Bhè,vi sembrerà una presa per il culo,ma non lo è. C'è un robottino di nome Ono
paranoico che è la mascotte di una serie di cartoons fatti da un gruppo di
hacktivisti per sensibilizzare su tematiche come sicurezza e privacy. Quindi ho
mandato una mail per avere i link per scaricare sti cosi e questa è la risposta
Thanks for the email, I'm guessing you've already seen my website and have found me on Twitter @ONOrobot
It would be very helpful if you Could answer the following questions
before i send you the link to download. I'm sharing my videos with
people who are hosting an ONO party
- - - Where will you be hosting your party?(city or just country if you
- - - When are you hosting it? (just the rough date will do)
- - - How many people do you expect to attend? (rough number)
- - - Are you planning to have discussions around the films? Yes/No
- - - Are you able to download the films if we give you a link? (approx 3 GB
for all four episodes) If not, what's an address I can send you a copy
on USB/DVD to?
Your party will be displayed anonymously on my website on the party map.
If you'd prefer I don't show it until afterwards, please let me know.
I look forward to hearing from you again! Thanks for your interest!
Happy Surfing!
Your robot friend,
Bhè vogliamo fare sto party?