[movimenti.bicocca] Simposio Movimenti sociali del medio ori…


著者: Simone Horat
To: Laboratorio sulla partecipazione politica e associativa del Dipartimento di Sociologia e ricerca sociale dell'Universita' degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
題目: [movimenti.bicocca] Simposio Movimenti sociali del medio oriente e del nord dell'africa
Mi spiace, ho il call for papers solo in inglese anche se é a Firenze!

Più informazioni qui:

Ciao S.

Tenth Mediterranean Research Meeting
The Tenth Mediterranean Research Meeting which will take place near
Florence (Italy) on 25 –28 March 2009.

Call for papers
Read carefully the following documents:

    * Call for papers Acrobat .pdf file [pdf, 7 pages]
      Includes the MRM Participation and Copyright Agreement.

    * Information for prospective participants Acrobat .pdf file [pdf, 6 
      Includes Paper policy guidelines, and logistics guidelines.

before filling the online application form.

Deadline: September the 1st, 2008

    * Poster Acrobat .pdf file [pdf, 200Kb]
      Feel free to print it and hang it!

Goals of the Meeting

Reaching its tenth anniversary, the Mediterranean Research Meeting:


      Is committed to foster theoretical and empirical research and 
dialogue among scholars from countries across the Mediterranean and with 
Mediterranean issue concerns;

      Aims to enable  junior scholars to meet more senior scholars in an 
interactive environment, and to promote further research collaboration;

      Focuses attention on legal, historical, economic and 
socio-political issues;

      Stresses its aim to reach as wide as possible coverage of all 
Mediterranean areas, with topics relating to the Middle East, North 
Africa, Southern and South-Eastern Europe, their mutual relationships 
and their relations with Europe;

      Encourages the publication and dissemination of this research in 
edited volumes, thematic issues of learned journals, and the 
Mediterranean Programme RSCAS-EUI Working Papers series.

For information on previous sessions of the Mediterranean Research
Meetings, please visit the home page of the Meeting.


Scientific Co-ordination
Imco Brouwer and Aleksandra Djajic-Horvath
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Catherine Divry and Luca Arnaudo
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Shouldn’t we go a step further?

a workshop at the Tenth Mediterranean Research Meeting
European University Institute
Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies
Mediterranean Programme
Montecatini Terme, near Florence (Italy), 25 –28 March 2009.

coordinated by

Dr. Joel Beinin
Professor of History, Stanford University, USA
Professor of History American University in Cairo (on leave 2008-09)
Dr. Frédéric Vairel
Researcher, Centre d’Etudes et de Documentation Economiques, Juridiques et Sociales, Cairo

Paper proposals of 500-1,000 words, in English, are invited before 1 September 2008.

Applicants may apply on line at: http://www.rscas.org/medform.asp. Please include a short cv of no more than five pages.

Selection of papers will take place by 30 September. Final papers are due by 15 January 2009

Please circulate this call widely.

Below is an abstract of the workshop. For further information please see



Social movement theory has rarely ventured beyond the terrain of the USA and Europe or narrow understandings of the “political” based on case studies drawn from the global North. Consequently, it often misunderstands activism in the South, which sometimes occurs as silent resistances, bypassing of authority, day-to-day forms of resistance or evading practices of power. Social movement studies are commonly framed by disciplines other than political science, which tends to minimize or obscure the political meanings of those movements.
Except for riots and revolutionary moments, contentious politics has been little studied. More recently the notion of “Islamism” has marginalized the Middle East as a land of “ugly movements,” off the maps of “mainstream” social science. The best-known studies of Islamic mobilizations are either little affected by social movement theory or, despite their empirical richness, limit themselves to asserting that these cases confirm its predictions. Another category of work, research on the associational revival in the Middle East, typically falls into the teleological trap of regarding the “awakening of civil society” as a sign and a condition for democratization.
The Middle East and North Africa are excellent sites for studying collective action in authoritarian settings and can enrich our understandings of comparative politics and social movement theory. To complement the literature focused on structural processes at the state or regime level, we propose to concentrate on “politics under the threshold” which might threaten authoritarianism: opportunities and constraints for collective action in authoritarian regimes and their effects on the reconfiguration of such regimes. The objective is to understand regime transformations through the social and political relations that underlie them and not through binary categories of democracy-authoritarianism.

Joel Beinin
Director of Middle East Studies     Professor of History
Professor of History                      Stanford University
American University in Cairo         (on leave 2006-08)


Association Nationale des Candidats aux M�tiers de la Science Politique
c/o Universit� Paris 1, D�partement de Science politique, 17 rue de la Sorbonne 75231 Paris Cedex 05

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