[Hackmeeting] Bradley Manning - Anonymous Roadmap

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Autor: lilo
Datum: 2011-05-05 22:16 -000
To: hackmeeting
Betreff: [Hackmeeting] Bradley Manning - Anonymous Roadmap
FYI (wikileaks-koord)

grazie a chi potra' e vorra' contribuire alla diffusione.



(Note from the authors: We shouldn't wait for the 23rd of May, and then
make a "preemptive strike" (just before: 6, 7, and 8 of May).
Furthermore this will help us to start planning, seeing possible errors
to fix, call people attention to the matter at hand, and recruit.)

PLEASE, SIGN THE PETITION!: http://standwithbrad.org/signup.html

June 4 2011 - Rally at Leavenworth for Bradley Manning!

Rally to protest the indefinite detention and unconstitutional torture
of Bradley Manning.

Saturday, June 4
11:30am – 2:30pm
Leavenworth, Kansas


>From Twin Cities Indymedia (Minneapolis/St Paul Mn):

Car pools are being formed in Minneapolis, Texas, Wichita, Tulsa, Kansas
City, Colorado. If you can't attend due to transportation, please post
here, we'll get you hooked up.


Check the Indymedia site near you for local transportation to the rally.


Chanology was a fork in the road for Anonymous - it's to blame for the
cancer, if I'm not mistaken. Fag conflicts aside, any irl protest by
Anonymous has to be bigger than Chanology. We have a notorious name,
easily gain press, and, generally speaking, a have an identifiable
platform - and much greater numbers. #opManning can be another fork in
the road for Anonymous. We don't need this for numbers. We need this to
show the world that we can do more than DDoS & we are willing to get off
our asses for Freedom of Information, Free Speech, and lulz.

Local Protests:
This is kind of tough because of the nature of Anonymous, but it isn't

The most difficult part will be making the case of why people should
even bother coming out.
Manning activists already know the reasons; but it's a matter of balancing

Making the Case:

The Major Facts
unconsititutional detention
psychological torture
http://uleak.it/?21v - summary of Manning's letter from Quantico, Mar 13
punishment for morality
Protests work. Attention on Manning makes the US uncomfortable because
they know people will sympathize if they learn about him:
http://uleak.it/?22d - Manning's prison conditions dramatically improved
after the dedicated campaign against his treatment at Quantico.

With the Emotional Factor
Manning is 23, not much older than many Anons themselves, or their
friends, or their children or family members
he was emotionally strained himself
chatlogs show his struggle, but that he had no malicious intent

Reasons to organize & have more than one protest:

The military has a different set of rules to abide by, and they do not
have to abide by the Constitution - ie, minimal First Amendment protections.
35 Bradley Manning protesters arrested at Quantico, including Daniel
Ellsberg (leaked the Pentagon Papers) http://uleak.it/?21y
130 Bradley Manning & Iraq War protesters arrested in front of the White
House http://uleak.it/?21x
Having a single protest makes it much easier for the media to ignore us.
Military bases are insulated and isolated. Protests are meant to be
public, demanding attention to an idea or an injustice.
This isn't to say that there shouldn't be a protest at Ft. Leavenworth.
Just that it shouldn't be the only one.
The US is doing everything in their power to silence Manning, and
protests in his favor. We don't need to make it easy for them.
And it's not like the US Gov't or military is going to stop torturing
Manning. Ever.


