Autor: Tommaso Vitale Data: A: ML movimenti Bicocca CC: Francesca ARTIOLI, Claire Dupuy, Charlotte Halpern Assumpte: [movimenti.bicocca] Crises and the outcomes of contentious politics
> > Hi,
> Some of you might be interested in submitting the paper for the panel
> "Crises and the outcomes of contentious politics", which takes place
> in the frame of the ECPR General Conference in Reykjavik, 25th - 27th
> Aug. 2011.
> Panel is under the Section: Contentious politics in times of crisis
> Panel Chair(s) are Katrin Uba (Katrin.Uba@???) and Marco
> Giugni (marco.giugni@???)
> Panel Abstract:
> This panel takes as a starting point the question of whether and how
> would crises affect the outcomes of contentious politics. Political
> and economic crises as well as natural disasters affect the
> environment for contentious politics, but they also affect its
> outcomes. For example, social movements might become more influential
> in the policy process in times of electoral instability, but this
> effect might occur across different levels of policy-making (local,
> national, transnational). Economic crises, one the other hand, might
> have significant effects on the outcomes of consumerism. Finally,
> changing external conditions due to social instability could also
> affect the biographical consequences of contentious politics. This
> panel welcomes papers that examine the political, cultural or
> biographical outcomes of contentious politics in times of political
> or economic instability. We welcome theoretical as well as
> methodological papers, but also empirical studies across different
> countries or levels of government (local, national, transnational).
> Deadline is the 1st of February 2011 and more info on application
> could be found at
> > ts/Paper_Proposal_Guidelines_and_Deadlines.pdf
> With all best,
> Katrin Uba
> ___________________________________________________________________
> Katrin Uba, PhD
> Department of Government
> Box 514, SE-751 20
> Uppsala University
> Sweden
> Email: Katrin.Uba@???
> Phone: + 46 18 471 33 02 (office)
> + 46 70 307 94 31 (mobile)
> _______________________________________________
> mailing list