[movimenti.bicocca] [Fwd: Vacancy (Research Associate) at Ki…

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Autor: gench
Data: 2008-06-23 08:44 -000
Para: Laboratorio sulla partecipazione politica e associativa del Dipartimento di Sociologia e ricerca sociale dell'Universita' degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
Asunto: [movimenti.bicocca] [Fwd: Vacancy (Research Associate) at King's Department of War Studies]
Immagino che questo inteaessi meno, ma ve lo mando cmq..


Research Associate post available on EU-funded Project on ‘Early Warning
and Conflict Prevention’

*Department of War Studies - King’s College, London*

Application are invited for a three year (full-time only) Research
Associate position in the context of a major project entitled ‘Do
Forecasts Matter? Early Warnings and the Prevention of Armed Conflict’.

The project is led by Dr Christoph Meyer and will receive funding by the
European Research Council, a new body set-up by the EU to support
frontier research. The project team further comprises two doctoral
researchers on full scholarships. The project seeks to better understand
the interplay of communication and political perception of early
warnings about impending intra-state armed conflict since the end of the
Cold War. Visit Dr Meyer’s staff webpage for a project summary

Candidates must have PhD in the social sciences, be well-organised, have
a good knowledge of methodological issues in doing research, good IT and
foreign language skills.

The appointment will be on Grade 6 at £29,138 plus £2,323 London
Allowance. For further particulars and application details, please
contact _strand-recruitment@???
<mailto:strand-recruitment@kcl.ac.uk>_ or write to the HR Department,
Strand Campus, King’s College London, London WC2R 2LS. Please quote
N6/DAW/74/08 on all correspondence.

The closing date for receipt of applications is 7 July 2008. Interviews
will be held on 24 July 2008.

/Equality of opportunity is College policy/


Dr Christoph O. Meyer

King's College London

Department of War Studies

Strand, London WC2R 2LS, UK

Tel: 0044-(0)20-7848-1031


Homepage: http://dr.christoph.meyer.googlepages.com/

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