This would largely be up to Anons themselves.
The most we can do is offer advice for
Slogans - to speak or sing or write on posters
posters - not offensive, but informative
moments of silence (in solidarity with Bradley's forced silence)
if you have a crazy tactic, make sure everyone is in on it: one person
doing something is just a side column about a crazy person; a lot of
people doing something weird is a headline, and a movement.<3
any other ideas? (see splashmob)

online: memes, IRC, Twitter, Facebook groups, Reddit, /b/ once we need
numbers (might not even be worth it then, tbh), other forums on protest
create posters
spread the press release far & wide
use hashtags on Twitter - ex #opManningLA or #opManningOH
tip off local media (if you expect a large crowd)
sites likely to care
http://www.usuncut.org/ < possibly
the most active twitter accounts: @Anony_Ops @AnonymissLegion
@AnonNewsNet (sometimes,anyway)@OperationLeakS | @OpManning
Don't be afraid to branch out to other activist groups - everyone is
Anonymous, & #opManning is a wonderful way to spread the message of Free
Speech and Freedom of Information
Openly advertise protests - but in a positive tone, accusing no one.
Ex: Stand for Manning, Stand for Free Speech/the First Amendment
One year of detainment, thousands of cables, and a region of democratic
revolution. < would only appeal to certain people..
Just images of conversations with Lamo may suffice:

hyping the idea -
talking about what will happen
who will be there, what to bring, etc
This will make the op seem more real, and increase the likelihood that
this will be widespread.

If permits are necessary, obtain them. It's best to protest in public
domains, but don't give anyone a reason to bring in the authorities.
Ultimate hack
They want more customers
Collect anti war books
Collect pro war books
Use books and Manning as dynamic anchors
Generate discussion
Mock trials
Split into two teams - one the defense, and one the prosecution
appoint people as judges, lawyers, "experts"
if there are enough people, have witnesses, a jury, etc
present the evidence on both sides - honestly with as little bias as
possible - it's on Manning's side anyway
find the defendant guilty or not guilty based on this evidence
(^both may be asking a bit much from your average anon, tbh.)
Use chalk to tag public places, like sidewalks in parks, with hashtags,
support networks, or pro-Manning phrases
http://uleak.it/?23j - stencil generator
#FreeBradley #FreeManning etc
BradleyManning.com FreeBradley.org
The Truth/Free Speech is not Treason

Finding each other - though most would probably be hesitant to do this.




Last year on March 23rd 2010 Pvt. Bradley Manning, a 23-year-old Army
intelligence analyst, was arrested and incarcerated on suspicion of
leaking classified United States documents about Iraq and Afghanistan
wars, as well as diplomatic cables of the United States embassies. There
was also a video in the leaked documents now known to the world as
"Collateral Murder".

In that video you can see two American airmen in an AH-64 Apache
helicopter lying to their ground controller about the presence of armed
'insurgents' on the ground in Baghdad. The ground controller then gave
them permission to fire on the Iraqi civilians, including a brave man in
a van who came to aid the wounded, 12 were killed. Two of them were
Reuters journalists.

Arrested in Baghdad and jailed in Kuwait, Bradley Manning was then moved
to the military brig at Quantico Virginia and while kept in complete
isolation allegedly awaiting trial, he was subject to treatment
described by hundreds of legal experts as torture.

"The complaint has been published in the New York Review of Books, and
its signatories include Laurence Tribe, a Harvard professor “considered
to be America’s foremost liberal authority on constitutional law,” who
“taught constitutional law to Barack Obama and was a key backer of his
2008 presidential campaign.” Other signatories include Philip Alston,
the UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary
executions, Bill Clinton’s former labour secretary Robert Reich,
President Theodore Roosevelt’s great-great-grandson Kermit Roosevelt,
and Norman Dorsen, the former president of the American Civil Liberties


The conditions at Leavenworth are not much better:

"... the commander of the Fort Leavenworth medium-security facility
acknowledged that Quantico was unsuited for long-term pretrial

Bradley Manning still waits for a pre-trial hearing one year later.

Locked in his 3'60 x 1'80 meters cell (10' x 6' foot +-) for 23 hours a
day without sheets, pillow, personal effects or his glasses, and forced
to sleep naked during the mandatory 7 hour sleep cycle. All of this
abuse was committed under the pretense of Manning's alleged suicide risk.

