-----Original Message-----
From Karl.Vanmeter@???
Sent Sun 8/31/2008 1:25 PM
To bms-rc33@???; aimsl@???
Subject [aimsl] Call - Two Chairs in Sociology (Univ. Mannheim)
Deadline: 12 September 2008
Job announcement: Two Full Professorships in Sociology at University of Mannheim
The University of Mannheim seeks to fill the following two full (tenured)
professorships (W3-Professur) in sociology.
The University of Mannheim, Faculty of Social Sciences, seeks to fill the
following two full (tenured) professorships (W3-Professur) in sociology.
Mannheim has recently been evaluated as the top university department in
sociology in both research and teaching (WR, CHE).
Chair in Social Research Methods
The successful candidate should be qualified in teaching and research in the
methods of empirical social research. In addition the candidate should have
internationally visible publications in one substantial research area of
sociology. Contributions to the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research
(MZES) are expected. We welcome participation in the social science doctoral
program (in English) of the Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences
Chair in Economic & Organizational Sociology
The successful candidate should be qualified in teaching in the area of economic
sociology and organizational sociology. The candidate should have
internationally visible publications in eco-nomic and / or organizational
sociology. The professorship should contribute to courses in the modules on
international comparative sociology. Contributions to the Mannheim Centre for
European Social Research (MZES) are expected. We welcome participation in the
social science doctoral program (in English) of the Graduate School of Economic
and Social Sciences (GESS).
Employment requirements are a first university degree and a PhD. Moreover, the
successful can-didate will need to demonstrate teaching skills as well as
additional scientific accomplishments verified by a Habilitation (postdoc
thesis) or equivalent scientific achievements. Teaching can be in English, but
non-German speakers are expected to learn German within the first three years.
Candidates with disabilities will be given preference in case of equal
qualifications. The Univer-sity of Mannheim seeks to increase the percentage of
female faculty members in research and teaching. Thus, qualified women are
especially encouraged to apply.
Applications including a CV and list of publications should be sent until
September 12, 2008 to:
Professor Josef Brüderl
The Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences
University of Mannheim
D-68131 Mannheim, Germany
>> BMS 2008 subscriptions: individuals, 34 euros; organizations, 67 euros <<
* Karl M. van Meter BMS, Bulletin de Methodologie
* karl.vanmeter@??? (Bulletin of Sociological Methodology)
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