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From: "Marco A. Calamari" <marcoc1@???>
To: e-privacy Maillist <e-privacy@???>
Subject: [e-privacy] [Fwd: [fnf2009] Info+Call: 2nd International Action Day
    Freedom Not Fear 2009 on 12 Sep 09
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E' arrivata un'ottima notizia; in Europa, e piu'
precisamente in Germania, c'e' ancora chi ha voglia
di protestare ed anche di scendere in piazza per
la difesa della privacy e dei diritti civili in Rete.

C'e' qui in Italia qualche persona/organizzazione
che desidera promuovere e farsi capofila per
organizzare un evento Italano?

Quelli dell'anno scorso al massimo potranno
dare una mano.....

-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Ricardo Cristof Remmert-Fontes <rcrf@???>
Reply-To: freedom not fear 2009 <fnf2008@???>
To: freedom not fear 2008 <fnf2008@???>
Subject: [fnf2009] Info+Call: 2nd International Action Day Freedom Not
Fear 2009 on 12 Sep 09
Date: Fri, 12 Jun 2009 01:04:39 +0200

Dear friends,

the 2nd International Action Day "Freedom Not Fear 2009 - Stop the
surveillance-mania" will take place on 12. September 2009.

As in the past year, we kindly ask you to organize any form of protest
action, arts, lectures, parties... on this very day.

*Call for Action*
Please find enclosed the revised demonstration call. Please translate
this call into your language. Feel free to crop or extend the call to
your needs, fitting to your national situation.

Please distribute the call among your employees, colleagues, partners
and affiliates!
Try to ask as many organizations as possible to support the call in your
country - specially outside the "net-affine" spectrum!

* Campaigning Website *
We have now set up a campaigning website for the demonstration, where
also the mobilization in the other countries can run. The call is now on
the campaigning page in english, along with more detailed in-depth-info
about organizing the protest, how-tos, help ressources and an overview
over all participating countries (more or less empty right now)

The campaign website is intentionally neutral and will be gradually
expanded. It can be found at:

On this plattform, you may set up your very own national campaigning
We have already set up empty pages for about 25 countries (those who
have participated at the last action day), which are linked at the top
of every page.
*Somebody here, who wants to help maintaining the main page?*

You can find your page at:
(replace xx with your 2-digit country code (ISO))

You can log into your page and customize it as you like by using the
following data:
User: xx
PW: mZAvjsXFTnvacujJRPtF
(replace xx with your 2-digit country code (ISO))
!!! Please change the password for your account immediately!!!

(We have installed a standard-theme, but feel free to either make a
theme for yourself or just enter basic information there and put a link
to your own campaigning site!)

We have also setup E-Mail-Addresses for each country - you can use it as
a catch-all to be forwarded to your native addresses or as imap-mailboxes:


Additional aliases:
(you can use both as sender/receiver)

Server-address (IMAP/SMTP):

Encryption: TLS
Login-Name: (the mail address)
Password: X]CJ]]1V*FUO:Vd,i@"G
!!! Please change the password for your account immediately - see below!!!


(Login with mail address and password)
Change of password (via "Preferences"), setup of redirection to your
original address or setup of a mail group (redirection to one or more
recipients etc.

*Press work*
Again we will try to coordinate the press relations on the action day
and will set up an office for that.

The central coordination mail address is:

You can also always call:

More info will follow.

Viele Grüße/Best regards
Ricardo Cristof Remmert-Fontes

Mobile: +49-170-2487266
E-Mail: rcrf@???

***Call for Action:***
International Action Day "Freedom Not Fear 2009- Stop the
surveillance-mania!" on
12 September 2009

Again a wide movement of engaged people and civil organisations call for
protests against the security craze. On 12 September 2009 the people
will carry their protests again in the streets of many countries by the
slogan “Freedom Not Fear - Stop the surveillance-mania!” Peacefull and
creative protest from demonstration to parties to artistic actions shall
characterize the protests this year.

All over the world, states invest heavily in mass surveillance and
centralised data retention programmes. These surveillance measures
include the preemptive retention of communication, profiling movements,
tax and financial transactions, interpersonal relationships, individual
behaviour and medical records and much more. Usually these measures are
justified by the “Fighting of Terrorism” and “Fight against organised
Crime” Data was not collected specially from suspicious people but from
everybody by o reason at all.