Bradley Manning's lawyer David Coombs, had said that it was a violation
of the military rules, because Quantico's psychologist denied that
Manning is suicidal.

Quantico Brig violated PFC Manning’s constitutional right to due
process. See United States ex. rel. Accardi v. Shaughnessy, 74 S.Ct. 499
(1954) (violation of due process where result of board proceeding was
predetermined); United States v. Anderson, 49 M.J. 575 (N.M. Ct. Crim.
App. 1998) (illegal punishment where Marine Corps had an unwritten
policy automatically placing certain detainees in MAX custody). The
facts surrounding PFC Manning’s pretrial confinement at Quantico make it
clear that his detention was not “in compliance with legal and regulatory".

(Note: The former commander of Quantico Brig was relieved of duty after
complaints that he violated the Pentgon's own policies by deeming
Manning a 'risk' with NO VERIFICATION WHATSOEVER from psycholocial or
social work staff attached to the facility and was replaced by a
facilities commander who has, as far as can be told, has no formal
penal facility experience, except her service as a prison staffer at the

Shortly after that incident Bradley Manning was moved to the Fort
Leavenworth prison in Kansas on 20 April, following criticism over his
nine month detention at the Quantico brig. The move was intended to show
that the treatment of Manning will be much fairer now that the
complaints registered have made their public and legal 'mark', but they
did not tell us that along with the move came an apparent order for PFC

One of the several charges that have been put to paper but not yet read
in court is "cooperating with the enemy", a charge that makes Manning
eligible for the death penalty. But the fact is that the cables and
video, supposedly leaked by Bradley Manning, have shown the world
terrifying acts that must be condemned.

Acts of what have commonly come to be called "Whistleblowing" are driven
by technologically changing times, ethics, and morals that we can
readily observe when concerned people in the West seek a more just world
while the moment shows that we have been deceived by our own leaders.

The truth is the pardonable innocence of Bradley Manning has been
displayed by showing the world this information even if he IS "Guilty"
according to the military "justice" system.

It was hidden but it should have been available to everyone. The US
government should have been honest and not censored or buried this
information but released it and acted on it by investigating the
perpetrators of the crimes shown in the video, NOT the whistleblower.

After reading this, the question we should all have in mind is: Who
supports this hero?

Most people know and support Wikileaks and Julian Assange, but
meanwhile, time is passing and Bradley Manning's life is being wasted in
jail... Heroic If he DID release the "Collateral Murder" video, and
incarcerated in inhumane conditions under false pretenses for a year if
he wasn't the one responsible.

Either way, it is glaringly obvious to all of us that Bradley Manning
shouldn't be the one in court as we can see when we view those cables
and the atrocities he allegedly was exposing.

Free Bradley Manning!

Jail The Criminals Not The Whistleblowers!

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.


El 23 de marzo del pasado año 2010, Bradley Manning, un joven analista
de inteligencia del ejército de los Estados Unidos de América de 23
años de edad, fue detenido y encarcelado bajo sospecha de filtración de
documentos clasificados sobre las guerras de Irak y Afganistán, así
como de cables diplomáticos de las embajadas de los Estados Unidos. En
dichas filtraciones se encontraba también el vídeo ahora conocido como
"Collateral Murder".

En el mencionado vídeo puede verse como dos pilotos estadounidenses, en
un helicóptero AH-64 Apache, mienten a su controlador de tierra sobre
la presencia de insurgentes armados sobre el terreno de Bagdag. A
continuación, el controlador de tierra les da permiso para disparar
contra los que resultan ser civiles iraquíes, incluyendo a un valiente
hombre que llegó en una camioneta para ayudar a los heridos. 12 civiles
fueron asesinados, y dos de ellos eran periodistas del Reuters.

Detenido en Bagdad y encarcelados en Kuwait, Bradley Manning fue
trasladado a la prisión militar en Quantico, Virginia, bajo un
aislamiento total cuando aún no había sido juzgado. El trato que
Manning recibió en esa cárcel sólo puede ser tildado de tortura. Y aún
hoy, tras haber pasado casi un año, está a la espera de la audiencia
previa a su juicio.

