[Ciotoflow] Fwd: Adding upload percentuage progress to droop…


著者: garulf
To: Flussi di ciotia.
題目: [Ciotoflow] Fwd: Adding upload percentuage progress to droopy
Raga ho mandato questa mail al tipo di droopy (droopy e' lo scriptino in
python che permette alla piratebox di uploadare i files).

-------- Messaggio originale --------
Oggetto: Adding upload percentuage progress to droopy
Data: Mon, 18 Apr 2011 13:36:51 +0200
Mittente: garulf <garulf@???>
A: stackp@???


We are ciotoflow[0], and while setting up a piratebox[1] we made little
change in your code to add the upload percentage progress.
Only a number is showed now, but can be added something more pretty
likes a bar or something.

We use a wrapper for a file object to know how much data we have
collected, store this on a file. The client made ajax calls to retrieve
the percentage value in that file.

Sometimes somethings goes wrong (maybe because we are writing and
reading to the same file) and an broken pipe exception is rises.
By the way the code works and we will not fix this very soon, so i
prefer send you the code anyway.

I send you the new code and a diff file.
Hope you like it.



#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Droopy (http://stackp.online.fr/droopy)
# Copyright 2008-2010 (c) Pierre Duquesne <stackp@???>
# Licensed under the New BSD License.

# Changelog
#   20101130 * CSS and HTML update. Switch to the new BSD License.
#   20100523 * Simplified Chinese translation by Ye Wei.
#   20100521 * Hungarian translation by Csaba Szigetvári.
#            * Russian translation by muromec.
#            * Use %APPDATA% Windows environment variable -- fix by Maik.
#   20091229 * Brazilian Portuguese translation by
#              Carlos Eduardo Moreira dos Santos and Toony Poony.
#            * IE layout fix by Carlos Eduardo Moreira dos Santos.
#            * Galician translation by Miguel Anxo Bouzada.
#   20090721 * Indonesian translation by Kemas.
#   20090205 * Japanese translation by Satoru Matsumoto.
#            * Slovak translation by CyberBoBaK.
#   20090203 * Norwegian translation by Preben Olav Pedersen.
#   20090202 * Korean translation by xissy.
#            * Fix for unicode filenames by xissy.
#            * Relies on instead of "localhost" hostname.
#   20090129 * Serbian translation by kotnik.
#   20090125 * Danish translation by jan.
#   20081210 * Greek translation by n2j3.
#   20081128 * Slovene translation by david.
#            * Romanian translation by Licaon.
#   20081022 * Swedish translation by David Eurenius.
#   20081001 * Droopy gets pretty (css and html rework).
#            * Finnish translation by ipppe.
#   20080926 * Configuration saving and loading.
#   20080906 * Extract the file base name (some browsers send the full path).
#   20080905 * File is uploaded directly into the specified directory.
#   20080904 * Arabic translation by Djalel Chefrour.
#            * Italian translation by fabius and d1s4st3r.
#            * Dutch translation by Tonio Voerman.
#            * Portuguese translation by Pedro Palma.
#            * Turkish translation by Heartsmagic.
#   20080727 * Spanish translation by Federico Kereki.
#   20080624 * Option -d or --directory to specify the upload directory.
#   20080622 * File numbering to avoid overwriting.
#   20080620 * Czech translation by Jiří.
#            * German translation by Michael.
#   20080408 * First release.

import BaseHTTPServer
import SocketServer
import cgi
import os
import posixpath
import macpath
import ntpath
import sys
import getopt
import mimetypes
import copy
import shutil
import tempfile
import socket
import locale
import time
import re

LOGO = '''\

|     \.----.-----.-----.-----.--.--.
|  --  |   _|  _  |  _  |  _  |  |  |

|_____/|__| |_____|_____|   __|___  |
                        |__|  |_____|

Usage: droopy [options] [PORT]

  -h, --help                            show this help message and exit
  -m MESSAGE, --message MESSAGE         set the message
  -p PICTURE, --picture PICTURE         set the picture
  -d DIRECTORY, --directory DIRECTORY   set the directory to upload files to
  -t DIRECTORY, --temp-dir DIRECTORY    set the directory to store temporary files
  --save-config                         save options in a configuration file
  --delete-config                       delete the configuration file and exit

droopy -m "Hi, this is Bob. You can send me a file." -p avatar.png

picture = None
message = ""
port = 8000
directory = os.path.realpath (os.curdir)
temp_dir = os.path.realpath (os.curdir)
must_save_options = False

