[movimenti.bicocca] Tilly: Method and Explanation

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Autore: Tommaso Vitale
Data: 2008-06-16 05:05 -000
To: ML movimenti Bicocca
Oggetto: [movimenti.bicocca] Tilly: Method and Explanation
Thanks to Paradigm Publishers, we could post the introduction to
Chuck's new book Explaining Social Processes (Paradigm, 2008) online
and make it accessible to everyone. The title of the introduction is
"Method and Explanation", and you can find and download it in the
bibliography section of the SSRC's "Annotated Links to Charles Tilly
Resources" (http://www.ssrc.org/essays/tilly/resources), related to
the Tributes to Chuck and the Hirschman award. Many thanks to Dean
Birkenkamp from Paradigm for the permission.

The "Annotated Links to Charles Tilly Resources" are substantially
updated. There are new bibliography sections with "Reflections on
Current Affairs" and with a list of the collaborative publications of
the DOC tradition. The sections "Biography" and "SSRC Projects" are
substantially updated as well.

More content will follow. Further suggestions or notes with
corrections of mistakes are very welcome.


Andreas Koller, SSRC and NYU