But these programmes do not only collect data of suspected criminals,
but everyone – without given suspicion. The building up of the safety
measurements by mass observation means de facto a destruction of the
presumption of innocence which is a basic pillar of a democratic rule of

Besides, such mass surveillance will not increase security to an extent
that would justify these high costs and the erosion of democratic norms
and values.

When the snooping into the private sphere by the state becomes normality
the guaranty of dignity of mankind is not only in danger but put out of
action. Man becomes an object of a mistrusting state. He is robbed of
his dignity by beeing looked upon as a potential criminal or enemy of
the state.

In addition to the operational upgrade by the use of mass surveillance
there is a worrying increase in centralisation of powers and a tendency
to weaken the separation between secret services, police and military.

For the democratic basic order secret services and police must operate
independently. History tought us many lessons on the violence which a
state can develop if this separation is not maintained. The state is
only a democratic and free state, when it remains within the
self-imposed limits; if it confines itself to its own high values.

An integral part of a state under the rule of law is the legal
prohibition of blanket mass surveillance, a plentiful violation of
privacy, and the guarantee of the principle, that lawful interventions
may always be ultima ratio.

In a free and just society there has to be confidence in the citizens
the mainspring for the state, and not mistrust. On the other hand, the
people must be able to trust the state that it will generally not
interfere with their basic rights without reasonable justification,
limited to single cases and with judicial review. Human dignity and
basic laws are an integral part of a democratic state and must be guranteed.

As dedicated citizens, representatives of civil society organizations,
we urge the policy with power, security and surveillance laws by
independent bodies on the effectiveness, potential harm and fundamental
rights that are equivalent. While this has not happened, we demand an
immediate stop of additional monitoring and safety laws.

We do not want a society shaped by fear and suspicion. We want a society
that is peaceful and free, which gives equal opportunities to every
single one of its members and no one is excluded. A society in which no
one has to fear the omniscient state and citizens are able to assume
responsibility for their own lifes.

We are convinced that the best tools for combating the crime are
education, poverty reduction, integration and social responsibility and
political participation. Politicians and civil society are jointly
called for action to develop alternative policies.

To raise awareness of the protests most effectively, this year’s
protests will take place shortly before the Ministers of Inner Affairs
of the EU will meet in Stockholm to adopt the “Stockholm Programme”
regarding measures f “inner security” within the EU - We want our
politicians to see that once again people are willing to stand up for an
open and peaceful society. We urge everyone to join our peaceful protest.

You can find the latest information on the protest marches and the list
of participating cities at our website: <http://freedomnotfear2009.org>

Our demands
1. Cutback on surveillance

* abolish the blanket logging of our communications and locations (data
* abolish the blanket collection of our biometric data as well as RFID
* abolish the blanket collection of genetic data
* abolish permanent CCTV camera surveillance and automatic detection
* scrap funding for the development of new surveillance techniques
* no blanket registration of all air travellers (PNR data)
* no information exchange with the US and other states lacking effective
data protection
* no secret searches of private computer systems, neither online nor offline
* no blanket surveillance and filtering of internet communications (EU
* stop the upgrading of the EU’s external borders (e.g. FRONTEX, eBorder)
* stop the increased integration of police, secret services and military
* no blanket surveillance of refugees (Visa Waiver, SIS II, VIS, EuroDAC)
* stop of the “Stockholm Programme”, which sets the agenda for EU
justice and home affairs and internal security policy from 2010 to 2014
(we also support the protests against the “Stockholm Programme”)

2. Evaluation of existing surveillance laws and development of alternatives

* We call for an independent evaluation of existing laws and powers to
their effectiveness and adverse effects on civil and human rights.
* We call for a joint reflection of politics and society for the
development of effective alternatives to crime and terrorism laws, for
example, by:
** expansion of educational opportunities
** intensification of measures of poverty reduction
** intensification of intercultural and interreligious dialogue
** development of infrastructures for victim counseling
** development of violence prevention and education campaigns in the
area of violent crime and sexual violence

3. Moratorium for new surveillance powers

* After the homeland armament of the past few years we demand an
immediate hold to new homeland security laws that further restrict civil

freedom not fear 2008 - fnf2008@???

+--------------- http://www.winstonsmith.info ---------------+
| il Progetto Winston Smith: scolleghiamo il Grande Fratello |
| the Winston Smith Project: unplug the Big Brother          |
| Marco A. Calamari marcoc@???  http://www.marcoc.it   |
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