[movimenti.bicocca] premio 500 USD per lavoro critico in rel…

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Autor: Simone Horat
Data: 2008-08-29 12:51 -000
Para: Laboratorio sulla partecipazione politica e associativa del Dipartimento di Sociologia e ricerca sociale dell'Universita' degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Hessler Justine
Asunto: [movimenti.bicocca] premio 500 USD per lavoro critico in relazioni internazionali
Qualora interessasse a qq1!


-----Original Message-----From Björn Hettne
<bjorn.hettne@???>Sent Wed 8/27/2008 5:21 PM

To padrigu-l@???
Subject Vb: Cox Award

Dear Colleagues,

It is time to call for submissions to this year's ISA Robert and Jessie
Cox Graduate Student Paper Award (for details, see below). I would be
grateful if you would circulate the call amongst your networks. And,
please encourage graduate students to submit suitable papers or
alternatively nominate papers yourselves. Papers should be submitted to
myself by October 20.

Apologies for cross-postings.

Best wishes, Magnus Ryner (Chair of Committee)

Robert & Jessie Cox Award

Established in 1997, the Robert W. and Jessie Cox Award honors the best
graduate student paper of critical inquiry into international relations.
The purpose of the prize is to encourage critical study of international
political economy, world orders, and civilizations. Papers submitted
should relate, broadly, to the main normative principles for which the
Coxes stand, including: diffusion of power; democratization; mutual
respect for distinct civilizations, concern for the biosphere; and,
greater equality among societies, genders, and races.


    * The winner will receive a $500.00 cash prize and a plaque at the
awards presentations at the annual ISA conference.
    * Graduate students are invited to submit their papers for the
competition themselves. In addition, department chairs, program
directors, deans, chairs of sessions at ISA annual or regional
meetings, or from chairs of sessions at other meetings of
international studies associations are invited and encouraged to
nominate submissions.
    * Nominations, including copies of the paper, should be sent to the
Chair of the Cox Award Committee. Submissions should arrive by October
20 of each year. Submissions must be in English, not be considered for
any other ISA award, and not exceed 10,000 words. Submissions should,
if possible, be made electronically.
    * Stephen Gill and James Mittelman, co-editors of the book Innovation
and Transformation in International Studies, a volume honoring Robert
W. and Jessie Cox and funding this Award, will name two (2) members of
the Committee to award this prize. The ISA President will name three
(3) members, including the Committee Chair. All members will serve
three-year terms.
    * The Committee Chair is responsible for notifying the Recipient of
the Award and encouraging the Recipient to attend the Annual
Convention at which the Award is to be presented so as to receive the
Award in person.


J. Magnus Ryner, 2006-2009
Department of IR, Politics & Sociology
Oxford Brookes University
Gipsy Lane
Headington, Oxford, OX3 0BP
Telephone: +44 (0) 1865 483758
Fax: +44 (0) 1865 48 3937
Email: mryner@???


Christine B.N. Chin, 2006-2009
School of International Service
American University
4400 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20016-8071 USA
Telephone: 202.885.1866
Fax: 202.885.2494
Email: cchin@???

Matt Davies, 2006-2009*
School of Geography, Politics, and Sociology
Newcastle University
40-42 Great North Road
Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE1 7RU UK
Telephone: +44.(0).191.222.7477
Email: matt.davies@???

Michèle Rioux, 2006-2009
Department of Political Science
Université du Québec à Montréal
Case Postale 8888, Succ. Centre-ville
Montréal, Quebec H3C 3P8 CANADA
Telephone: 514.987.3000 ext.0327
Fax: 514.987.0397
Email: rioux.michele@???

Adam Harmes, 2008-2011*
University of Western Ontario
213 Phelps Road
Brantford, ON N3T 5L5 CANADA
Phone: (416) 346-4770
Email: aharmes@???

Magnus Ryner,
Professor of International Relations,
Department of IR, Politics and Sociology,
Oxford Brookes University,
Gipsy Lane,
Headington, Oxford, OX3 0BP

Association Nationale des Candidats aux M�tiers de la Science Politique
c/o Universit� Paris 1, D�partement de Science politique, 17 rue de la Sorbonne 75231 Paris Cedex 05

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