Auteur: Edoardo Magnone Date: À: Mailing list del Forum sociale di Genova Sujet: [NuovoLab] G8 Action Network
G8 Action Network, a network of social movements in Japan, announced
international preparatory meeting to discuss over the activities
during the 2008 G8 Summit.
The prep meeting will be held in March 7-11 in Tokyo inviting various
international social movements including media activists. See the
documents from G8 Action Network for detail.
Leading media activists from G8 Media Network will attend the meeting
to share information and experiences on the activities. We, Japanese
media activists, expect to meet you at the meeting.
Resisting Free Trade, Militarism and Fighting for Real Solutions to
Climate Change
The G8 Summit will be held this year from July 7-9 in Toyako,
Hokkaido, Japan. This will be a culmination of a series of ministerial
preparation meeting beginning in March. The G8 Action Network, a
network of various Japanese organizations and movements, is calling on
all social movements, peasant organizations, women, migrants, urban
and rural poor, fisherfolks and civil society from all over the world
who are resisting free trade in its many forms, war and militarism,
the privatization of essential services and natural resources,
illegitimate debt and the domination of global finance, and fighting
for and building real people based solutions to global warming, to
come and join us in the week of action against the G8 here in Japan.
The G8 nations account for just fourteen percent of the world's
population and yet decisions made at these summits dictate the course
of the rest of the world. And now more than ever, the evidence is
stark that decisions that these nations have made have brought nothing
but worsening poverty, increasing insecurity, deepening indebtedness,
militarization and wars and now they are pushing for market based
solutions to climate change which threaten to endanger the future of
the planet. The host of the summit, the Government of Japan, says that
it will make this summit a summit on the climate. This is rank
hypocrisy. The reality is that the government, under pressure from
Japanese industry, is backing away from mandatory limits to greenhouse
gas emissions.
We can no longer let this continue. The time is now for all of us
around the world to come together and join forces to make our voices
heard and stop the G8 from doing any further damage to the world.
We will also begin preparations to challenge the G8 Summit beginning
March. We invite all of you to come to Japan and join in our
international preparatory meeting from March 7-11, 2008.
This is our schedule:
March 7, 16:00: Press conference at Parliamentarian building
March 8-9: International Coordination Meeting & G8 Seminar
March 9: evening, Move to Hokkaido by plane
March 10-11: Activities in Hokkaido
If your organization is planning to attend the meeting, please email
nag00562@??? to register your participation. You can also
contact this email for more information on the meeting.
As with all struggles, we can only be successful with the solidarity,
support and involvement of movements and activists around the world in
resisting this G8 Summit. We invite all of you who are with us in the
struggle against trade liberalization, corporate globalization, war
and militarism and false solutions to climate change and demanding for
cancellation of all developing country debt to sign on to this call.
We urge all of you to join us in Japan and to strengthen our struggle
and together, build another world.
G8 Action Network, Japan
Consumers Union of Japan
Forum for Peace, Human Rights and Environment
Globalization Watch Hiroshima
Iwate Network for Protecting Article 9
Japan Asia Africa Latin America Solidarity Committee (AALA)
Japan Family Farmers Movement(NOUMINREN)
National Coalition of Workers, Farmers and Consumers for Safe Food and
Health, Japan (SHOKKENREN)
No! G8 Action
No to WTO/FTA Coalition
No-Vox Japan
Peoples' Plan Study Group (PPSG)
The New Communist Association for the Future
(list of organizations outside Japan who sign on)
Alliance of Progressive Labor, Philippines
Anti-Debt Coalition Indonesia (KAU)
Fisherfolk Movement-Philippines (Kilusang Mangingisda)
Focus on the Global South
Global Network Asia
Globalization Monitor, Hong Kong
Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (HKCTU)
Indonesian Peasants Union (SPI)
Institute for Global Justice, Indonesia
Jubilee South - Asia/Pacific Movement on Debt and Development (JS-APMDD)
Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU)
Migrant Forum in Asia
Stop the New Round! Coalition, Philippines
Transnational Institute (TNI)
WALHI-Friends of the Earth Indonesia
Womyn's Agenda for Change, Cambodia
"Non vedo nessun Dio quassù"
(Yuri Gagarin)
"L'intelligenza militare è una contraddizione in termini"
(Groucho Marx)
"Beati coloro che hanno fame e sete di giustizia perche' saranno giustiziati"
(Piergiorgio Bellocchio)