Pour ceux et celles qui seraient intéressé-es à suivre les activités de la
SCÉPSIEuropean School of Social Imagination San Marino.
La conférence d'ouverture de SCÉPSIaura lieu les 20, 21, 22 mai à Saint Marin.
(suit le programme)
SCEPSI is a game that starts from this premise: no matter what the European
authorities will do, Europe is over. Drying up of the social energies, falling
expectations and final meltdown of finance are leading the EU to the final
collapse. What is our imagination of Europe in the very moment of its possible
What is the place of Art in this game of reinvention of the institution that
once was called University? Art is the decisive link of conscious mental
activity and sensibility, and also the link of sensibility and sensitivity.
Significantly during the last decade Art has played a crucial role in modeling
the perception of a new form of alienation. If we think of experiences like
Lijza Athila’s video art, or Jonathan Franzen’s Corrections, and Gus Van Sant’s
Elephant and Miranda July’s No one belongs to here like you and Me and You and
everyone we know, and Iron3 by Kim ki Duk, just to quote a few ones, we think
of the account and the phenomenology of suffering in the age of the subjugation
of the body and of the soul to the rhythm of Semiocapital
exploitation. Re-activation of sensibility and sensitivity – the affective and
sensuous understanding of the other – is the key of the process of self
organization of collective intelligence. This is a therapeutic process of its
own, a process that Felix Guattari would call simultaneously chaosmotic and
skizoanalitic. Poetry is the language of such a therapeutic – chaosmotic and
skizoanalitic – project. The therapeutic and artistic act of poetry is going to
open a new space for epistemological autonomy.
Reinventing the autonomy of knowledge is the task of our time. It’s not only a
political task. The epistemic foundation of research and learning as autonomous
activities is at stake, when dogmas of profit, growth, competition take the
lead in the old institutions of production and transmission of knowledge.
This is why we are calling students and researchers, artists and scientists and
social activists to gather in the first conference of SCEPSI that will take
place in San Marino, on May 20, 21 and 22.
Protests against the financial aggression and the destruction of the public
school in the European continent are spreading, but we have to create new
institutions, aimed to self organization of cognitive workers and to the
reactivation of social sensibility and imagination.
The conference will be the first act of the activity of the European School of
Social Imagination, that in the next year will organize seminars in San Marino,
and in European cities like Helsinki, London, and Oslo.
The activity of the School starts from four question:
1. How can we think the consequences to every day life in the face of a
possible economic failure of the European Union?
2. How can art and poetry arouse new energies and revitalize the social field
weakened by precarization and the alienation of (digital) labour?
3. How can emergent scientific imagination reconstitute the social body?
4. How can we open up spaces for the autonomy of knowledge within the process
of the marketisation and capitalisation of the education system ?
These questions will be foundational for the emergent curriculum of the first
year of seminars and engagements of the European School for Social
Imagination. The following is the program of the conference, that may change
slightly during the next weeks.
Preliminary program
Friday 20 May
Welcome and opening statements
* Alessandro Rossi - San Marino
* Franco Berardi – Future Art Base Helsinki coordinator
What is the impact of the current economic crisis on the life of the European
society? What is the relation between financial crisi and political imagination
* Christian Marazzi - University of Bellinzona, author of Capital and Language
* Valerio Monteventi – Journalist, author of Berretta Rossa, Bologna
* Krystian Szadkowski – Knowledge Liberation Front, Poland
* Federico Campagna – Goldsmiths University London, founder of the website
Can art become a re-activator of the social body, beyond the commodification of
the art formats and the an-aesthetics of media overload?
* Marta Kuzma – OCA director Oslo, IUAV Venice
* Florin Flueras – Bucharest, artist, founder of the political party NO HOPE
* Francesca Martinez Tagliavia - EHESS Paris, Politiques de
l’Imaginationand Knowledge Liberation Front
* Gerald Raunig – Zurich University, author of Art and Revolution
* Leonardo Montecchi – Psychiatrist, Scuola di prevenzione Bleger Rimini
Saturday 21 May
How can new scientific and tecnological paradigms redefine the horizon of
social possibilities and open new concatenations that can reduce exploitation
and enhance human autonomy?
* Tiziana Terranova - Istituto Orientale Napoli, Author of Network culture
* Konrad Becker – hypermedia researcher, Director of the Institute for New
Culture Technologies/t0 and initiator of Public Netbase, Wien
* Claudia Mongini – independent researcher, Wien
* Alessandro Sarti – mathematician, professor of Bioengineering at the
University of Bologna, researcher at the Centre Recherche Epsthemologie
Avancee, Paris
How can we open up spaces for the autonomy of knowledge beyond the crisis of
the education system and the economic crisis itself?
* Francesca Coin - Università Ca’ Foscari Venice, Author of Il produttore
* Gigi Roggero – Bologna University, Edufactory and Uninomade collective,
author of The Production of the Living Knowledge
* Akseli Virtanen – Future Art Base, Aalto University Helsinki, author of
Arbitrary Power
* Matteo Pasquinelli – Edufactory and Uninomade collective, Berlin