[Forumlucca] NB. La charities americane e i coloni israelian…

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Aihe: [Forumlucca] NB. La charities americane e i coloni israeliani: inchiesta sui finanziamenti
J street (associazione pacifista ebraica negli USA)

J Street Calls for Treasury Investigation Into Settlement Charities
J Street is calling on the U.S. Treasury Department to launch an
investigation into whether American charities that fund Israeli
settlement activity have broken the law. A recent New York Times
report revealed a connection between an American organization that
fundraises for Israeli political activity and "a former executive
director of the banned Israeli political party Kahane Chai." Kahane
Chai was designated a terrorist organization by the United States in

Moreover, these tax-exempt organizations are working to undermine a
two-state solution by deepening the occupation. Some even fund
settlement outposts that the Israeli government considers illegal.

Click here to join J Street in calling on Treasury Secretary Timothy
Geithner to launch an investigation into whether these organizations
broke the law.

With the explicit goal of undermining a two-state solution, many of
these groups raise tax-deductible contributions from the United States
to deepen the occupation in the Occupied Territories. Some even fund
settlement outposts that the Israeli government considers illegal.
Settlement activity over the Green Line is diminishing the chances of
a two-state solution and endangering Israel's very future as a Jewish,
democratic home. This isn't a question of whether or not these groups
have the legal right to raise funds for causes they believe in. The
question is whether or not they have broken the law.



J Street’s outrageous new initiative


The time has arrived for liberal American Jews who support Israel to
ask themselves whether there should be some limitations or red lines
for organizations seeking to be part of what they describe as the
“Jewish tent.” Until now, many seem to be convinced that it is in
the Jewish interest for all organizations to be brought into the
Jewish fold irrespective of how much they malign the Jewish state.

The most prominent example is J Street, which is publicly committed to
lobbying the US government to force Israel to take actions contrary to
the will not only of the democratically elected government, but the
vast majority of the people.

Many consider that tolerating such a group within the Jewish
mainstream transforms the concept of a Jewish tent into a farce.

Emboldened by the reluctance and in some cases cowardice of
establishment Jewish leaders to confront it, J Street has now advanced
beyond this.

Deliberately designed to coincide with the date of President Barack
Obama’s meeting with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, The New York
Times published a full-page article challenging US charitable
contributions which directly or indirectly assist enterprises in
Jewish settlements.

The article selectively focused on fringe extremist elements and
implicitly linked them with the broader settlement movement,
questioning the validity of tax deductible status for donations which
may benefit such areas. Not surprisingly, as Gerald Steinberg pointed
out in a recent Jerusalem Post article, the Times skimmed over the
many radical left organizations soliciting tax exempt funds to
undermine and demonize the Israeli government.

J Street capitalized on this article and bombarded its members and
supporters with an e-mail titled “Investigate the Settlement
Charities: Take Action Now,” which was followed by utterly misleading
themes including: “Disgraced Political Fund-raiser Jack Abramoff;
Settlements in the West Bank; US-designated Jewish Terrorist Groups.”

J Street has thus exploited an unbalanced and biased article and
further distorted it by focusing out of context on the reference by
The New York Times to the extremist Kahane Hai fringe group and
bracketing it with the settler movement. Although Kahane Hai does not
even exist today and at its peak never comprised of more than a
handful of followers, to package its message J Street emphasizes that
Kahane Hai “was designated a terrorist organization by the United
States in 1994,” to convey the false message that charitable
contributions to any activity or welfare over the Green Line is akin
to supporting terrorism.

To further delegitimize the settler movement, the J Street e-mail
disingenuously highlighted the fact that disgraced fund-raiser Jack
Abramoff had supported a charity over the Green Line.

However, J STREET truly crossed the red line by calling on its
supporters to launch a concerted campaign to bombard the US Treasury,
which it describes as “the federal agency responsible for enforcing
the law when it comes to terrorist financing and tax evasion,” with e-
mails demanding an investigation to determine whether charitable
organizations which provided funding to activities beyond the Green
Line “have broken the law.”

It is outrageous for J Street to imply that donations, including those
intended to assist educational institutes, kindergartens, medical
facilities or welfare, represent “terrorist financing” or “tax
evasion” because some of the funds raised may also benefit residents
of Jewish settlements. And in today’s toxic environment, it is
reprehensible for a Jewish organization – claiming to be mainstream
– to be effectively calling for criminal sanctions against
organizations which support causes in Israel which are contrary to its
political worldview.

While criminal sanctions are unlikely to result, J Street is
shamelessly lobbying the government to rule that all philanthropic
donations to charitable organizations funding projects beyond the
Green Line not only be denied tax deductibility, but be deemed to
contravene US law. In the unlikely event that such action succeeded,
it would economically devastate countless vital projects and
institutions beyond the 1949 armistice lines.

Surely self-respecting mainstream Jewish organizations appreciate the
potentially disastrous consequences should J Street succeed in its
latest campaign.

This organization is no longer limiting its activities to undermining
the Israeli government. Its activities now extend to seeking to deny
vital assistance to needy Israelis and legitimate apolitical social
welfare projects that happen to be located over the Green Line, the
bulk of which would impact on Jerusalem and the uncontested major
settlement blocs.

Will American Jewish organizational leaders continue to remain silent
in the face of such outrageous actions, not merely directed against
the Jewish state and its citizens, but also toward USbased charitable
organizations contributing to the legitimate needs of Israelis?
Perhaps if Israeli government and opposition leaders, both of whom who
are unquestionably opposed to such harmful activity, were to raise
their voices in a bipartisan manner and condemn such actions which
could inflict enormous damage to the Jewish state, it would encourage
American Jewish leaders to endeavor to marginalize such groups from
the Jewish mainstream.


J Street’s outrageous new initiative
The organization crossed the red line by calling on its supporters to  
bombard the US Treasury with e-mails demanding an investigation into  
charities that fund activities beyond the Green Line.

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                                             · · · · · · ·  
@@@@@@@ · · · · · · ·

                    Il terrore della tirannia finisce una volta cha ha  
                    completamente la vita pubblica e trasformato tutti  
i cittadini
                    in individui privati, spogliandoli di ogni  
interesse e legame
                    con gli affari pubblici.

                     Hannah Arendt