[movimenti.bicocca] CFP: Strikes and Social Conflicts in the…

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Autor: Tommaso Vitale
Dla: ML movimenti Bicocca
Temat: [movimenti.bicocca] CFP: Strikes and Social Conflicts in the Twentieth Century - Lisbon March 2011
>> From: Sjaak van der Velden <svv@???>
>> Call for Papers
>> International Conference
>> Strikes and Social Conflicts in the Twentieth Century
>> Lisbon, 17, 18, 19 March, 2011
>>       The Institute of Contemporary History (New University of
>> Lisbon), the International Institute of Social History (Amsterdam),
>> The Archive Edgard Leuenroth (Unicamp/Brasil), the Centre for the
>> Study of Spain under Franco and Democracy (Autonomous University of
>> Barcelona) and the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (France) start the
>> call for papers for the International Conference on Strikes and  
>> Social
>> Conflicts in the Twentieth Century that will take place in Lisbon
>> between 17 and 19 March 2011.
>>       The twentieth century has been confirmed as the century when
>> the capital-labour conflict was most severe. The International
>> Conference on Strikes and Social Conflicts in the Twentieth Century
>> will host submissions on the strikes and social conflicts in the
>> twentieth century and works on the theoretical discussion on the role
>> of unions and political organizations. We also invite researchers to
>> submit papers on methodology and the historiography of labour.
>>       We welcome submissions on labour conflicts that occurred in
>> factories, universities or public services, on rural and urban
>> conflicts and also on conflicts that developed into civil wars or
>> revolutions. National and international comparisons are also welcome.
>>       After the Russian revolution the relative strengths of capital
>> and labour were never again the same, with a period of revolution and
>> counter-revolution that ended with World War II. Protagonist of the
>> victory over fascism, the labour movement found itself neglected in
>> the core countries under the impact of economic growth in the 1950s
>> and the 1960s. But May 1968 quickly reversed the situation, with a
>> following boom of labour studies during the 1970s. Nevertheless once
>> the crisis of the 1970s was over, capital has regained the  
>> initiative,
>> with the deterioration of labour laws, the crisis of trade unions and
>> the subsequent despise in the academy for the study of social
>> conflicts. The recent crisis, however, shows that workers, the ones
>> who create value, are not obsolete. The social movements regain, in
>> the last decade, a central role in the world.
>>       The intensification of social conflicts in the last decade
>> promoted a comeback to the academia of the studies on labour and the
>> social movements. This conference aims to be part of this process: to
>> retrieve, promote and disseminate the history of social conflicts
>> during the twentieth century.

>> The Scientific Committee
>> �lvaro Bianchi (AEL)
>> Raquel Varela (IHC)
>> Sjaak van der Velden (IISH)
>> Serge Wolikow (MSH)
>> Xavier Dom�nech (CEDIF)
>> Calendar
>> Papers submission:              January 2010 � 30th June 2010
>> Notification of acceptance:     July 30th, 2010
>> Papers:                         December 15th, 2010
>> Conference:                     March, 17-19, 2011

>> Important:
>> The deadline for delivery of completed papers/articles is 15th
>> December 2010. For reasons of translation no papers will be accepted
>> after this date. The paper should be no longer than 4000 words
>> (including spaces) in times new roman, 12, line space 1,5. For
>> Registration Form see below.
>> Conference Languages
>> Conference languages are Portuguese, English, French and Spanish
>> (simultaneous translation Portuguese/English).
>>       Preliminary Program
>> The Conference will have sessions in the mornings and afternoons.
>> There will be conferences of invited speakers, among other, Marcel  
>> van
>> der Linden, Fernando Rosas, Serge Wolikow, Beverly Silver, Kevin
>> Murphy, Ricardo Antunes, �lvaro Bianchi, Dave Lyddon, Xavier
>> Dom�nech. During the conference there will be an excursion guided  
>> by
>> Prof. Fernando Rosas (Lisbon of the Revolutions); a debate about
>> cinema and labour movement and a debate about Crisis and Social
>> Change.

>>       Thusday-17/03/11        Friday-18/03/11 Saturday-19/03/11
>> 9:00 - 11:00    Opening Conference      Sessions
>> Excursion: Lisbon of the revolutions (guide by Prof. Fernando Rosas)
>> 11:15 - 13:15   Sessions        Sessions        Sessions
>> 13:15 � 14:30         Lunch   Lunch   Lunch
>> 14:30 � 16:30 Sessions        Sessions        Sessions
>> 16:45 � 18:45 Sessions        Sessions        Sessions
>> 19:30           Debate: Movies and Working class in the twentieth  
>> century.
>>       Debate:
>> �The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways.
>> The point, however, is to change it�. Crisis and Social Change.
>> 21:00   Dinner (Uai)    Dinner (Portug�lia)   Dinner (Casa do  
>> Alentejo)

>> Conference Fees
>> Fees including dinner�s and excursion Lisbon of the Revolutions:
>> 80 euros
>> Fees without dinners and excursion: free
>> Entrance free
>> Organization
>> Instituto de Hist�ria Contempor�nea (Universidade Nova de
>> Lisboa, Portugal)
>> International Institute of Social History (Amsterdam, the
>> Netherlands)
>> Maison des Sciences de L�Homme (Paris, France)
>> Centre d'Estudis de l'�poca Franquista i Democr�tica (Universitat
>> Aut�noma de Barcelona, Spain)
>> Arquivo Edgard Leuenroth (Campinas, Brasil)
>> Presidents/Research directors of the Institutes
>> Fernando Rosas (IHC)
>> Fernando Teixeira da Silva (AEL)
>> Marcel van der Linden (IISH)
>> Pere Ys�s Solanes (CEDIF)
>> Serge Wolikow (MSH)
>> Registration form/Papers Submission
>> International Conference
>> Strikes and Social Conflicts around the World in the Twentieth
>> Century
>> Lisbon, 17, 18, 19 March, 2011
>> For Registration/Papers Submission fill out this registration form
>> and
>> send it to ihc@???
>> First Name:     Family Name:

>> Position: Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor/
>> Lecturer/ Ph.D Candidate/ Postgraduate/ Independent Researcher etc..
>> University/Organization/Job:
>> Detailed Post Address (Important!):
>> City:   Country:        Postcode:
>> Telephone:      Mobile (Important):     Email (Important):

>> Paper Title:
>> Abstract (max 200 words)
>> Contact information:
>> Instituto de Hist�ria Contempor�nea/ Faculdade de Ci�ncias
>> Sociais e Humanas (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
>> Av. de Berna, 26 C
>> 1069-061 Lisboa, Portugal
>> E-Mail: ihc@???