[movimenti.bicocca] Editorship vacancies for ECPR journals


著者: Simone Horat
To: Laboratorio sulla partecipazione politica e associativa del Dipartimento di Sociologia e ricerca sociale dell'Universita' degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
題目: [movimenti.bicocca] Editorship vacancies for ECPR journals

ecpr editorial vacancies     

the ecpr has a number of editorial positions becoming vacant in 2009

All positions will start in 2009 and run initially for three years,
renewable for a further three years subject to satisfactory service. All
editors are responsible to the ECPR's Publications Board, which in turn
reports to the ECPR's Executive Committee, and as such will be expected
to prepare a formal report for the Board and Committee each spring.
Editors are required to meet with the Board at least once a year, and
with publishers and co-editors (where applicable) as and when required.
All positions advertised below require significant commitment and
applicants should be prepared to be proactive in running the publication
day-to-day and also developing it (alongside the publisher and the
Publications Board) in the longer term. It is expected that applicants
will come from an ECPR member, or associate member, institution.


Position: Co-editor of the ECPR's professional journal: European
Political Science (EPS), published by Palgrave Macmillan on behalf of
the ECPR.

Current editors: Jim Newell (University of Salford) and Martin Bull
(University of Salford)
Continuing editor: Martin Bull (also Academic Director of the ECPR)

The position of co-editor involves the following principal tasks:
Commissioning articles for the journal bearing in mind the remit to
provide a forum for discussion and debate about how the discipline of
political science is, can be, and ought to be carried on in Europe.
* Reading submitted articles and discussing their suitability for
publication with the other co-editor.
* Securing referees' reports on submitted articles where appropriate.
* Copy-editing submitted articles, in collaboration with the journal's
Administrator (currently based at the University of Salford).
* Corresponding with authors and potential authors on the progress of
their submissions and promised submissions.
* Meeting periodically with the co-editor and the journal's
administrator to plan forthcoming issues.
* Holding periodic meetings with the other co-editor, with the associate
editors and members of the editorial board, as appropriate, to discuss
strategic matters and the future direction of the journal
* Sharing, with the other co-editor, the task of academic proof reading
issues of the journal
* Sharing, with the other co-editor, the task of writing an editorial
for each issue of the journal.
* Preparing, in collaboration with the other co-editor, the journal's
annual report for consideration by the ECPR's Publications Board and
Executive Committee.
* Attending, as required, ECPR events such as the Joint Sessions of
Workshops each spring, in order to raise the journal's profile, meet
participants and commission articles as appropriate.
* In collaboration with the other co-editor and the journal's
administrator, liaising with the publishers concerning (a) the
production of each issue and (b) operational and strategic issues
surrounding publicity for the journal.

Appointment: 1st August 2009 - 1st August 2012, renewable for a further
three years subject to the approval of the ECPR's Publications Board.

The successful applicant will receive an annual editorial fee and a fund
to cover travel expenses incurred in attending meetings related to the

Routledge/ECPR Studies in European Political Science

Position: Editor of the Studies in European Political Science book
series, published by Routledge (Taylor & Francis) in association with
the ECPR.

Current editor: Thomas Poguntke (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)

The Routledge/ECPR Studies in European Political Science publishes
edited volumes which have originated from ECPR activities: this applies
mainly to book projects that emerge from ECPR Joint Sessions of
Workshops and, to a smaller degree, from sections organized at ECPR
General Conferences.

The series editor is the principal contact for all academics who
consider publishing such a volume. In the first instance, this requires
his or her presence at the annual Joint Sessions of Workshops and,
ideally, also at the biennial General Conference where the editor should
be available to meet prospective book editors and discuss their projects.

The series editor deals with all academic matters related with the
series including an initial evaluation of the viability of a book
proposal, the selection of reviewers, subsequent discussions with the
book editors and, on the basis of the reviews, the decision about the
inclusion of a book into the series. He or she receives very strong
logistical support from the publishers who organize all technical
matters including the contacting of reviews.

The series editor should be an established academic who is prepared to
invest considerable energy in the running of the Series.

Appointment: 1st April 2009 - 1st April 2012, renewable for a further
three years subject to the approval of the ECPR's Publications Board.

The successful applicant will receive an annual editorial fee and a fund
to cover travel expenses incurred in attending meetings related to the

ECPR Monographs & Classics

Posiiton: Co-editor of the ECPR's Monographs and Classics book series,
published by the ECPR's own publishing imprint, ECPR Press.

Co-editors: Alan Ware (University of Oxford) and Vincent
Hoffmann-Martinot (Sciences Po Bordeaux)
Continuing editor: Vincent Hoffmann-Martinot

Established in 2005, the ECPR Press operates a small academic press from
the ECPR's Central Services at the University of Essex. Since the launch
of the first two book series (Monographs and Classics) in 2005 around 18
books have been published, with roughly equal numbers in each series.

