[Cm-milano] Fwd: [neurogreen] n-euromayday

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Autor: Adriana Marafioti (adriana.marafioti)
Para: cm-milano
Assunto: [Cm-milano] Fwd: [neurogreen] n-euromayday

Pippone importante sulla EUROMAYDAY a Berlino.

Alex :

Text drafted by Toret
and precarios en Movimiento Málaga and
countersigned by several mayday activists. Castellano version
English below (provisional translation). It's a contribution for
discussion at the upcoming mayday assembly in Berlin (feb 23-24).

Hello euromayday's people!!!
Desde Málaga, frontera sur de Europa y norte de Africa.

Euromayday mutante. Euromayday reloaded!

Esto es una contribución para Discusión en la asamblea próxima del
en Berlín del 23 y 24 Febrero del 2008.

No hay posibilidad de ir adelante del Euromayday sin asumir y
comprender el alcance de la maquinaria que hemos puesto en marcha
últimos 3 años. El Euromayday no puede morir, debe mutar, debe
revivir, hacer reloaded. No puede ir más allá, si no es desde una
autocrítica colectiva que analice los limites que hemos vivido y
potencias que hemos desplegado.

¿Qué problemas que hemos experimentado como red Euromayday?...
Es fundamental reconocernos en un diagnostico común del proceso de
creación colectiva transmetropolitano precario europeo. También es
necesario hacer un diagnostico esquemático pero compartido de los
problemas de la nueva coyuntura global-europea y nuestro posible
en ella.

Creemos que estos son puntos cruciales de discusión:

- Los cambios de la fase histórica del capitalismo en su fase de
globalización imperial y explotación metropolitana interconectada.
- Los pasos estratégicos hacia la territorialización europea del
movimiento global están en gestación.
- Hemos observado que la pregunta que atraviesa a los activistas y
militantes de base de todo el continente es ¿cómo ganar batallas
concretas contra la precarización de la vida? El deseo de vencer,
se alimenta de las victorias de las luchas geolocalizadas, puede
catapultar una nueva ofensiva común que la mutación del proceso
Euromayday (aunque sea parcialmente) puede componer y vertebrar.
- Necesitamos pensar creativamente en términos de estrategia y de
construcción organizativa desde culturas y tradiciones políticas
diversas. Necesitamos crecer exponencialmente en los próximos 5
- Poner en el centro Europa, como espacio de conflicto, como
territorio en construcción y campo de batalla entre las estructuras
la gerontocracia europea y las multitudes precarias subversivas
tienen en disputa el futuro concreto de la vida en el continente.
- La reinvención de la lucha clases, en términos biopolíticos.
- La centralidad de la comunicación en los procesos articulación
- La necesaria critica de los nacionalismos y de las formas
reaccionarias de identidad.
- Por una Europa abierta, radical y nómada.
- Radicalizar los devenires que se sustraen a la Europa Modelo
la Europa menor que la erosiona constantemente
- Tenemos la necesidad de reinvidicaciones concretas (recordamos
difícil discusión del proceso Euromayday 2006 sobre este tema).
básica y libertad de movimiento son las dos palabras clave y
del proceso EMD.

Así que tenemos que pensar nuestra mutación en conjunto, partiendo
la base de propuestas para la acción común y proyectos de
y producción. Estos podrían ser:

Think tank del precariado.
Indymedia Europa y-o Europrecariatube!
Encuentro Europeo de Centro Sociales Ocupados.
Dvd euromayday. Recopilatorio de videos, imágenes, entrevistas de
maydays en las distintas ciudades...
1 Día europeo por la Renta Básica.
1 Día europeo por la libertad movimiento.

Creo que finalmente hay que hacer una breve cronología del proceso
( en wiki ):
fechas, asambleas, acontecimientos, declaraciones, acciones, etc…
que no hay una narración colectiva y comprensible sobre del proceso
la red Euromayday que pueda recoger distintas visiones y
para consistencia a lo ya andado.

¿Qué os parece? mutation and reloaded?

Si se puede!!!

Texto escrito por Javier Toret (Málaga) y refrendado por varios
activistas del Euromayday: Nico (Málaga) Miika (Helsinki) Nicole
(Liège) Nikolaj (Copenhagen) Josip (Maribor) Alex (Milano)

Euromayday mutante! Euromayday reloaded!

We think it's not possible to proceed further in euromayday's
collective process without taking stock of what we have set in
over the last 3 years. Euromayday cannot die, must be reborn,
reloaded, mutated, but in order to do so, there must be a
analysis and self-criticism on the limits of the potency that we
managed to create.