Encerrado en una celda de 3'60 x 1'80 metros durante 23 horas al días
sin tener a su disposición ninguna clase de objeto peronal ni de
almohadas o sábanas, fue obligado a dormir desnudo durante las 7 horas
diarias que le habían dispuesto como horario para dormir. Todo esto con
el pretexto de evitar un posible suicidio por su parte.

El abogado de Bradley Manning, David Cooms, había anunciado ya que esto
suponía una violación de las normas militares, puesto que el psicólogo
de Manning en Quantico había negado la posibilidad del suicidio.

La brigada de Quantico violó el derecho constitucional con este trato al
joven soldado [véase United States ex. rel. Accardi v. Shaughnessy, 74
S.Ct. 499 (1954); United States v. Anderson, 49 M.J. 575 (N.M. Ct.
Crim. App. 1998)]. Los hechos que rodean la reclusión preventiva de
Bradley en Quantico dejan claro que su detención no fue "en
cumplimiento de las normas legales y reglamentarias".

Bradley Manning fue trasladado a la prisión de Fort Leavenworth,
Kansas, el pasado 20 de abril tras las numerosas críticas por su
detención en la cárcel de la marina de Virginia. Nos hacen ver que este
traslado beneficiará al solado, ya que su tratamiento será mucho más
justo. Lo que no nos dicen es que probablemente haya entrado en esta
nueva cárcel para no salir de ella jamás.

Uno de los cargos que se le imputan, y que todavía no ha sido leído en
la corte, es el de "cooperar con el enemigo", una acusación que puede
suponer la pena de muerte para el joven soldado. Pero el hecho es que
los cables y el vídeo supuestamente filtrados por Bradley Manning han
mostrado al mundo actos terribles que deben ser condenados.

Hechos que comúnmente se han denominado como "denuncias de
irregulariades" están siendo impulsados por las nuevas tecnologías que
están cambiando nuestros tiempos, nuestra ética y nuestra moral, algo
que podemos observar en numerosas personas que luchan buscando un mundo
más justo. Mientras hemos podido comprobar que hemos sido engañados por
nuestros propios líderes.

La verdad es que la inocencia de Bradley Manning fue demostrada en el
mismo momento que nos ofreció esta información, incluso si es "culpable"
de acuerdo con la "justicia" militar. El gobierno de los Estados Unidos
de América ha ocultado una información que tendría que haber sido
pública, pues deberían haber sido honestos y no haber censurado o
enterrado esta información que Bradley liberó. Deberían ser juzgados
quienes cometieron los crímenes que podemos ver en el vídeo, no su

Después de leer esto, la pregunta que todos deberíamos tener en mente
es: ¿quién apoya a este héroe?

La mayoría de la gente conoce y da apoyo a WikiLeaks y a Julian
Assange, pero mientras, el tiempo pasa y el que hizo posibles las
filtraciones de WikiLeaks pierde su vida entre rejas. Una vida heroica
del que dio a conocer el vídeo de "Collateral Murder", quien ha sido
encarcelado en condiciones inhumanas y de forma fraudulenta durante un
año sin ser el verdadero culpable.

De cualquier modo, resulta obvio para todos nosotros cuando vemos las
filtraciones y todas las atrocidades que en ellos se nos muestran que
no es Manning quien tiene que ser juzgado

¡Libertad para Bradley Manning!

¡Encarcelad a los delincuentes, no a los denunciantes!

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.



