Re: [Hackmeeting] sito hm e languages


著者: q9c9p
To: hackmeeting
題目: Re: [Hackmeeting] sito hm e languages
Direi che tra le modifiche di lilo e quelle di bruno preferisco quelle di

sembrerebbe poter essere definitivo, che ne dite?

le faq sono gia tradotte, quindi ce da cambiare il link nella pagina eng
da alle faq eng

per quanto riguarda le altre lingue non posso essere d'aiuto.


White_Rabbit ha scritto:
> Ho modificato ciò che ritengo impreciso
> #######################################################################
> The world will end, but given that we care about it just enogh,
> meanwhile we're organizing another hackmeeting.
> From nuclear mushroom clouds to computing clouds: technology and
> knowledge when centralized for economical and political interests and
> in contrast to individual and collective aspirations of autonomy,
> inevitably bring to the... apocalypse!
> If instead you think we can do better, if you're not afraid from
> dismantling everything to see how it works and build it again: seize the
> time! Because later it could be too late. Time is running, the world
> system is not working properly. Tic-tac, tic-tac: is it a clock or a
> time bomb?
> The last hackmeeting before 2012.
> Hackmeeting 24-25-26 June - Florence ( Firenze - IT )
> Hackmeeting is the annual meeting of the italian digital counter
> cultures, of those communities facing in a critical manner the
> technology development process in our society. But not just this, even
> much more. We whisper it in your ear and yours only, you must not tell
> anyone: hackit is for real hackers only, that is for those who want to
> manage their lives as they like and that know how to struggle for it.
> Even if they have never seen a computer in their lives.
> Three days of workshops, games, parties, debates, exchanges of ideas and
> collective learning, to analyse together the technologies we use every
> day, how they change and which contortion they introduce into our real
> and virtual lives, what role we can play in driving this change to free
> it from the control of those who want to monopolize the development,
> crumbling the social fabric and trapping us into virtual spaces more and
> more tight.
> The event is completely self-managed: there are nor organizers neither
> users, only participants.
> This year hackmeeting will be in Florence at the CSA nEXT Emerson in Via
> di Bellagio 15.
> Hackmeeting has free access. At the entrance there will be place for a
> spontaneous donations/subscriptions to contribute for the organizational
> costs of the three day event and of the warm-ups.
> If you want to participate with a workshop subscribe to the mailing list
> and propose your idea. Meanwhile publish it on the wiki specifying when
> you would like to do it, of what you'd like to talk about and how much
> time your workshop would need. Everything is self managed.
> ############################################################################
> /bruno
> --
> XMPP (jabber) bruno@??? (gmail chat/pidgin)
> SIP (ekiga/empathy/jitsi/blink)
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> Hackmeeting mailing list
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