# -- HTML templates

style = '''<style type="text/css">
* {margin: 0; padding: 0;}
body {text-align: center;}
.box {padding-top:50px;}
#message {width: 500px; margin: auto}
#sending {display: none;}
#wrapform {height: 80px;}
#progress {display: inline;  border-collapse: separate; empty-cells: show;
           border-spacing: 10px 0; padding: 0; vertical-align: bottom;}
#progress td {height: 25px; width: 23px; background-color: #eee;
              border: 1px solid #aaa; padding: 0px;}

userinfo = '''
<div id="message" class="box"> %(message)s </div>
<div class="box">%(htmlpicture)s</div>

maintmpl = '''<html><head><title>%(maintitle)s</title>
''' + style + '''
<script language="JavaScript">
function swap() {
   document.getElementById("form").style.display = "none";
   document.getElementById("sending").style.display = "block";
ncell = 4;
curcell = 0;
var xhr;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) 
   xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
   xhr = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
xhr.onreadystatechange  = function()
      if(xhr.readyState  == 4)
         if (xhr.responseText != "0" && xhr.responseText != "")
    document.getElementById("percent").firstChild.nodeValue = xhr.responseText;

function update() {
   setTimeout(update, 300);
   xhr.open ('GET', '/stat/%(session)s', true);
   xhr.send (null);
   e = document.getElementById("cell"+curcell);
   e.style.backgroundColor = "#eee";
   curcell = (curcell+1) %% ncell
   e = document.getElementById("cell"+curcell);
   e.style.backgroundColor = "#aaa";
function onunload() {
   document.getElementById("form").style.display = "block";
   document.getElementById("sending").style.display = "none";      
<div id="wrapform">
  <div id="form" class="box">
    <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="%(session)s">
      <input name="upfile" type="file">
      <input value="%(submit)s" onclick="swap()" type="submit">
  <div id="sending" class="box"> %(sending)s &nbsp;
    <table id="progress"><tr>
    <tr> <p id="percent">0</tr></p>
      <td id="cell0"/><td id="cell1"/><td id="cell2"/><td id="cell3"/>
''' + userinfo + '''

successtmpl = '''
<head><title> %(successtitle)s </title>
''' + style + '''
<div id="wrapform">
  <div class="box">
    <a href="/"> %(another)s </a>
''' + userinfo + '''

errortmpl = '''
<head><title> %(errortitle)s </title>
''' + style + '''
<div id="wrapform">
  <div class="box">
    <a href="/"> %(retry)s </a>
''' + userinfo + '''

linkurltmpl = '''<div class="box">
<a href="http://stackp.online.fr/droopy-ip.php?port=%(port)d"> %(discover)s

templates = {"main": maintmpl, "success": successtmpl, "error": errortmpl}

# -- Translations

ar = {"maintitle":       u"إرسال ملف",
      "submit":          u"إرسال",
      "sending":         u"الملف قيد الإرسال",
      "successtitle":    u"تم استقبال الملف",
      "received":        u"تم استقبال الملف !",
      "another":         u"إرسال ملف آخر",
      "errortitle":      u"مشكلة",
      "problem":         u"حدثت مشكلة !",
      "retry":           u"إعادة المحاولة",
      "discover":        u"اكتشاف عنوان هذه الصفحة"}

cs = {"maintitle":       u"Poslat soubor",
      "submit":          u"Poslat",
      "sending":         u"Posílám",
      "successtitle":    u"Soubor doručen",
      "received":        u"Soubor doručen !",
      "another":         u"Poslat další soubor",
      "errortitle":      u"Chyba",
      "problem":         u"Stala se chyba !",
      "retry":           u"Zkusit znova.",
      "discover":        u"Zjistit adresu stránky"}

da = {"maintitle":       u"Send en fil",
      "submit":          u"Send",
      "sending":         u"Sender",
      "successtitle":    u"Fil modtaget",
      "received":        u"Fil modtaget!",
      "another":         u"Send en fil til.",
      "errortitle":      u"Problem",
      "problem":         u"Det er opstået en fejl!",
      "retry":           u"Forsøg igen.",
      "discover":        u"Find adressen til denne side"}

de = {"maintitle":       "Datei senden",
      "submit":          "Senden",
      "sending":         "Sendet",
      "successtitle":    "Datei empfangen",
      "received":        "Datei empfangen!",
      "another":         "Weitere Datei senden",
      "errortitle":      "Fehler",
      "problem":         "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten!",
      "retry":           "Wiederholen",
      "discover":        "Internet-Adresse dieser Seite feststellen"}

el = {"maintitle":       u"Στείλε ένα αρχείο",
      "submit":          u"Αποστολή",
      "sending":         u"Αποστέλλεται...",
      "successtitle":    u"Επιτυχής λήψη αρχείου ",
      "received":        u"Λήψη αρχείου ολοκληρώθηκε",
      "another":         u"Στείλε άλλο ένα αρχείο",
      "errortitle":      u"Σφάλμα",
      "problem":         u"Παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα",
      "retry":           u"Επανάληψη",
      "discover":        u"Βρες την διεύθυνση της σελίδας"}

en = {"maintitle":       "Send a file",
      "submit":          "Send",
      "sending":         "Sending",
      "successtitle":    "File received",
      "received":        "File received !",
      "another":         "Send another file.",
      "errortitle":      "Problem",
      "problem":         "There has been a problem !",
      "retry":           "Retry.",
      "discover":        "Discover the address of this page"}