With respect to the Monographs Series the role of the co-editors is:
1) To use their contacts in the political science and international
relations communities to discover potentially suitable manuscripts for
the series. The co-editors are expected to be pro-active in this regard.
Included in this work is consultation with senior colleagues about the
possibility of including in the series translations of important works
recently published in other languages.
2) To evaluate the academic quality of such manuscripts and those
unsolicited manuscripts that have also been submitted to the Press. In
doing this the co-editors may use as referees either members of the
editorial board or other suitably qualified academics; but the
co-editors are expected to organize this aspect of the process.
3) To advise authors of manuscripts accepted for publication as to
improvements and changes that should be made for the finally submitted
version to the Press. The co-editors are responsible for final approval
for any manuscript.
4) To serve as chair of the panel of judges for the ECPR thesis prize
during the first three years following appointment as co-editor,
identifying potential candidates for the series from those theses
submitted; it is expected that the prize-winning thesis will, as a
matter of course, normally be published as a book in the series.
5) To consult and liaise with the production manager on all aspects of
the production, distribution and marketing arrangements of the series.
6) To attend meetings twice a year with the production manager.
7) Between them, to attend ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, General and
Graduate Conferences to meet potential authors and to publicize the series.

With respect to the Classics series, conditions 5-8 also apply, but in
addition the co-editors also recommend for inclusion in the Series
important works that are currently out of print, and discuss with the
production manager negotiations for obtaining the publishing rights to
such books.

Appointment: 1st April 2009 - 1st April 2012, renewable for a further
three years subject to the approval of the ECPR's Publications Board.

The successful applicant will receive an annual editorial fee and a fund
to cover travel expenses incurred in attending meetings related to the

EJPR - Political Data Yearbook

Position: Co-editor of the European Journal of Political Research's
Political Data Yearbook (PDY), published at the end of each volume as a
double-length issue, published by Wiley-Blackwell on behalf of the ECPR.

Current editors: Ingrid van Biezen (University of Birmingham) and Tim
Bale (University of Sussex)
Continuing editor: Tim Bale

The European Journal of Political Research is one of the most important
activities of the ECPR, and its flagship publication. It currently
comprises seven issues a year, of which one is the double issue
Political Data Yearbook.

The Political Data Yearbook reports data concerning cabinet composition
and election and referendum results, and provides a narrative and
interpretation of the principal political issues and events within each
of the EU member states, including the countries scheduled to join the
EU in 2004, Norway, Switzerland, the United States, Canada, Australia,
New Zealand, and Japan. It will be expanding to include the 2007
candidate members of the EU. The PDY aims to be both a reliable archive
of hard data and a tool for scholars who want to keep abreast of
political events in the countries covered.

The work of the two editors involves the following:
assuring that the manuscript is within the page budget and delivered to
the publisher by the production deadline;
assuring that each entry is accurate, in clear and grammatical English,
and includes all of the required elements;
working with the authors to resolve any ambiguities or inconsistencies
in the reports;
writing the editors' introduction to each volume, highlighting common
trends and important issues.

Appointment: 1st August 2009 - 1st August 2012, renewable for a further
three years subject to the approval of the ECPR's Publications Board.

The successful applicant will receive an annual editorial fee and a fund
to cover travel expenses incurred in attending meetings related to the


Position: Co-editor of the European Journal of Political Research
(EJPR), published by Wiley-Blackwell on behalf of the ECPR.

Current editors: Kris Deschouwer (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) and
Richard S. Katz (Johns Hopkins University)
Continuing editor: Richard S. Katz

The EJPR is one of the leading journals of political science and the
flagship publication of the ECPR.

The task of the commissioning editor of the EJPR is the organization of
the reviewing process and the selection of the manuscripts for
publication in the journal. That includes:
* A first administrative screening of all incoming manuscripts: making
sure that the files have been properly uploaded to the electronic
submission system
* A first screening of the content of the manuscript, and if needed
rejection of those that are inappropriate
Inviting referees to write an anonymous report on the quality of the
* Deciding on the basis of the referee reports and in close co-operation
with the production editor whether a manuscript should be accepted for

For the position of commissioning editor of the EJPR, the ECPR is
looking for an experienced member of the profession,
* with a wide range of interests
* with a wide range of professional contacts in Europe
* preferably with some experience in editing scientific journals

Appointment: 1st August 2009 - 1st August 2012, renewable for a further
three years subject to the approval of the ECPR's Publications Board.

The successful applicant will receive an annual editorial fee and a fund
to cover travel expenses incurred in attending meetings related to the


European Political Science (EPS)

Studies in European Political Science book series

ECPR Monographs & Classics book series

European Journal of Political Research (EJPR)

Political Data Yearbook (PDY) of the EJPR

*Applications should be made in the form of a covering letter explaining
how the candidate would develop the publication under their editorship,
and a full CV. *
* *
*The closing date is the 31st December 2008, and all applications should
be sent via e-mail to the ECPR's Publications Manager, Rebecca Knappett

In the first instance all enquiries should be directed to Rebecca

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