Re: [Hackmeeting] hackmeeting 2012

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Autor: ZioPRoTo (Saverio Proto)
Datum: 2011-07-18 07:43 -000
To: hackmeeting
Betreff: Re: [Hackmeeting] hackmeeting 2012
> We urgently need to reclaim this independence, to ensure the free flow of information.
> One way out is the deployment of darknets and encrypted tunnels layered over the existing commercial internet.
> In this talk I will argue for a more radical option though; I will call to abandon the existing infrastructure and build our own.

A Roma ci stiamo costruendo l'infrastruttura da soli.

Siamo arrivati quasi a 100 nodi di backbone attivi.

Se qualcuno vuole partecipare ci può scrivere a contatti@???
