le président de la croix rouge
>   41227346001/  41227332057
> webmaster@???

>   : Organisation de protection des droits de l'homme
>    : à London
> David Mepham
> UK Director

> Eleanor Blatchley
> Associate
> Tel: +44 (0) 20-7713-2788
> blatche@???
>     : En Suisse
> Geneva
> Switzerland
> Tel: +41-22-738-0481
> fax: +41-22-738-1791

> : http://www.lrc.org.ly/contactus.html
> And then, please view the most recent addition to the extremely valuable work of a young
> documentarian, Julien Teil, who caught Amnesty International red-handed in proselytizing
> the lies in the lead-up to this Libya debacle that they tried to take back. In short, Amnesty
> admits that the `African mercenaries´ was just a rumor from the start. How many Black
> Libyans are suffering and have died because this woman and others like her safely
> ensconced in their seats of authority used them to proffer lies instead of protect the truth?
> The video is in both French and English and can be viewed here.
> Lastly, there is one thing you can do: refuse to vote for war. Your vote is your most precious
> political asset. When you vote for Congressional representatives who, in turn, vote for war,
> you allow the people who made the coup - the people that General Wesley Clark talked
> about - you allow them to win. Overturn the coup by voting for peace. Cast your vote for
> peace. Ignore the pundits on the Sunday morning talk shows and vote for peace. Turn off
> the crap TV and vote for peace. Don't even listen to your friends who think you've gone
> crazy, just vote for peace.
> Cindy Piester, a documentarian who hosted the last event that I attended with my aunt in
> Ventura, California, just finished a film, `On the Dark Side in Al Doura - A Soldier in the
> Shadows´ in which Dick Cheney says that the United States has to `work toward the dark
> side, spend time in the shadows, in the intelligence world.´ He goes on to say, `A lot of what
> needs to be done will have to be done quietly without any discussion, using sources and
> methods that are available to our intelligence agencies.´ View her extremely well-done and
> sad film here and please, don't let this gang of coup plotters take you and this country into
> the shadows where we don't need or want to be.
> Vote peace.
> .
> --- from : jure ellero <glry@???>
> ----------------------------------------------
> per comunicazioni: <glry@???>
> NOTIZIE LIBIA: http://news.stcom.net
> Redazione "L'Unità dei Comunisti F.V.G.":
> <redazione.cufvg@???>
> Indirizzo Comunisti Uniti Friuli-V.G.:
> <comunistiunitifvg@???>
> Sito nazionale Comunisti Uniti:
> http://www.comunistiuniti.it
> ----------------------------------------------
> --
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> Si sottintende l'accettazione della Policy Generale:
> http://web.peacelink.it/policy.html
> --
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