[movimenti.bicocca] Call for Abstracts: Annual BJS Conferenc…

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Author: Tommaso Vitale
Date: 2008-02-10 11:32 -000
To: ML movimenti Bicocca
Subject: [movimenti.bicocca] Call for Abstracts: Annual BJS Conference on "Violence"
> Please widely distribute the call for abstracts included below and
> attached to this email.
> Call for Abstracts: Annual BJS Conference on "Violence"
> Attention graduate students and untenured faculty. The Berkeley
> Journal of Sociology is requesting abstracts for our 2008 conference:
> Violence
> Friday, March 14, 2008
> University of California, Berkeley
> The Berkeley Journal of Sociology invites submissions of empirically
> grounded, theoretically interesting presentations for our 2008
> conference on "Violence." This year's conference will feature a
> variety of panels including graduate students, faculty, and community
> activists.
> We invite abstracts of presentations for our conference relating to
> violence by graduate students and untenured faculty in sociology or
> other disciplines. Students and faculty from departments outside the
> discipline of sociology (such as political science, anthropology,
> criminal justice, law, etc.) are encouraged to submit abstracts that
> have a sociological orientation and pertain to such issues as those
> listed below. Presentations at the conference will run 15-20 minutes
> each. Submissions of short abstracts (200 words) are due by 4pm,
> Friday, February 15th, 2008 and should be sent to: bjs@???.
> Paper copies will not be accepted.
> Submissions might address, for example, the following topics:
> Justifiable Violence
> Racial Violence
> Sexual Orientation Violence
> Domestic Violence
> Criminal Justice
> State Violence
> Political Violence
> Sociology of Terrorism
> Gang Violence
> Prison Violence
> Violence in Social Life
> Violence and the Life Course
> Crime
> Non-violence
> Symbolic Violence
> --
> __________________
> Zachary Levenson
> Berkeley, CA 94703
> cell: (804) 514-9428
> Zachary.Levenson@???
> "No class in history immediately comprehends the logic of its own
> historical situation, in epochs of transition: a long period of
> disorientation and confusion may be necessary for it to learn the
> necessary rules of its own sovereignty."
> ~Perry Anderson _______________________________________________
> Comurb_r21 mailing list
> Comurb_r21@???
> https://email.rutgers.edu/mailman/listinfo/comurb_r21

Tommaso Vitale
Dipartimento di Sociologia e della Ricerca Sociale
Università di Milano Bicocca
via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi, 8
20126 Milano
tel: ++39.02 6448 7477
fax: ++39.02 6448 7561
mobile: ++39.333 69 33 741