- IFEX, International Freedom of Expression Exchange: http://www.ifex.org/
- Anarchist Black Cross Federation (ABCF): http://www.abcf.net/
- International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH):
- Human Rights Watch (HRW): http://www.hrw.org/
- World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT): http://www.omct.org/
- Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights: http://www.euromedrights.org/en/
- American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU): http://www.aclu.org/
- Asociación Pro Derechos Humanos de España (APDHE): http://www.apdhe.org/


Send letters to the editors of both national and international
newspapers and tabloids, in the last week of May. They may ignore us,
but the main thing is to reach as much of the independent press as we
can find, because they can publish it, saying that all the important
press received it too.

We can send the statement to Independent press and media such as
bloggers with many followers, to "viralize" our message.

Create a contact list and contact them:

- Spain: El País: Cartasdirector@???; El Mundo:
navegante@???; ABC: cartas@???; La Vanguardia:
cartas@???; El Periódico: internacional@???;
20minutos: zona20@???;
- EE. UU.: The Washington Post: letters@???; The New York
Times: letters@???;
- U.K.: The Guardian: letters@???; The Sunday Times:
- Germany: Deutsche Welle (i don't find the mail for send a Letter to
Editor, but this can serve): info@???;
- Italy: Il Messaggero: redazioneweb@???; La Repubblica:
- France: Le Monde: courrier-des-lecteurs@???;
- Australia:
- Sweden:
- Canada:
- Russia:
- Belgium:
- Finland: Helsingin Sanomat (i don't find the mail for send a Letter to
Editor, but this can serve): international@???;


Printing leaflets and explanatory texts about Bradly Manning's
predicament, with some tips for those interested in helping him. Those
leaflets and texts could be put on windscreens of automobiles.

Use this image ( http://bit.ly/e08ZN1 ) in the profiles of the social
networks. Example: https://twitter.com/TauxFu
http://twibbon.com/join/Free-Bradley-Manning - for use on Twitter or

Send letters of support to Bradley Manning:
Bradley Manning 89289
830 Sabalu Road
Fort Leavenworth, KS 66027

We can spread the word to famous people on Twitter well and ask that
they use the common tags #FreeManning, #FreeBradley, #BradleyManning,
#Bradley, #Manning, etc.

It could be a good idea if the tags we use have the words noble or peace
or such: #NobelOfTorture, #PeaceForKillers, #NobelOfLiar #NobelOfBlood,
#NobelOfPain, #NobelOfTheTorture
may be better to keep it as positive as possible. something more along
the lines of #NobelofTruth or #NobelWhistleblower or #NobelofHonesty

Send tweets to Obama. http://twitter.com/BarackObama and



(Bolded entries are wikileaks followers and supporters. They will 'RT')

