[movimenti.bicocca] Urban Conflicts in Immigrant Paths to Ci…

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Autor: Tommaso Vitale
Para: ML movimenti Bicocca
Temas novos: [movimenti.bicocca] Call for paper on Social Media and Social Mobilizations: Mediating Revolution and Resistance in the Arab World (Palermo, 8-10 September 2011)
Asunto: [movimenti.bicocca] Urban Conflicts in Immigrant Paths to Citizenship
Italian Society for Political Science
XXV Congresso SISP
Palermo, September 8th – 10th 2011

Section: Partecipazione e movimenti sociali

Chairs: Lorenzo Mosca (Università di Roma3) and Gianni Piazza (Università di Catania)


Urban Conflicts in Immigrant Paths to Citizenship

Convenors: Noemi Podestà and Tommaso Vitale

This year the panel traditionally dedicated to the conflictual dimension of local politics will focus on the question of the social and political citizenship of immigrants. The speed and intensity of migratory flows has brought widespread changes, and not only in demographic structures and work markets, but also in political life. Immigration is a politicised issue on which new and important cleavages are based, as demonstrated so masterfully by – among others – Kriesi et al (OUP, 2008). Research has however privileged the analysis of immigrants as the objects of politics and policies. Only recently have new strands of research emerged that look at immigrant political actions. However, these tend to concentrate on the most conventional forms of participation, studying associational networks, transnational solidarity, or proposals on cultural consumption. This panel seeks instead to highlight research that stresses the articulation between participation and conflict, taking into account the effects of socialisation and learning in the exercising of those rights contentious processes may imply, or vice versa.

Papers based on comparative qualitative researches, on comparative – historical approaches, on small-N data sets, as well as comparative researches mixing different data collection techniques are mostly welcome.

Paper proposals are expected to be around 5.000 characters. Each abstract will be evaluated looking at its:

-       quality and clarity of the research question;

-       methodological precision;

-       theoretical original contribution and discussion of available knowledge.

-       relevance and pertinence with the workshop’s themes.

Final Papers can not exceed 50.000 characters (spaces, notes and references comprises). To allow maximum time for discussion, we intend that all papers should be circulated by e-mail and put on the SISP website.

·        Paper-proposals should be sent by June 30th 2011

·        Acceptance will be communicated by July 6th 2011

·        Papers have to be completed and circulated by August 29th 2011

Please send proposals to both the two convenors:

Noemi Podestà, Centro Interdipartimentale Volontariato e Impresa Sociale, Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale: noemi.podesta@???

Tommaso Vitale, Centre d’études européennes, Sciences Po: tommaso.vitale@???

The co-organizers will be glad to answer any questions you may have about the session. No funds could be provided for travels and accommodation costs.

International Scholars in Urban Conflicts and Contentious Politics should be interested also in the new Italian academic peer-reviewed Journal “Partecipazione e conflitto”. Please check for call for papers and new issue at: http://www.francoangeli.it/Riviste/sommario.asp?IDRivista=152