Re: [Cm-milano] bah

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Autor: Alex Foti
Dla: icx, critical mass milano - crew ::: ::: la rivoluzione non sara' motorizzata !!!
Temat: Re: [Cm-milano] bah
l'arcobaleno è morto a primavera. credevo non sarebbe entrato in
senato visto che avevan candidato bertinotti e il simbolo dalla
grafammatica sfigata, ma esclusi dalla camera nn me lo aspettavo. 3
milioni di voti scomparsi. zero. zero. zero. via i nani. scompare il
ceto politico dei 70s e la storia del comunismo italiano. ma anche i
verdi sono al collasso. quindi al di là dei policini rossi o verdi che
si stanno riformando ci vuole innovazione ideologica per un'altra
roba, che non sia noglobal perché anche quello è finito, ma che a
partire da esso attinga alle pratiche più diffuse e pop sovversive di
questi anni: p2p, queer, urban ecology, libertarismo e poi aggiungete
voi. una federazione delle forze metropolitane eretiche
dichiaratamente postcomuniste. Che ha il fine nn di superare il 4 o
quellochesarà ma di fare senso comune alternativo fra giovani, donne,
immigrati, precari, creativi. Non è che le comunali ci faranno schifo,
ma che siano al massimo un corollario di impresa culturale e sociale
diffusa e in crescita. La nuova ideologia (soggettività, identità,
dobbiamo discuterne e deciderci anche transnazionalmente) da elaborare
io per adesso provvisoriamente la chiamo zeroism, che se volete,
significa essere innovativi nel tempo in cui c'è zero sinistra in
parlamento. eqququi la valentine invitation per ideological
experimentation. ha ricevuto la gentile attenzione e/o collaborazione
da collettivi di maribor, liegi, ginevra. A quando il congresso 0.0
della zeroesima transnazionale zeroista? zero ciao, lx


Pink, Black, Green Radicals of All Lands and Seas,

The Zeroeth Transnational is a rewind of the past and a fast forward
to the future. Since it's numbered nought, zéro, cero, null, it wants
to travel back in time to before the First International and the split
between Marx and Bakunin, between socialism and anarchism. The Zeroeth
Transnational aims at federating radicals, activists and their
struggles in all regions, like the social democrat and revolutionary
syndicalist Second International failed to do, succumbing to
nationalism and world war. The Zeroth Transnational wishes to revive
the enthusiasm of the communist Third International, when even
anarchosyndicalists joined the leninist cause only to be horribly
betrayed and purged by stalinist commissars. The Zeroeth Transnational
finds inspiration in the global antifascist (and anticolonial) front
of the 30s and 40s, but rejects the auhoritarian communism of the
Cominform era.

Let's go fast forward now: the Zeroth Transnational is a 21st century
idea, and as such it is inherently postsocialist and postcommunist. It
aims at networking and federating the radical currents of the
prague-genoa-rostock movement against neoliberal shock therapy and
neoconservative war. Since 2000 the so-called antiglobalization
movement has rocked the continents and changed political culture, but
has failed to reverse the free-market tide and the increasing
securitization of politics. Also, it has faild achieve the right to
exist and act socially and politically: its people and spaces are
threatened by the state like never before. The rebellious youth that
has propelled it constantly risks being criminalized by conservative
politicians and tribunals, also because the established left and the
reformist Porto Alegre wing of NGOs fails to defend and often in fact
condemn the deeds of the heretic left, without whose thrust no
progress on agriculture, environment, media, labor, discrimination of
minorities and persecution of migrants would have been made. We were
strong in Heiligendamm, but we are increasingly weaker in our cities
where our heretic communities live and act daily.

Why is it so? Why do we get no credit for the biggest global movement
since 1968, in spite of the fact it was the generation of those born
in the 70s, 80s and now 90s that created it, just as they created the
major cultural and social innovations of our era (urban anarchy,
digital networking, media subvertising, free software, queer culture,
green hacktivism and on and on). There are several reasons for this,
but one is rooted in our lack of an ideology that is distinct from
those that preceded us. The crucial question today is not "What Is to
Be Done?", but "Who Are We?".

The Zeroeth Transnational is convoked precisely for this reason, to
discuss together a new ideological landscape that best synthetizes our
ideas and practices, to cultivate a sufficiently flexible but cohesive
political identity, that can give stronger purpose and meaning to the
manifold mobilizations and campaigns against monetarist, clerical,
militarist, ecocidal, racist Occidentalism.

