[cm-Roma] Fwd: June 2, National Demo in Naples

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Autor: catecara
Para: critical mass roma
Assunto: [cm-Roma] Fwd: June 2, National Demo in Naples
Per chi il 2 giugno non potesse essere alla Ciemmona e si trovasse invece
dalle parti di Napoli, o per chi conosce gente in zona, o per chi ...
insomma, questa e' una manifestazione importante in questi climi di guerra

Il 2 giugno e' la festa della Repubblica, una festa nazionale che da
qualche anno si celebra con la parata militare. A Napoli una manifestazione
contro la guerra permanente e le basi militari.

"... perche' non e' un caso che il contrario di militare sia civile."
(P. Cacucci)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: USC4P&J Announcements <announce@???>
Date: May 18, 2008 6:54 PM
Subject: June 2, National Demo in Naples
To: announce@???

Dear peace activists,

On June 2, the national holiday which celebrates the founding of the
Republic, and which lately has meant a military parade in Rome, there will
be a national demonstration against military bases and permanent war in

Considering the huge US military presence in Naples, with all 4 branches
the armed forces represented, as well as aircraft carriers, nuclear
submarines and fighter jets, our participation will be particularly

And as we have repeated in the past, the aggressive policies of the US
would not be possible without the logistical support provided by the 700-
900 US military installations on foreign soil, including over 100 in Italy

Let's join the people of Naples and all of Italy as they speak out against
use of their territory for US policies of preventive war. Come with us to

Important: Please let us know if you plan to participate so we can decide
the best way to get there. Also let us know if you would like to join a
group to decide on flyers, signs, banners, etc. info@???

See an English translation of the appeal below.
(in italiano http://www.pacedisarmo.org/pacedisarmo/articles/art_525.html)

You can read more about the US military presence in Naples at Global
Security: http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/facility/naples.htm

See you in Naples!

Anna, Gene, Maria, Maria Chiara and Stephanie
U.S. Citizens for Peace & Justice - Rome

National Demonstration Against Military Bases and Permanent War

Call for a national demonstration June 2 in Naples

Aircraft carriers, fighter jets, submarines, planes, helicopters,
bombs, death machines of all types are stationed at military installations
throughout Italy.

In Italy there are over 100 military bases and installations, from Bolzano
Lampedusa. These installations serve not to defend the local populations
from attack but rather constitute a grave danger for the security of the
citizens, taking resources away from civil society and instead investing
permanent war.

Aircraft carriers, fighter jets, submarines, planes, helicopters,
bombs, death machines of all types are stationed at military
Not to mention the devastating environmental impact caused by the
presence of such arms. We are all participating, without knowing it, in

We have said NO to Dal Molin in Vicenza and we will continue to express
our opposition, but the same goes for the rest of Italy, littered with
bases and on the front lines of global war.

We propose that on June 2 there be a national demonstration against
military bases in Naples.

Why Naples?

Naples is a city invaded with military installations, and one of the main
supporting the conflicts in the Middle East as well as other areas: the
command for the US Navy for Europe, Asia (Middle East) and Africa is
located here. This city has become a hub for aircraft carriers, nuclear
powered submarines and weapons of all types.

Why June 2?

June 2 is the day commemorating the birth of the Italian Republic, and we
want to celebrate it remembering that Italy is and must remain a state
founded on the rule of law and this holiday must not be represented by a
military parade.

June 2, 2008 join us in Naples: to say "No to military bases, no to war "

Comitato Pace, Disarmo e Smilitarizzazione della Campania

Promoted by:
Rete Lilliput (Na), Asper, Manitese (Na), Donne in nero (Na), PeaceLink
(Campania), Un ponte per...(Na), Sinistra Critica (Na), Comunità per lo
sviluppo umano (Na), Assopace (Na), Pax Christi (Na), Scuola di Pace
(Na), Attac (Na)

Centro Gandhi, Donne in Nero, Un ponte Per..., La Comunità per lo
sviluppo umano, PeaceLink, Rete Disarmiamoli!, Assise di Napoli e del
Mezzogiorno d'Italia, Amici di Beppe Grillo (Na), Socialismo
(Na), FGCI (Na), PdCI (Na), PRC (Na), Giovani Comunisti (Na),
Federazione Campana RdB/CUB, Cobas (Na), Associazione 3 febbraio
(Na), MEDiterranean MEDIA, Mondo senza Guerre Sud Pontino, Aria
Precaria Rete Antiprecarietà, Social Network Sinistra Lucana, Eros
Cruccolini - Presidente del Consiglio Comunale di Firenze, Ugo Montecchi -
fondatore del Genoa Social Forum

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