es = {"maintitle":       u"Enviar un archivo",
      "submit":          u"Enviar",
      "sending":         u"Enviando",
      "successtitle":    u"Archivo recibido",
      "received":        u"¡Archivo recibido!",
      "another":         u"Enviar otro archivo.",
      "errortitle":      u"Error",
      "problem":         u"¡Hubo un problema!",
      "retry":           u"Reintentar",
      "discover":        u"Descubrir la dirección de esta página"}

fi = {"maintitle":       u"Lähetä tiedosto",
      "submit":          u"Lähetä",
      "sending":         u"Lähettää",
      "successtitle":    u"Tiedosto vastaanotettu",
      "received":        u"Tiedosto vastaanotettu!",
      "another":         u"Lähetä toinen tiedosto.",
      "errortitle":      u"Virhe",
      "problem":         u"Virhe lahetettäessä tiedostoa!",
      "retry":           u"Uudelleen.",
      "discover":        u"Näytä tämän sivun osoite"}

fr = {"maintitle":       u"Envoyer un fichier",
      "submit":          u"Envoyer",
      "sending":         u"Envoi en cours",
      "successtitle":    u"Fichier reçu",
      "received":        u"Fichier reçu !",
      "another":         u"Envoyer un autre fichier.",
      "errortitle":      u"Problème",
      "problem":         u"Il y a eu un problème !",
      "retry":           u"Réessayer.",
      "discover":        u"Découvrir l'adresse de cette page"}

gl = {"maintitle":       u"Enviar un ficheiro",
      "submit":          u"Enviar",
      "sending":         u"Enviando",
      "successtitle":    u"Ficheiro recibido",
      "received":        u"Ficheiro recibido!",
      "another":         u"Enviar outro ficheiro.",
      "errortitle":      u"Erro",
      "problem":         u"Xurdíu un problema!",
      "retry":           u"Reintentar",
      "discover":        u"Descubrir o enderezo desta páxina"}

hu = {"maintitle":       u"Állomány küldése",
      "submit":          u"Küldés",
      "sending":         u"Küldés folyamatban",
      "successtitle":    u"Az állomány beérkezett",
      "received":        u"Az állomány beérkezett!",
      "another":         u"További állományok küldése",
      "errortitle":      u"Hiba",
      "problem":         u"Egy hiba lépett fel!",
      "retry":           u"Megismételni",
      "discover":        u"Az oldal Internet-címének megállapítása"}

id = {"maintitle":       "Kirim sebuah berkas",
      "submit":          "Kirim",
      "sending":         "Mengirim",
      "successtitle":    "Berkas diterima",
      "received":        "Berkas diterima!",
      "another":         "Kirim berkas yang lain.",
      "errortitle":      "Permasalahan",
      "problem":         "Telah ditemukan sebuah kesalahan!",
      "retry":           "Coba kembali.",
      "discover":        "Kenali alamat IP dari halaman ini"}

it = {"maintitle":       u"Invia un file",
      "submit":          u"Invia",
      "sending":         u"Invio in corso",
      "successtitle":    u"File ricevuto",
      "received":        u"File ricevuto!",
      "another":         u"Invia un altro file.",
      "errortitle":      u"Errore",
      "problem":         u"Si è verificato un errore!",
      "retry":           u"Riprova.",
      "discover":        u"Scopri l’indirizzo di questa pagina"}

ja = {"maintitle":       u"ファイル送信",
      "submit":          u"送信",
      "sending":         u"送信中",
      "successtitle":    u"受信完了",
      "received":        u"ファイルを受信しました!",
      "another":         u"他のファイルを送信する",
      "errortitle":      u"問題発生",
      "problem":         u"問題が発生しました!",
      "retry":           u"リトライ",
      "discover":        u"このページのアドレスを確認する"}

ko = {"maintitle":       u"파일 보내기",
      "submit":          u"보내기",
      "sending":         u"보내는 중",
      "successtitle":    u"파일이 받아졌습니다",
      "received":        u"파일이 받아졌습니다!",
      "another":         u"다른 파일 보내기",
      "errortitle":      u"문제가 발생했습니다",
      "problem":         u"문제가 발생했습니다!",
      "retry":           u"다시 시도",
      "discover":        u"이 페이지 주소 알아보기"}

nl = {"maintitle":       "Verstuur een bestand",
      "submit":          "Verstuur",
      "sending":         "Bezig met versturen",
      "successtitle":    "Bestand ontvangen",
      "received":        "Bestand ontvangen!",
      "another":         "Verstuur nog een bestand.",
      "errortitle":      "Fout",
      "problem":         "Er is een fout opgetreden!",
      "retry":           "Nog eens.",
      "discover":        "Vind het adres van deze pagina"}

no = {"maintitle":       u"Send en fil",
      "submit":          u"Send",
      "sending":         u"Sender",
      "successtitle":    u"Fil mottatt",
      "received":        u"Fil mottatt !",
      "another":         u"Send en ny fil.",
      "errortitle":      u"Feil",
      "problem":         u"Det har skjedd en feil !",
      "retry":           u"Send på nytt.",
      "discover":        u"Finn addressen til denne siden"}

