Autor: Tommaso Vitale Data: 2009-10-05 13:26 -000 Para: ML movimenti Bicocca Asunto: [movimenti.bicocca] ECPR SG Forms of participation website
> > Dear friends,
> As some of you might have already noticed, the website for the ECPR
> standing forms of participation has gone through a vast update. The
> address to the site has also been simplified (the old still works as
> well though). Take a look:
> >
> I think the site has the potential to be a very valuable resource,
> so please keep sending your tips for content. We would now
> especially like to receive information on new projects and new
> publications in the participation area.
> And do not forget to spread the word about the group to colleagues
> who might be interested.
> Best regards,
> Henric Barkman
> Henric Barkman
> Phd Candidate
> Stockholm University
> henric.barkman@???
> +4673 918 03 18
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