[RSF] I: "Voices of Babel".... Inoltrate gente!!

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Autor: pilar
A: forumroma
Assumpte: [RSF] I: "Voices of Babel".... Inoltrate gente!!
giornata internazionale contro la tortura
Dear Friends,

We are pleased to invite you to the premier of the performance “*Voices of
Babel”* the 26 of June, United Nation’s day in support of Victims of

The project is directed by Nube Sandoval and Bernardo Rey and created with
the participants of the Theatre Laboratory of the VI-TO project (Help and
Cure for victims of Torture) of the Italian Council for Refugees -CIR-.

*Roma **Teatro India* *June 26th** - 9.00 pm* *Lungotevere dei
Papareschi, 146 ***

*The Laberynth of Babel*: *On the first day of work, we realized that
within the 12 participants that composed the group, more than 30 languages
were spoken. They knew the official language of their own countries, their
colonial language, usually english or french, their tribe dialects and the
languages they were oblige to learn for surviving in the long journey
through different countries before their arrival to Italy. Conscious that we
were in front of a sort of Babel, and with the objective to accompany them
in the reconstruction of their lost and denied identity, we began our
journey using the linguistic richness and differences as point of departure.

*Harold Pinter, in his “Mountain Language” offered us the exact opposite:
The arbitrary prohibition of a people *banned* to speak their own language.
The text synthesises the condition that negates diversity through
humiliation and torture. So when the text of H. Pinter was introduced into
the scenic space populated with people from different races and
languages, it became a vehicle to relate their own personal experiences, as
a living testimony that remember us the consequences of the intolerance
aptitude that denies diversity. ***

*Nube Sandoval and Bernardo Rey*

***************** *********************

In occasione del *26 Giugno*, giornata internazionale a sostegno delle
vittime di tortura, proclamata dall'Assemblea generale delle Nazioni Unite
nel 1997, il CIR -Consiglio Italiano per i Rifugiati- è lieto di invitare
amici e colleghi alla rappresentazione teatrale:


Liberamente tratto da "Il linguaggio della montagna" di Harold Pinter

Regia di Nube Sandoval e Bernardo Rey

Spettacolo teatrale realizzato dai partecipanti al laboratorio di
riabilitazione psicosociale del *progetto VI.TO*. *Accoglienza e cura delle
Vittime di Tortura*

Venerdì 26 GIUGNO 2009 - giornata internazionale a sostegno delle vittime
di tortura - ORE 21.00 TEATRO INDIA

Lungotevere dei Papareschi, 146

ingresso gratuito **

*fino ad esaurimento posti*

info: Progetto VI.TO.Consiglio Italiano per i Rifugiati-Onlus Via del
Velabro, 5/A- 00186 ROMA tel 06 69200 114 int. 217 fax 06 69200

Marie Agnès Nobécourt