- Pamela Anderson: http://twiter.com/pameladanderson
- Jenna jameson: http://twiter.com/jennajameson
- Nicole Richie: )http://twiter.com/nicolerichie
- Withney Port: http://twiter.com/withneyEVEport
- People StyleWatch: http://twiter.com/styleWatchMag
- Jesse & Joy: http://twiter.com/jesseyjoy
- Keith Richards: http://twiter.com/officialkeef
- Lady Gaga: https://twitter.com/ladygaga
- Rocco Siffredi: https://twitter.com/Rocco_Siffredi
- Terry Pratchett: https://twitter.com/terryandrob
- Daniel Ellsberg: https://twitter.com/danielellsberg
- Michael Moore: http://twitter.com/mmflint
- Julian Assange: https://twitter.com/julianassange_
- Trey Parker: https://twitter.com/Trey_Parker
- Adam Savage (Mythbusters): http://twitter.com/donttrythis
- Amber Benson: http://twitter.com/amber_benson
- Arnold Schwarzenegger: http://twitter.com/schwarzenegger
- Brent Spiner (Star Trek: The next generation):
- David Hewlett (Stargate Atlantis): http://twitter.com/dhewlett
- Demi Moore: http://twitter.com/mrskutcher
- Elizabeth Banks (Laura Bush en “W”): http://twitter.com/Elizabethbanks
- Emmy Rossum (Dragonball Evolution): http://twitter.com/emmyrossum
- Ewan McGregor: http://twitter.com/EwanMcGregor
- Fran Drescher: http://twitter.com/frandrescher
- Janina Gavankar (The L World): http://twitter.com/janinaz
- Jimmy Fallon (Saturday Night Live): http://twitter.com/jimmyfallon
- LeVar Burton (Star Trek: The next generation):
- Luke Wilson (3:10 to Yuma): http://twitter.com/LukeWilson
- Rachel Bilson (The Oc, Jumper): http://twitter.com/rachel_bilson
- Rainn Wilson (Serie The Office): http://twitter.com/rainnwilson
- Rumer Willis: http://twitter.com/TheRue
- Ryan Seacrest: http://twitter.com/RyanSeacrest
- Tom Felton (Harry Potter): http://twitter.com/TomFelton
- Vanessa Hudgens (High School Musical):
- Wil Wheaton (Star Trek: The Next Generation): http://twitter.com/wilw
- William Shatner (Star Trek): http://twitter.com/WilliamShatner
- Greg Grunberg (Matt Parkman): http://twitter.com/greggrunberg
- Brea Grant (Daphne Millbrook): http://twitter.com/breagrant
- James Kyson Lee (Ando Masahashi): http://twitter.com/jameskysonlee
- David H. Lawrence XVII (Eric Doyle): http://twitter.com/dhlawrencexvii
- Bjork: http://twitter.com/bjork/
- Brett Gurewitz: http://twitter.com/OblivionPact
- Britney Spears: http://twitter.com/therealbritney
- Cold Play: http://twitter.com/coldplay/
- Dave Rowntree: http://twitter.com/davefromlondon
- Fred Durst (Limp Bizkit): http://www.twitter.com/freddurst
- Jamie Cullum: http://twitter.com/jamiecullum
- MC Hammer: http://twitter.com/MCHammer
- Regina Spektor: http://twitter.com/reginaspektor
- Snoop Dogg: https://twitter.com/snoopdogg
- Andy Murray: http://twitter.com/andy_murray
- Hillary Clinton: http://twitter.com/hillaryclinton
- Paulo Coelho: http://twitter.com/paulocoelho/
- Yoko Ono: http://twitter.com/yokoono
- Jimmy Fallon: http://twitter.com/jimmyfallon
- Ben Stiller: http://twitter.com/
- Demi Lovato (Camp Rock): http://twitter.com/ddlovato
- Jennifer Stone: http://twitter.com/comeagainjen
- Jonas Brothers: http://twitter.com/Jonasbrothers/
- Mark Whalberg: http://twitter.com/Mark_Wahlberg
- Jason Statham: https://twitter.com/JasonStatham1
- James Franco (Spiderman): http://twitter.com/JamesFrancoNews
- Mariah Carey: http://twitter.com/MariahHBF
- MIKA: http://twitter.com/mikasounds
- P Diddy: http://twitter.com/iamdiddy
- Ashley Simpson: http://twitter.com/ashsimpsonwentz
- Pete Wentz: http://twitter.com/petewentz
- Solange Knowles: https://twitter.com/solangeknowles
- Paris Hilton: http://twitter.com/PARIShilton
- Ellen DeGeneres: http://twitter.com/TheEllenShow
- Greg Grunberg: http://twitter.com/greggrunberg
- Soleil Moon Frye: http://twitter.com/moonfrye
- Lance Armstrong: http://twitter.com/lancearmstrong
- Oprah: http://twitter.com/Oprah/
- Lily Allen: http://twitter.com/lilyroseallen
- Mischa Barton: http://twitter.com/MischaBarton
- Taylor Swift: http://twitter.com/taylorswift13
- John Mayer: http://twitter.com/johncmayer
- Martha Stewart: http://twitter.com/marthastewart
- Génesis Rodríguez: http://twitter.com/genirodriguez
- Jim Carrey: https://twitter.com/JIMCARREY
- WikiLeaks: https://twitter.comwikileaks
- Edward Norton: https://twitter.com/edwardnorton
- Helen Osborn: https://twitter.com/HelenOsborn


