[Animate] questa band ha bisogno urgente di un locale

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Szerző: Federica Del Proposto
Címzett: me medesima
Tárgy: [Animate] questa band ha bisogno urgente di un locale
Vi inoltro la mail di questo gruppo queer-punk.
Suonano l'11 all'ESC di Roma ma hanno bisogno di coprire anche il 12, tra Roma e Bologna.
Se conoscete qualche locale in cui potrebbero suonare, contattatele subito! Oppure rigirate questa mail a qualche contatto che potrebbe aiutarle. In fondo alla e-mail trovate la loro pagina myspace.
Grazie amichi


Hank Bobbit <hank.bobbit@???> ha scritto:           we get your contact from verushka of clit rocket.  she said maybe you have contacts or ideas to help us... 

we are queer punk band from berlino and pietro from stress to death records was organizing a tour for us in italy. unfortunately his father got very sick, so he cannot do the tour with us. we want to play anyway, and we need one more show to do it!!!
we need about 100-200€ more in our kassa, so anything you could give us would be great because if we don't find another show and some more money we have to cancel all the concerts.
we need a show on the 12th of april, either in roma or between roma and bologna. we don't also have equipment, just our instruments (guitar and bass) , so we need one guitar-amp + box, one bass-amp + box and one drum set.

thank you very much for your help, even if you cannot make a show for us!
we know it is very short, but it's kind of an emergency situation.
hope to hear from you! *hank*

check our music at: http://profile.myspace.com/lorenaandthebobbits

check out live videos of our band at:

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