pt = {"maintitle":       u"Enviar um ficheiro",
      "submit":          u"Enviar",
      "sending":         u"A enviar",
      "successtitle":    u"Ficheiro recebido",
      "received":        u"Ficheiro recebido !",
      "another":         u"Enviar outro ficheiro.",
      "errortitle":      u"Erro",
      "problem":         u"Ocorreu um erro !",
      "retry":           u"Tentar novamente.",
      "discover":        u"Descobrir o endereço desta página"}

pt_br = {
      "maintitle":       u"Enviar um arquivo",
      "submit":          u"Enviar",
      "sending":         u"Enviando",
      "successtitle":    u"Arquivo recebido",
      "received":        u"Arquivo recebido!",
      "another":         u"Enviar outro arquivo.",
      "errortitle":      u"Erro",
      "problem":         u"Ocorreu um erro!",
      "retry":           u"Tentar novamente.",
      "discover":        u"Descobrir o endereço desta página"}

ro = {"maintitle":       u"Trimite un fişier",
      "submit":          u"Trimite",
      "sending":         u"Se trimite",
      "successtitle":    u"Fişier recepţionat",
      "received":        u"Fişier recepţionat !",
      "another":         u"Trimite un alt fişier.",
      "errortitle":      u"Problemă",
      "problem":         u"A intervenit o problemă !",
      "retry":           u"Reîncearcă.",
      "discover":        u"Descoperă adresa acestei pagini"}

ru = {"maintitle":       u"Отправить файл",
      "submit":          u"Отправить",
      "sending":         u"Отправляю",
      "successtitle":    u"Файл получен",
      "received":        u"Файл получен !",
      "another":         u"Отправить другой файл.",
      "errortitle":      u"Ошибка",
      "problem":         u"Произошла ошибка !",
      "retry":           u"Повторить.",
      "discover":        u"Посмотреть адрес этой страницы"}

sk = {"maintitle":       u"Pošli súbor",
      "submit":          u"Pošli",
      "sending":         u"Posielam",
      "successtitle":    u"Súbor prijatý",
      "received":        u"Súbor prijatý !",
      "another":         u"Poslať ďalší súbor.",
      "errortitle":      u"Chyba",
      "problem":         u"Vyskytla sa chyba!",
      "retry":           u"Skúsiť znova.",
      "discover":        u"Zisti adresu tejto stránky"}

sl = {"maintitle":       u"Pošlji datoteko",
      "submit":          u"Pošlji",
      "sending":         u"Pošiljam",
      "successtitle":    u"Datoteka prejeta",
      "received":        u"Datoteka prejeta !",
      "another":         u"Pošlji novo datoteko.",
      "errortitle":      u"Napaka",
      "problem":         u"Prišlo je do napake !",
      "retry":           u"Poizkusi ponovno.",
      "discover":        u"Poišči naslov na tej strani"}

sr = {"maintitle":       u"Pošalji fajl",
      "submit":          u"Pošalji",
      "sending":         u"Å aljem",
      "successtitle":    u"Fajl primljen",
      "received":        u"Fajl primljen !",
      "another":         u"Pošalji još jedan fajl.",
      "errortitle":      u"Problem",
      "problem":         u"Desio se problem !",
      "retry":           u"Pokušaj ponovo.",
      "discover":        u"Otkrij adresu ove stranice"}

sv = {"maintitle":       u"Skicka en fil",
      "submit":          u"Skicka",
      "sending":         u"Skickar...",
      "successtitle":    u"Fil mottagen",
      "received":        u"Fil mottagen !",
      "another":         u"Skicka en fil till.",
      "errortitle":      u"Fel",
      "problem":         u"Det har uppstått ett fel !",
      "retry":           u"Försök igen.",
      "discover":        u"Ta reda på adressen till denna sida"}

tr = {"maintitle":       u"Dosya gönder",
      "submit":          u"Gönder",
      "sending":         u"Gönderiliyor...",
      "successtitle":    u"Gönderildi",
      "received":        u"Gönderildi",
      "another":         u"Başka bir dosya gönder.",
      "errortitle":      u"Problem.",
      "problem":         u"Bir problem oldu !",
      "retry":           u"Yeniden dene.",
      "discover":        u"Bu sayfanın adresini bul"}

zh_cn = {
      "maintitle":       u"发送文件",
      "submit":          u"发送",
      "sending":         u"发送中",
      "successtitle":    u"文件已收到",
      "received":        u"文件已收到!",
      "another":         u"发送另一个文件。",
      "errortitle":      u"问题",
      "problem":         u"出现问题!",
      "retry":           u"重试。",
      "discover":        u"查看本页面的地址"}