- Assumpta Serna: http://twitter.com/assumptaserna
- nena daconte http://twitter.com/nenadaconte
- javier bardem http://twitter.com/javierbardem_
- pablo motos http://twitter.com/Pablo_Motos
- buenafunte http://twitter.com/Buenafuente
- elfollonero http://twitter.com/elfollonero
- rosario flores http://twitter.com/rosarioficial
- dani martin http://twitter.com/dani_martin_
- serrat http://twitter.com/maestroserrat
- malu http://twitter.com/_MaluOficial_
- alex ubago http://twitter.com/AlexUbagoficial
- chenoa http://twitter.com/Chenoaoficial
- berto romero http://twitter.com/bertoromero
- florentino fernandez http://twitter.com/Flofdez
- joaquin sabina http://twitter.com/joaquinsabina
- jesus vazquez http://twitter.com/_JesusVazquez_
- paula vazquez http://twitter.com/Paula_Vazquez_
- paco leon http://twitter.com/Paco_Leon1
- marta sanchezhttp://twitter.com/MartaSanchezPop
- andi y lucas http://twitter.com/_AndyyLucas_
- alejandro sanz http://twitter.com/AlejandroSanz
- pique http://twitter.com/GerardPiqueTeam
- messi http://twitter.com/messi_barcelona , http://twitter.com/LMessi
- david bustamante http://twitter.com/David_Busta
- feliciano lopez http://twitter.com/feliciano_lopez
- rafa nadal http://twitter.com/Rafa_Nadal
- Santiago Segura: https://twitter.com/SSantiagosegura
- Dani Mateo : https://twitter.com/DaniMateoAgain
- Alex de la Iglesia: https://twitter.com/AlexdelaIglesia
- David Castillo: https://twitter.com/davidcastillo92
- Ricky Martin: https://twitter.com/ricky_martin
- Kiko rivera:https://twitter.com/riverakiko
- Ana pastor: https://twitter.com/anapastor_tve
- Daniel Martin: https://twitter.com/_danielmartin_
- Ismael Beiro: https://twitter.com/Ismael_Beiro
- David Guapo: https://twitter.com/davidguapo
- Goyo Jiménez: https://twitter.com/Goyojimenez
- SLQH: https://twitter.com/SLQH
- Andrés Iniesta: https://twitter.com/andresiniesta8
- Dani Rovira: https://twitter.com/DANIROVIRA
- Micky Nadal:https://twitter.com/NadalMiki
- Ángel Martín: https://twitter.com/angelmartin_nc
- Rosa Montero: https://twitter.com/BrunaHusky
- Maxim Huerta http://twitter.com/maximhuerta
- Ivan ferreiro http://twitter.com/ivanferreiro
- Adriana Abenia http://twitter.com/abeniaadriana
- Lucía Etxebarria http://twitter.com/LaEtxebarria
- Felix Alvarez (Felisuco) http://twitter.com/Felisuco_
- Jose corbacho http://twitter.com/josecorbacho
- Marta Torne http://twitter.com/MartaTorne
- David bisbal http://twitter.com/davidbisbal
- David guetta http://twitter.com/davidguetta
- Carmen chaparro http://twitter.com/CarmeChaparro
- GreenPeace españa http://twitter.com/greenpeace_esp
- Julieta Venegas http://twitter.com/julietav
- Juanes http://twitter.com/juanes
- Paulina Rubio http://twitter.com/paurubio
- Chayanne http://twitter.com/CHAYANNEMUSIC
- Diego Torres http://twitter.com/diegotorres
- Shakira http://twitter.com/shakira
- Daniela blume http://twitter.com/DanielaBlume
- Meneame http://twitter.com/meneame_net
- Elena Ballesteros http://twitter.com/elenballesteros
- Santi Millán http://twitter.com/Santi_Millan
- Tania llasera http://twitter.com/taniallasera
- Jordi González http://twitter.com/jordiGlez
- Ana Milán http://twitter.com/_ANAMILAN_