Who are we? We are not the official european left of Die Linke and
Rifondazione. We are not the reformist unions like IG Metall and CGT.
We are no Trozkyists of the Fourth International and Socialist Worker.
We love the zapatistas, but we are no indios. We work for an
ecotopia, but we are not Fischer's Greens. We block military bases,
but we're no pacifists. We think all cops are bastards, but we're no
hooligans. Who are we? We seek autonomy and anarchy in the EU and the
world. We're pink, black, green. Pink as queer, black as wildcat,
green as chlorophyll. We are pink clowns allied with black blocs doing
direct actions with green radicals. We are anarcho-syndicalists. You
might say we're anarcho-negrians. We fight for no borders and no
detention centers. We are part of PGA and MAYDAY. We were on the
barricades in Genoa and Rostock. We are zeroists;)

Zeroism. Zeroeth. Zero, kamikaze of thought. Zero, but no less than
zero. Count Zero and cyberpunk. Zero after Ground Zero. Zero at the
Zero Hour of Europe. Zero in the double-00s, shocking pink and islamic
green 2000s. Zero as Off. Zero as fuck off. Zero as in zero emissions.
Zero as opposed to the One. Zero, the moss on the crumbling walls of
oppressive regimes. Zeroism, the idea emerging from the ruins of the
leftist ideologies of the past century.

Zeroism is self-evidently a dadaist provocation, a provisional concept
for the ideology we lack and that blunts the appeal of our messages
and actions for teens and other people who might otherwise join us.
Since we lack strong symbols, an array of recycled icons and emerging
images is proposed in a creative cacophony where pirate flags, antifa
symbols, cyber fists, zapata stars, vegan carrots, critical bikes,
circled As and bolted circles are spurious substitutes of the real
thing. For fear of exploring our ideological sources and horizons we
adopt a convenient multi-identity that leaves us undefended when
strong identities, be they statist, nationalist or religious, move
against us.

Transnationalism has been with us since Seattle and will be with us
for the foreseeable future. It's different from the internationalism
of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th... international. Internationalism brought
national movements together in a world alliance against capitalism,
fascism and imperialism, transnationalism brings cross-border networks
in a europe-wide alliance against nation-state and the neoliberal
eurocracy, and in a global alliance vs corporate capitalism and its
headquarters in America, Asia, Europe. One obvious reason is that we
are in the 21st century, not in the 20th or the 19th century. And with
1999 and 2001 a new century was historically started. A darker and
ecocidal phase, more ominous than the late 20th century, but also one
where transnational movements decidedly global elites and the
transnational corporations that back their power. The movement's
transnationalism has been different in political terms from what it
was preceded by on the radical left. We are not only confronted with
new issues (rebellious megacities, queer liberation, global war,
biospheric catastrophe, meginequality and great recession), but with a
new way of looking at revolution and socialization of the means of
production, new experiments in coordinatin and self-managing social
life and social production. Post-structuralism has radically changed
political discourse and modes of self-expression. Male-worker
patriarchy has yielded to transgendered polyarchy. Positivist optimism
has given way to scientific catastrophism, socialist industrialism to
ecological informationalism as dominant epistemologies on the radical

Intrigued? Wanna debate a new ideology and a federating symbology?
Then help us thinking about a 0.0 meeting of the Zeroth Transnational!


-what kind of ideology is zeroism?

-what is organisational structure of zeroeth transnational?

-what kind of symbolism is in pink, black & green tricolor?

-what is the difference between zeroism and communism?

-what is the difference between transnational and international?

-what attitude zeroism has toward nationalism and patriotism?

- what attitude zeroism has toward gender and feminism?

-what attitude zeroism has toward revolution and social transformation?

-what attitude zeroism has toward private property and privatization?

-what attitude zeroism has toward the state and the nation-state?

-what attitude zeroism has to capitalism and the market?

-what attitude zeroism has to weapons, war and militarism?

-who is zeroist?

For early zeroist iconological experiments:

On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 5:57 PM, <icx@???> wrote:
> "qui ci vuole un auto critica...
>                        tipo quella di Thelma e Luise"

> Bucchi 2008
> La Repubblica 15/04/2008
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