translations = {"ar": ar, "cs": cs, "da": da, "de": de, "el": el, "en": en,
                "es": es, "fi": fi, "fr": fr, "gl": gl, "hu": hu, "id": id,
                "it": it, "ja": ja, "ko": ko, "nl": nl, "no": no, "pt": pt,
                "pt-br": pt_br, "ro": ro, "ru": ru, "sk": sk, "sl": sl,
                "sr": sr, "sv": sv, "tr": tr, "zh-cn": zh_cn}

class DroopyFileWrapper:
    """ Wrapper to a file class to store progress when writing to it


    def __init__ (self, filename, session, length):
#TODO sanitize input filename
        path = os.path.join (temp_dir, filename)
        self._file = open (path, 'w+b')
        self.session = os.path.join (temp_dir, session)
        self.sfile = open (self.session, 'w')
        self.length = length
        self.written_size = 0

    def write (self, data, *args, **kw):

        self.written_size += len (data)
        self.sfile.seek (0)
        self.sfile.write (str(int (float(self.written_size)/self.length*100)))
        self.sfile.flush ()

        return self._file.write (data, *args, **kw)

    def close (self, *args, **kw):
        self.sfile.close ()
        os.remove (self.session)
        return self._file.close (*args, **kw)

    def seek (self, *args, **kw):
        return self._file.seek (*args, **kw)

class DroopyFieldStorage(cgi.FieldStorage):
    """The file is created in the temporary directory with a single postfix.
    Another file is created to store progress in uploading file.
    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):

        if 'environ' in kw:
            environ = kw['environ']
            environ = args[3]

        self.asd_session = environ['SESSION']
        self.asd_length = int (environ['CONTENT_LENGTH'])
        cgi.FieldStorage.__init__ (self, *args, **kw)

    def make_file (self, binary=None):
        #TODO sanitazione 
        self.filename = self.filename+'.'+str (time.time()).replace ('.','')
        return DroopyFileWrapper (self.filename, self.asd_session, self.asd_length)

class HTTPUploadHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):

    protocol_version = 'HTTP/1.1'
    form_field = 'upfile'

    def html(self, page):
        page can be "main", "success", or "error"
        returns an html page (in the appropriate language) as a string

        # -- Parse accept-language header
        if not self.headers.has_key("accept-language"):
            a = []
            a = self.headers["accept-language"]
            a = a.split(',')
            a = [e.split(';q=') for e in  a]
            a = [(lambda x: len(x)==1 and (1, x[0]) or
                                           (float(x[1]), x[0])) (e) for e in a]
            a = [x[1] for x in a]
        # now a is an ordered list of preferred languages

        # -- Choose the appropriate translation dictionary (default is english)
        lang = "en"
        for l in a:
            if translations.has_key(l):
                lang = l
        dico = copy.copy(translations[lang])

        # -- Set message and picture
        dico["message"] = message
        if picture != None:
            dico["htmlpicture"] = '<img src="/%s"/>'% os.path.basename(picture)
            dico["htmlpicture"] = ""

        # -- Add a link to discover the url
        if self.client_address[0] == "":
            dico["port"] = self.server.server_port
            dico["linkurl"] =  linkurltmpl % dico
            dico["linkurl"] = ""

        # -- Set unique session to store progress
        dico['session'] = str (time.time ()).replace ('.','')

        return templates[page] % dico

    def serve_stat (self, session):
        spath = os.path.join (temp_dir, session)
            f = open (spath, 'r')
            data = f.read ()
            f.close ()

        except Exception, e:
            self.log_message ('Can\'t read file %s'%session)
            data = '0'

        self.send_response (200)
        self.send_header ("Content-Type", "text/html")
        self.send_header ("Content-Length", len(data))
        self.end_headers ()
        self.wfile.write (data)

    def do_GET(self):
        match = re.match ('/stat/(\d+)$', self.path)
        if match:
            self.serve_stat (match.group (1))
        elif picture != None and self.path == '/' + os.path.basename(picture):
            # send the pictures
            f = file (picture)
            fs = os.fstat (f.fileno ())
            self.send_header('Content-type', mimetypes.guess_type(picture)[0]) 
            self.send_header('Content-length', str (fs[6]))
            self.send_header ("Last-Modified", self.date_time_string (fs.st_mtime))
            shutil.copyfileobj (f, self.wfile)

    def do_POST(self):
        # Do some browsers /really/ use multipart ? maybe Opera ?
        # ???...
            deleteFile = False
            self.log_message("Started file transfer")