- Boris http://twitter.com/Borisizaguirre
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- Carmen Alcayde http://twitter.com/carmenalcayde
- Marta fernández http://twitter.com/mrtfernandez
- Susana griso http://twitter.com/susannagriso
- Miguel Ángel Muñoz http://twitter.com/MiguelAngelMuoz
- Puyol http://twitter.com/Carles5puyol
- Manu Carreño http://twitter.com/manucarreno
- La Ser http://twitter.com/La_SER
- Pedro de la Rosa http://twitter.com/PedrodelaRosa1
- Carlos Moya http://twitter.com/Charlymoya
- Patricia Conde https://twitter.com/BlogPatriConde
- Pilar Rubio http://twitter.com/pilarot2011
- Nacho Vidal https://twitter.com/RealNachoVidal
- Sara Carbonero https://twitter.com/Sara_Carbonero
- Eduard Punset: https://twitter.com/epunset
- El Jueves: https://twitter.com/eljueves
- Risto mejide http://twitter.com/ristomejide
- Berta collado http://twitter.com/colladoberta
- Antonio Orozco http://twitter.com/antoniorozco
- Eva Hache http://twitter.com/eva_hache
- Carlos del Amor (periodista TVE) http://twitter.com/cdelamorTVE
- Carmela ríos (periodista cuatro) http://twitter.com/CarmelaRios
- Agustín jiménez (humorista) http://twitter.com/AGUSTIJIMENEZ
- Elvira Lindo http://twitter.com/ElviraLindo
- Rosa Jiménez (periodista el País) http://twitter.com/petezin
- Nelly Furtado http://twitter.com/NellyFurtado
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- Cristina onega (periodista TVE) http://twitter.com/CristinaOnega
- Carlos Latre http://twitter.com/Carlos_Latre
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- Jorge Alcalde (director QUO) http://twitter.com/joralcalde
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- Raquel Martos (el hormiguero) http://twitter.com/RaquelMartos
- Fernando Olmeda (actor) http://twitter.com/FernandoOlmeda
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- La Sexta http://twitter.com/laSextaTV
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- Garci http://twitter.com/joseluisgarci
- Ignacio Escolar: http://twitter.com/iescolar
- Antena3 http://twitter.com/antena3com
- Ana Belén Roy (desayunos TVE) http://twitter.com/anabelenroy_tve
- Asociación de prensa Madrid http://twitter.com/aprensamadrid
- Pedro Zerolo http://twitter.com/Pedro_Zerolo
- Canal 24h http://twitter.com/24h_tve
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- Angels Barceló http://twitter.com/abarceloh25
- Pepe Reina http://twitter.com/PepeReinaPFA
- Faemino y Cansado http://twitter.com/cansado2
- Vicente Vallés (periodista TVE) http://twitter.com/VicenteVallesTV
- Quim Gutiérrez http://twitter.com/quimyo
- Ángeles Blanco (periodista T5) http://twitter.com/AngelesBlancoTV
- Vetusta Morla http://twitter.com/vetustamorla
- Gonzo (periodista) http://twitter.com/a_lo_gonzo
- Dani Rovira http://twitter.com/DANIROVIRA
- Luis Enrique http://twitter.com/LUISENRIQUE21
- Javier Ruiz Taboada http://twitter.com/ruiztaboada
- Onda Cero radio: http://twitter.com/OndaCeroRadio
- Gema Herrero http://twitter.com/gemmaherrero
- Eduard Punset http://twiter.com/eduardpunset
- Iker Jimenez: http://twiter.com/lanavedelmisterio
- Miguel Bosé: http://twiter.com/bosseofficial
- Grammys latinos: http://twiter.com/latinGRAMMYs
