[Badgirlz-list] Congress on Prostitution the 20th of March 2…

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Aihe: [Badgirlz-list] Congress on Prostitution the 20th of March 2009 in Paris

In light of the precariousness experienced by prostitutes both
socially and in terms of health, on the 6th anniversary of the LSI
(Internal Security Law)
and for the third consecutive year, the Assises de la Prostitution
(Congress on Prostitution) will take place, on Friday the 20th of
March 2009, at the Odéon Theatre in Paris.

Repression = lack of security, abuse, health risks
Since the enforcement of the Internal Security Law, in March 2003, it
has become increasingly difficult to reach prostitutes, despite the
action of the numerous peer health projects and social workers in the

Since March 2003, we have being witnessing a worsening of prostitutes'
living conditions, and an increase in risk-taking due to economic
difficulty and to the pressure coming from the police and from a
number of clients. Moreover, many organisations have observed an
increase in STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) for most marginalised
prostitutes (transgender, drug users, migrants).
New forms of prostitution have also emerged (internet, bars, etc.),
making prevention a more complex task.

Strategy: giving a voice to prostitutes and their allies, involving
them and encouraging them to become active participants

Why at the Odéon Theatre? Because ever since the dawn of Ancient
Greece the purpose of theatre has been to shed light on the
underground areas of our societies, and to openly rise issues that we
are used to bury out of fear, uneasiness, and ignorance. That is the
case of prostitution, even more so of the so called 'chosen'
This meeting will be both professional and public, and will
essentially give voice to those who identify themselves as 'sex
workers', prostitutes, or share similar practices.
By privileging the voices of prostitutes, of peer associations, and
others who are directly active in the field, we aim at providing
concrete answers concerning issues of prevention, and prostitutes'
health and access to fundamental rights in France.

On the one hand, the direct involvement of prostitutes will facilitate
their access to prevention tools and to fundamental rights.
On the other hand, bringing together different members of society, as
well as prostitutes in France and throughout Europe, will help
constitute a strong European network of expertise on the key themes
related to prostitution.

Programme: sharing experiences, disseminating prevention tools

9h00: Welcoming and coffee

9h30-13h: Workshops
Addressing good practices of HIV/AIDS-SDT prevention and of
prostitutes' fundamental rights

15h-16h45: Output from workshops
Discussion. Discussants will also address the issue of how to involve
prostitutes in the elaboration of health and rights projects.

17h-18h: Press Conference
Synthesis of the day and presentation of a common declaration to the press

18h00-19h00: Reading of Grisélidis Réal texts
Grisélidis Réal was a prostitute, a writer, an activist and a poet.
Among her publications (Editions Verticales) feature Le noir est une
couleur, La Passe imaginaire, Carnet de bal d'une courtisane, Suis-je
encore vivante?

Photo exhibition 'Prostitutes of Europe' by Mathilde Bouvard
Artistic and sociological project representing prostitutes (by choice)
in 15 European cities.

The actors: UNALS, Droits et Prostitution, ICRSE, the prostitutes and
their allies
The UNALS (National Union of Organisations against Aids) and the
Collectif « Droits et Prostitution » , the ICRSE (International
Committee on the Rights of Sex Workers in Europe), the prostitutes,
the politics, the civil society organisations, the social sciences
specialists will be involved in this event.

Goals: Proposing the main thrust of thought and action

Endorsement of a common declaration including both analysis and
proposals based on the afternoon debate and the morning workshops;
Establishment of a network of study and action on prostitution for
future collaboration;
Dissemination of a congress report including main interventions,
exchanges and conclusions.

Address : Odéon-Théâtre de l'Europe - place de l'Odéon - 75006 Paris.
Metro station: Odéon (line 4) or Luxembourg (RER B)
Reservations : assisesprostitution2009@???