            # -- Set up environment for cgi.FieldStorage
            env = {}
            env['REQUEST_METHOD'] = self.command
            if self.headers.typeheader is None:
                env['CONTENT_TYPE'] = self.headers.type
                env['CONTENT_TYPE'] = self.headers.typeheader

            env['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = self.headers['content-length']
            #store session in environ to use when creating the session file to store file progress
            env['SESSION'] = re.match ('/(\d+)$', self.path).group (1)

            form = DroopyFieldStorage(fp = self.rfile, environ = env);
        #checking if cgi.make_file is called (isn't called for file < 1000 bytes)
            form[self.form_field].file.close ()
            dpath = os.path.join (temp_dir, form[self.form_field].filename)

            if  not os.path.isfile (dpath):
                form[self.form_field].filename = form[self.form_field].filename+'.'+str(time.time()).replace ('.','')
                dpath = os.path.join (temp_dir, form[self.form_field].filename)
                dfile = open (dpath, 'w')
                shutil.copyfileobj (form[self.form_field].file, dfile)
                dfile.close ()

            deleteFile = True
            filename = form[self.form_field].filename.rsplit ('.',1)[0]
            if filename == "":
                self.send_header('Location', '/')

            localpath = os.path.join(directory, filename).encode('utf-8')
            root, ext = os.path.splitext(localpath)
            i = 1
            # race condition, but hey...
            while (os.path.exists(localpath)): 
                localpath = "%s-%d%s" % (root, i, ext)
                i = i+1

            if self.check_path (localpath):
                self.log_message("Received: %s", os.path.basename(localpath))
                shutil.move (dpath, localpath)
                raise Exception ('Destination path not under %s'%(directory))

            # -- Reply

        except Exception, e:
            if deleteFile:
                os.remove (dpath)

    def check_path (self, path):
        if (os.path.realpath (path)[:len(directory)] != directory):
            return False
        return True

    def send_html(self, htmlstr):
        htmlstr = htmlstr.encode ('utf-8')
        self.send_header('Content-type','text/html; charset=utf-8')
        self.send_header('Content-length', len (htmlstr))

    def basename(self, path):
        """Extract the file base name (some browsers send the full file path).
        for mod in posixpath, macpath, ntpath:
            path = mod.basename(path)
        return path

    def handle(self):
        except socket.error, e:
            raise Abort()

class Abort(Exception): pass

class ThreadedHTTPServer(SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn,

    def handle_error(self, request, client_address):
        # Override SocketServer.handle_error
        exctype = sys.exc_info()[0]
        if not exctype is Abort:

# -- Options

def configfile():
    appname = 'droopy'
    # os.name is 'posix', 'nt', 'os2', 'mac', 'ce' or 'riscos'
    if os.name == 'posix':
        filename = "%s/.%s" % (os.environ["HOME"], appname)

    elif os.name == 'mac':
        filename = ("%s/Library/Application Support/%s" %
                    (os.environ["HOME"], appname))

    elif os.name == 'nt':
        filename = ("%s\%s" % (os.environ["APPDATA"], appname))

        filename = None

    return filename

def save_options():
    opt = []
    if message:
        opt.append('--message=%s' % message.replace('\n', '\\n'))
    if picture:
        opt.append('--picture=%s' % picture)
    if directory:
        opt.append('--directory=%s' % directory)
    if temp_dir:
        opt.append('--temp_dir=%s' % temp_dir)
    if port:
        opt.append('%d' % port)
    f = open(configfile(), 'w')

def load_options():
        f = open(configfile())
        cmd = [line.strip().decode('utf8').replace('\\n', '\n')
               for line in f.readlines()]
        return True
    except IOError, e:
        return False

def parse_args(cmd=None):
    """Parse command-line arguments.

    Parse sys.argv[1:] if no argument is passed.
    global picture, message, port, directory, temp_dir, must_save_options

    if cmd == None:
        cmd = sys.argv[1:]
        lang, encoding = locale.getdefaultlocale()
        if encoding != None:
            cmd = [a.decode(encoding) for a in cmd]

    opts, args = None, None
        opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(cmd, "p:m:d:t:h",
                                        "directory=","temp-dir=", "help",
    except Exception, e:
        print e

    for o,a in opts:
        if o in ["-p", "--picture"] :
            picture = os.path.expanduser(a)

        elif o in ["-m", "--message"] :
            message = a

        elif o in ['-d', '--directory']:
            directory = os.path.realpath (a)
        elif o in ['-t', '--temp-dir']:
            temp_dir = os.path.realpath (a)

        elif o in ['--save-config']:
            must_save_options = True

        elif o in ['--delete-config']:
                filename = configfile()
                print 'Deleted ' + filename
            except Exception, e:
                print e

        elif o in ['-h', '--help']:
            print USAGE

    # port number
        if args[0:]:
            port = int(args[0])
    except ValueError:
        print args[0], "is not a valid port number"

# --

def run():
    """Run the webserver."""
    server_address = ('', port)
    httpd = ThreadedHTTPServer(server_address, HTTPUploadHandler)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print LOGO

    config_found = load_options()

    if config_found:
        print 'Configuration found in %s' % configfile()
        print "No configuration file found."

    if must_save_options:
        print "Options saved in %s" % configfile()

    print "Files will be uploaded to %s" % directory
        print "HTTP server running... Check it out at http://localhost:%d"%port
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print '^C received, shutting down server'
        # some threads may run until they terminate

