[Badgirlz-list] Fw: SUNY Press Dissertation/First Book Prize…

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Autor: Errata
Data: 2008-05-02 09:04 -000
A: l38squatter, badgirlz-list
Assumpte: [Badgirlz-list] Fw: SUNY Press Dissertation/First Book Prize in Queer Studies

>>> SUNY Press Dissertation/First Book Prize in Queer

>>> SUNY Press is proud to announce a new competition

for the best
>>> single-authored dissertation or first book

manuscript in the field
>>> queer studies. We welcome nonfiction manuscripts

that exemplify
>>> cutting-edge scholarship that engages issues of

lesbian, gay,
>>> transgender, intersex, or other

non-heteronormative experience,
>>> the area of focus is historical or contemporary.

The competition is
>>> to scholars from all disciplinary backgrounds, but

we especially
>>> encourage work that speaks effectively across

disciplines, and
>>> that offer new perspectives on concerns central to

the field of
>>> studies. Possible topics may include, but are not

limited to, the
>>> following:
>>> Activism and resistance
>>> Religion
>>> Queer histories and subcultures
>>> Intersectionality
>>> Queer assimilation
>>> Experiences of queer people of color
>>> Health and sexuality
>>> Queer feminisms
>>> Global and transnational queer issues
>>> Sexuality and the law
>>> Institutions and public policies
>>> Queer economics
>>> Sex work
>>> Queer families
>>> Passing and issues of performance
>>> Queer youth and queer aging
>>> Affect, desire and embodiment
>>> Gender and queer sexuality
>>> Transgender studies
>>> Gender and violence
>>> Heterosexism and homophobia
>>> Queerness and disability
>>> Queer pedagogy
>>> Cultural production (media, film, music,

>>> If a winner of the competition is selected, he or

she will receive
>>> publication contract with SUNY Press and a $3,000

advance. Runners
>>> may also be considered for publication with SUNY

Press. All
>>> must be postmarked by July 1, 2008, and should

include the
>>> materials:
>>> --Cover letter
>>> --C.V.
>>> --Proposal, including a 4-5 page overview of the

scope of the
>>> and analysis of competing titles
>>> --Complete manuscript, at least 150 double spaced

pages, 12 pt.
>>> font
>>> Please mention the competition in your cover

letter, and also
>>> if any material from the manuscript has been

previously published.
>>> winner will be announced in the Fall of 2008. All

submissions must
>>> exclusive submissions to SUNY Press for the

duration of the
>> and
>>> finalists will be notified by September 1, 2008.

Please direct all
>>> questions and submissions to Larin McLaughlin
>>> Acquisitions Editor
>>> SUNY Press
>>> 194 Washington Ave., Ste. 305
>>> Albany, NY 12210
>>> larin.mclaughlin@???

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