[Badgirlz-list] CRACK! 2008. PROGRAMMA (anche english versio…

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Autore: Errata
Data: 2008-06-07 10:23 -000
To: bg ml list
CC: l38 squat mailing list
Oggetto: [Badgirlz-list] CRACK! 2008. PROGRAMMA (anche english version)
SPAMMATE!!! ma soprattutto venite! ^_^


19-20-21-22 giu 08     

ore 19 apertura
inaugurazione della mostra nei sotterranei
baretto:aperitivo vegan e longdrinks a cura di fagiolino
h 20 concerto acustico in cattedrale con:
Manouche Carouche(roma)
djset open in cattedrale
chiusura mostra intorno alle 24
dalle ore 22
piazza d'armi sx concerto con:
ho chi minh howlers(svezia) http://www.myspace.com/hochiminhhowlers
bobsleighbaby www.myspace.com/bobsleighbaby
il male www.myspace.com/hiroshimarocksaround

ore 16 apertura mostra-sotterranei
djset open in cattedrale
ore 19 baretto:aperitivo vegan e longdrinks a cura di fagiolino
ore 20 in cattedrale:
concerto con Nazighei in cattedrale, http://www.myspace.com/barriocolombia

altrimenti mezz'ora di Cumbia con dj Marcuzzo.
ore 22 in cattedrale:
"Damage Control [Insaneautoproduzioni]_perform
ance live audio/video"

chiusura mostra intorno alle 24
dalle ore 22
movie stars junkies www.myspace.com/moviestarjunkies
dj strobot www.myspace.com/laroboterie
okapi www.myspace.com/aukapi
vj PacOnAzim (Amigdala) www.myspace.com/paconazim
vj Oscar
chiusura forte ore 3


ore 16 apertura mostra-sotterranei
dalle 16 prima cella dx :
set live di plastilina stop motion a cura di Stefano Argentero
dalle 19
baretto:aperitivo vegan e longdrinks a cura di fagiolino

dalle 19 alle 22:gipsy sound djset a cura di marghe@cpt soundsistem
alle ore 22 in cattedrale:(oppure all'aperto prima della musica)
Presentazione del libro del Duka:
"i hate music",meridiano zero editore
Illustrazioni valerio bindi,mp5
Alle 23 cattedrale:
Djset Electro Techno Acid con:
El_MUSICALIZADOR (alias Manuel dc)
SILLY SPECTRO (C-34, Minimalrome)
e proiezioni

chiusura mostra intorno alle 24
dalle 23
sala da te' interferenze :
pornodyva dj set www.myspace.com/pornodyva
ichi dj set www.myspace.com/ichihorror
cavo dj set www.myspace.com/cavoart+ guests
chiusura ore 4
piazza d'armi sx:
okapi www.myspace.com/aukapi
lady maru www.myspace.com/maruhup
jake the rapper, http://www.myspace.com/jaketherapper
gunter adler , http://profile.myspace.com/gunteradler
lusky dj (Meatpie) www.myspace.com/luskydj
vj PacOnAzim (Amigdala) www.myspace.com/paconazim
vj Oscar
chiusura forte ore 6


ore 15 apertura mostra-sotterranei
ore 20 aperitivo e chiusura mostra
il suk si trasferisce en plain air
al tramonto
chiusura e cena curatori_ospiti

durante i 4gg di crack l'INFOSHOP del forte si attiva con:
**murata collettiva

Inoltre durante i 4gg del festival:
***riprese e documentazione dell'evento a cura del Medialab di Forte
per il workshop grafica/video

***sottoscala area baretto:
TRAUMA STUDIO - Laboratorio di arti elettroniche e digitali
"Esperimento interattivo di animazione tra disegno e VJing"

***"NoStyleFuckers a Roma"
laboratorio di serigrafia a cura di Fleischerei (Berlino)
tutti i giorni del festival dalle ore….nel lab. di serigrafia del
Forte,piazza d'armi sx
www.fleischereiblog.de nostylefuckers.sub.cc

Crack year four. We are proud to present the new edition of CRACK! Fumetti Dirompenti, international festival of drawn and printed art and comic art, now at its 4th edition PANTHER. Once again the festival will be held in Rome on June 2008 and will be hosted and produced by Forte Prenestino, the old fortress occupied and self-managed for the last 22 years. TO TAKE PART: We are working to create an international network of people ready to exchange ideas and inspirations: we do not offer a showroom but expect you to participate with your enthusiasm and vitality. ENTRIES ARE OPEN TO ANYONE: THERE ARE NO SELECTIONS NOR INVITES You just have to send your e-mail address to: crack.forteprenestino@??? specifying your technical requirements, and to follow up developments from our mailing list: animate@??? Don't forget to send a short bio and some low resolutions images (72 dpi) for our website. Essential feature of the festival will be
once more ODIO IL CARCERE – SCARCERANDA, our now classic appointment for the production of the new edition of Scarceranda, yearly daybook in support of prisoners. You can donate your artwork to be printed in next year volume or you can send it directly to Radio Onda Rossa. Keep writing, drawing, disseminate ideas and join us soon at Forte Prenestino in Roma for CRACK! panther2008 **************** So we need to know: -if you come from abroad and need hospitality -if you need a stall to sell your artwork -if you want to play records, in "the cathedral" there will be an open dj-set, just add your name to the list! -if you have animation or video material to show , let us know what format and we will add you to our list -to keep up with all future information and updates, sign up to our mailing list animate@??? (write as subject: "iscrizione") -book your exhibition space and send some of your artwork with a brief biography for our website to :
crack.forteprenestino@??? **************** -we will be at the Fort to prepare on Wednesday 18th pm and Thursday 19th 'till 4pm. The exhibition opens at 4pm on the Thursday. Thanks for your participation!