--- droopy    2011-04-17 11:49:34.000000000 +0200
+++ droopy_f    2011-04-17 23:56:02.000000000 +0200
@@ -60,6 +60,8 @@
 import tempfile
 import socket
 import locale
+import time
+import re

 LOGO = '''\
@@ -77,6 +79,7 @@
   -m MESSAGE, --message MESSAGE         set the message
   -p PICTURE, --picture PICTURE         set the picture
   -d DIRECTORY, --directory DIRECTORY   set the directory to upload files to
+  -t DIRECTORY, --temp-dir DIRECTORY    set the directory to store temporary files
   --save-config                         save options in a configuration file
   --delete-config                       delete the configuration file and exit

@@ -87,7 +90,8 @@
picture = None
message = ""
port = 8000
-directory = os.curdir
+directory = os.path.realpath (os.curdir)
+temp_dir = os.path.realpath (os.curdir)
must_save_options = False

 # -- HTML templates
@@ -121,8 +125,30 @@
 ncell = 4;
 curcell = 0;
+var xhr;
+if (window.XMLHttpRequest) 
+   xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
+   xhr = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
+xhr.onreadystatechange  = function()
+      { 
+      if(xhr.readyState  == 4)
+      {
+         if (xhr.responseText != "0" && xhr.responseText != "")
+         {
+    document.getElementById("percent").firstChild.nodeValue = xhr.responseText;
+         }
+   }
 function update() {
    setTimeout(update, 300);
+   xhr.open ('GET', '/stat/%(session)s', true);
+   xhr.send (null);
    e = document.getElementById("cell"+curcell);
    e.style.backgroundColor = "#eee";
    curcell = (curcell+1) %% ncell
@@ -138,13 +164,14 @@
 <div id="wrapform">
   <div id="form" class="box">
-    <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="">
+    <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="%(session)s">
       <input name="upfile" type="file">
       <input value="%(submit)s" onclick="swap()" type="submit">
   <div id="sending" class="box"> %(sending)s &nbsp;
     <table id="progress"><tr>
+    <tr> <p id="percent">0</tr></p>
       <td id="cell0"/><td id="cell1"/><td id="cell2"/><td id="cell3"/>
@@ -502,21 +529,62 @@
                 "sr": sr, "sv": sv, "tr": tr, "zh-cn": zh_cn}

+class DroopyFileWrapper:
+    """ Wrapper to a file class to store progress when writing to it
+    """
+    def __init__ (self, filename, session, length):
+#TODO sanitize input filename
+        path = os.path.join (temp_dir, filename)
+        self._file = open (path, 'w+b')
+        self.session = os.path.join (temp_dir, session)
+        self.sfile = open (self.session, 'w')
+        self.length = length
+        self.written_size = 0
+    def write (self, data, *args, **kw):
+        self.written_size += len (data)
+        self.sfile.seek (0)
+        self.sfile.write (str(int (float(self.written_size)/self.length*100)))
+        self.sfile.flush ()
+        return self._file.write (data, *args, **kw)
+    def close (self, *args, **kw):
+        self.sfile.close ()
+        os.remove (self.session)
+        return self._file.close (*args, **kw)
+    def seek (self, *args, **kw):
+        return self._file.seek (*args, **kw)
 class DroopyFieldStorage(cgi.FieldStorage):
-    """The file is created in the destination directory and its name is
-    stored in the tmpfilename attribute.
+    """The file is created in the temporary directory with a single postfix.
+    Another file is created to store progress in uploading file.
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+        if 'environ' in kw:
+            environ = kw['environ']
+        else:
+            environ = args[3]

-    def make_file(self, binary=None):
-        fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=directory)
-        self.tmpfile = os.fdopen(fd, 'w+b')
-        self.tmpfilename = name
-        return self.tmpfile
+        self.asd_session = environ['SESSION']
+        self.asd_length = int (environ['CONTENT_LENGTH'])
+        cgi.FieldStorage.__init__ (self, *args, **kw)
+    def make_file (self, binary=None):
+        #TODO sanitazione 
+        self.filename = self.filename+'.'+str (time.time()).replace ('.','')
+        return DroopyFileWrapper (self.filename, self.asd_session, self.asd_length)

class HTTPUploadHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):

-    protocol_version = 'HTTP/1.0'
+    protocol_version = 'HTTP/1.1'
     form_field = 'upfile'

     def html(self, page):
@@ -561,23 +629,52 @@
             dico["linkurl"] = ""

+        # -- Set unique session to store progress
+        dico['session'] = str (time.time ()).replace ('.','')
         return templates[page] % dico

