[Hackmeeting] Prix Ars Electronica / Digital Communities, Ho…

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Aihe: [Hackmeeting] Prix Ars Electronica / Digital Communities, Honorary Mention
Dopo che jaromil non ha mai risposto alla tipa e che asbesto ci ha provato, ma
senza grandi risultati, e' arrivato ai milanesi questa cosa, che faceva piacere.
Hi Hackmeeting team,

Congratulations for the Honorary Mention at Prix Ars Electronica / Digital
Please see
for the official annoucement

Each winning project is documented in the catalog of Prix Ars Electronica -
Cyberarts 2009.
For this I would need a description of the Hackmeeting project (about 2500
- 3000 characters) and a "biography" of Hackmeeting (5 lines - when it was
founded, milestones).

Please send it as soon as possible!

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Io e tibi abbiamo prodotto il testo qui sotto.
Ve lo mando e domani integriamo ogni cosa che si dice e lo giriamo alla tipa di
ars electronica.
Il primo paragrafo è l'intro biografica. Il secondo e' il testo piu' lungo.

PS: non lo dico neanche, ma se da questa mention escono dei soldi mi aspetto che
arrivino in cassa hm.

The Hackmeeting was born in 1998 as the time and place for Italian and
international digital counterculters, hackers and activists to share ideas,
discuss projects and plan strategies on cyber-rights, electronic tools for
struggling and alternative views of society. In 10 years it has been organized
in Florence, Milan, Rome, Catania, Bologna, Genova, Torino, Naples, Pisa,
Palermo and Parma. Every year it has been participated by hundreds of people, each one
contributing to the event with debates, projects, software, concerts, talks, and
a lot more. This year the hackmeeting is back in Milan, in the neighbourhood
that will be swept away by the 2015 International Exposition projects. Our
slogan will be: Hack your fear! Build your future!

Hackmeeting is a story twelve years old. Hackmeeting has been born in 1998 and has been hold every year since that date, all over Italy, from north to south, in Florence, Milan, Rome, Bologna, Turin, Pisa, Genoa, Naples, Palermo, Catania, Parma. It has gathered nerds, cyber activists, geeks, techies, but also anyone who cared to subscribe to a general definition of hacking as changing one's own life to suit one's own desire, overcoming limit and borders, self-managing tools and spaces. The Hackmeeting has always focused on open hardware and free software, on digital countercultures, economies without capital, free speech against repression, and tried to point out the evolution and the impact of computers and electronic communication on the information system and on all of our lives.

Hackmeeting offers workshop, conferences, spontaneous discussion, cyber art performances, and much more. Each proposed activity, though, is meant as one of the facet of a philosophical framework based on sharing, openness, decentralization, free access, human evolution, and aimed at a political outcome. Hackmeeting is organized by a community of hackers unique in the world for its desire to funnel the hacker ethics into political activism, far beyond the limits of the technological environment. The Hackmeeting community thinks hacking is a tool to alter reality and society as a whole.

The Hackmeeting is usually a three-days long event and it's completely self-organized through an open and non-moderated mailing list (https://www.autistici.org/mailman/listinfo/hackmeeting) and wiki (http://hackmeeting.org/_wiki/index.php?title=Pagina_principale), as well as local live meeting in the city which will hold the next edition.

It often takes place in social centers, community spaces, and squats, to stress the close relationship between hacking and the underground political scene.

The first two days are dedicated to workshop, conferences and debates. The third is usually dedicated to a big plenum, where all the participants analyse new ideas and possibilities pointed out during the meeting, sum up all the event and reflects and examines projects for the next future.

For the first time in 2009 Hackmeeting is going to be splitted in two parts, to reach as many people as possible: Warm up and Hackmeeting.

Warm up is a series of events which will take place in various univerisities in Milan (Accademia di belle arti di Brera, Fisica, Bovisa, Bicocca, Scienze politiche, and Cascina Torchiera), between june 9th and 18th. They will be open conferences presented by researchers, experts, activists on ethics and hackers culture issues as hacking and net art history, open source, fear embedded societies, security and control, open design e 3D animation, peer to peer economy, ecohacking (hacker approach to ecology).
The Hackmeeting itself will take place in Sos Fornace, Rho (sosfornace.org) from june 19th to 21st: three days of workshops, lan space, sharing, meetings, discussions on free software, code, net neutrality, peer to peer and also digital countercultures, economies without capital, free speech against repression. Dedicated to the people who have adopted a critical and proactive approach towards the advancement of new technologies -- which are more and more tied to social control, the business of war and the commercialization of every vital space. Three days of workshops, games, parties, debates, exchanges and most of all, collective learning.

More info at: www.hackmeeting.org


- don't mourn, organize. - j.h. (IWW)
- ci sono alcune cose che un uomo fa. ci sono alcune cose che un uomo non fa. - Kong Fuzi
- Seru tituli - José Mourinho, profeta