+    def serve_stat (self, session):
+        spath = os.path.join (temp_dir, session)
+        try:
+            f = open (spath, 'r')
+            data = f.read ()
+            f.close ()
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.log_message ('Can\'t read file %s'%session)
+            data = '0'
+        self.send_response (200)
+        self.send_header ("Content-Type", "text/html")
+        self.send_header ("Content-Length", len(data))
+        self.end_headers ()
+        self.wfile.write (data)

     def do_GET(self):
-        if picture != None and self.path == '/' + os.path.basename(picture):
-            # send the picture
-            self.send_response(200)                      
+        match = re.match ('/stat/(\d+)$', self.path)
+        if match:
+            self.serve_stat (match.group (1))
+        elif picture != None and self.path == '/' + os.path.basename(picture):
+            # send the pictures
+            self.send_response(200)           
+            f = file (picture)
+            fs = os.fstat (f.fileno ())
             self.send_header('Content-type', mimetypes.guess_type(picture)[0]) 
+            self.send_header('Content-length', str (fs[6]))
+            self.send_header ("Last-Modified", self.date_time_string (fs.st_mtime))
-            self.wfile.write(open(picture, 'rb').read())
+            shutil.copyfileobj (f, self.wfile)

     def do_POST(self):
         # Do some browsers /really/ use multipart ? maybe Opera ?
+        # ???...
+            deleteFile = False
             self.log_message("Started file transfer")

             # -- Set up environment for cgi.FieldStorage
@@ -588,10 +685,26 @@
                 env['CONTENT_TYPE'] = self.headers.typeheader

-            # -- Save file (numbered to avoid overwriting, ex: foo-3.png)
+            env['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = self.headers['content-length']
+            #store session in environ to use when creating the session file to store file progress
+            env['SESSION'] = re.match ('/(\d+)$', self.path).group (1)
             form = DroopyFieldStorage(fp = self.rfile, environ = env);
-            fileitem = form[self.form_field]
-            filename = self.basename(fileitem.filename).decode('utf-8')
+        #checking if cgi.make_file is called (isn't called for file < 1000 bytes)
+            form[self.form_field].file.close ()
+            dpath = os.path.join (temp_dir, form[self.form_field].filename)
+            if  not os.path.isfile (dpath):
+                form[self.form_field].filename = form[self.form_field].filename+'.'+str(time.time()).replace ('.','')
+                dpath = os.path.join (temp_dir, form[self.form_field].filename)
+                dfile = open (dpath, 'w')
+                shutil.copyfileobj (form[self.form_field].file, dfile)
+                dfile.close ()
+            deleteFile = True
+            filename = form[self.form_field].filename.rsplit ('.',1)[0]
             if filename == "":
                 self.send_header('Location', '/')
@@ -605,17 +718,12 @@
             while (os.path.exists(localpath)): 
                 localpath = "%s-%d%s" % (root, i, ext)
                 i = i+1
-            if hasattr(fileitem, 'tmpfile'):
-                # DroopyFieldStorage.make_file() has been called
-                fileitem.tmpfile.close()
-                shutil.move(fileitem.tmpfilename, localpath)
+            if self.check_path (localpath):
+                self.log_message("Received: %s", os.path.basename(localpath))
+                shutil.move (dpath, localpath)
-                # no temporary file, self.file is a StringIO()
-                # see cgi.FieldStorage.read_lines()
-                fout = file(localpath, 'wb')
-                shutil.copyfileobj(fileitem.file, fout)
-                fout.close()
-            self.log_message("Received: %s", os.path.basename(localpath))
+                raise Exception ('Destination path not under %s'%(directory))

             # -- Reply
@@ -623,12 +731,22 @@
         except Exception, e:
+            if deleteFile:
+                os.remove (dpath)
+    def check_path (self, path):
+        if (os.path.realpath (path)[:len(directory)] != directory):
+            return False
+        return True

     def send_html(self, htmlstr):
+        htmlstr = htmlstr.encode ('utf-8')
         self.send_header('Content-type','text/html; charset=utf-8')
+        self.send_header('Content-length', len (htmlstr))
-        self.wfile.write(htmlstr.encode('utf-8'))
+        self.wfile.write(htmlstr)

     def basename(self, path):
         """Extract the file base name (some browsers send the full file path).
@@ -687,6 +805,8 @@
         opt.append('--picture=%s' % picture)
     if directory:
         opt.append('--directory=%s' % directory)
+    if temp_dir:
+        opt.append('--temp_dir=%s' % temp_dir)
     if port:
         opt.append('%d' % port)
     f = open(configfile(), 'w')
@@ -711,7 +831,7 @@

     Parse sys.argv[1:] if no argument is passed.
-    global picture, message, port, directory, must_save_options
+    global picture, message, port, directory, temp_dir, must_save_options

     if cmd == None:
         cmd = sys.argv[1:]
@@ -721,9 +841,9 @@

     opts, args = None, None
-        opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(cmd, "p:m:d:h",
+        opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(cmd, "p:m:d:t:h",
-                                        "directory=", "help",
+                                        "directory=","temp-dir=", "help",
     except Exception, e:
         print e
@@ -737,7 +857,9 @@
             message = a

         elif o in ['-d', '--directory']:
-            directory = a
+            directory = os.path.realpath (a)
+        elif o in ['-t', '--temp-dir']:
+            temp_dir = os.path.realpath (a)

         elif o in ['--save-config']:
             must_save_options = True