Why don't we think about the problems we have experienced?

We have to elaborate a common diagnosis of what has been
transmetropolitan, precarious, european process of collective
creation. We also have to share a synthetic diagnosis about the
social questions emerging form the new european and global
and how we want to act on them. We think the following are crucial
points for discussion:

- Changes in the historical phase of capitalism
- Strategic steps toward a European territorialization of the
global movement
- Why is winning vital? Because winning is the offensive answer of
movement of movements and its geolocated materiality vs imperial
- Thinking in terms of strategy and construction of a different
political culture
- Putting Europe as space of conflict at the center of political
action, as a territory designed by networks of power and
which are fighting over the future of social and political life on
- Reiventing class strugge in biopolitcal terms
- Centrality of communication in articulating processes
- Critique of nationalism and other reactionary forms of identity
- Open, Radical, Nomadic Europe
- Radicalizing becomings which subtract from Fortress Europe and
to Europa Minor, currently being eroded
- The necessing of posing concrete demands (remember the difficult
discussion of 2006 over this?). We think basic income and freedom
movement are the two keywords of the euromayday procees we have in

Thus we have to think our mutation collectively, starting with
proposals for common action and projects for cooperation. These

- a think tank of the precariat
- indymedia europa
- a european meeting of social centers and squats
- the production of a euromayday dvd which collects images from
maydays of 2005, 2006, 2007 in various cities
- a european day of action for basic income
- a european day of action for freedom of movement

Finally we have to draft a brief chronology of the euromayday
(assemblies, events, actions, declarations etc), becuse there's no
collective narration yet which can portray all the various
visions and reflections of mayday

Toret & Nico, malaga
Miika, helsinki
Nicole, liège
Nikolaj, copenhagen
Josip, maribor
Alex, milano
Elisabeth, vienna



As I am working on the interpretation of the May Day
event/proccess into the context of global biocapitalism and the
genealogy of antagonist social movements, for me is so exciting to
read these kind of reflections. Although, I have to recognize that I
have some doubts about what Toret said. First, I think we cannot go
further if we dont recognize and interpret the actual crisis of the
procces, started at least after May Day 06. So, we have to deal
seriously with all the limits of the actual experience: the lack of
organization beyond the event would be an example.

I have also douts about some of his thesis. Particulary with that
one that programize the "critique of nationalism and other
reactionary forms of identity". Of course, we have to critic whatever
reactionary forms of indentity within whatever nationalism, but I
think the time for anti-nationalism -even the works à la Hobsbawn,
Gellner or Anderson were necessary- now is over. Yes, anti-
esentialism is great, but we have to go beyond the assert of "nations
were build by nationalism in the name of a burgeois state" because,
even the construction of a national homogenous time was always the
dream of the nationalists, was never the way it worked. The world we
live in is not a world where "strong indentities" went away, as some
predicted. The emergence of a reactionary etnicity and nationalistics
cults of Civilization (islamic, christian or european), give us a
clear evidence on these regard. But we can see also the power of
cultural identity into a revolutionary way in the
exciting emergence of indiginous movements all around the world.
My point is that we can no aproach anymore to the problem of
identities into a dicotomic way. Identities, as nations, as
postcolonialist theorist Partha Chatterjee said, works always within
a heterogenous time, splitted by different and contingence social
antagonism and lines of fligh. Is not enought to say "your identity
is wrong, you are a reactionary", we have to deal with the existing
imaginaries. We have to deal with the hibrid cultural imaginaries of
the migrant people in Europe, and also with those of leftist
nationalist movements, because that´s real: that people and feelings
exist. I live in Galicia, at the NorhWest of the Spanish State, and I
cannot imagine how can we can start to created the kind of pink-black-
green movement that we are talking about excluding at lest some
nationalistic leftist present sensibilities. Actually, in Galicia we
have several Social Centers and collectives constructing
right now a movement of precarious, migrants, ecologist, gays and
queers. Last year we made at Vigo a pink-black-precarious block on
the May Day demostration and a radical queer demo at Coruña. Last
years we have experienced in Galicia a interesting turn: some
nationalist -specially young nationalism- left the nationalist
parties. They started to critic the idea of sovereignty and borders,
and went autonnomous constructing antagonist biopolitical spaces at
the new social centers they created. Different kinds of Nationalist
leftist -a lot of them are "nationalist" that defines themselfs as
autonnomous and don´t want to construct no other State- are at the
hart of these movements of precarious, working in hibrid term with
other political autonnomous cultures. So, How can we handle these? We
can´t ignore the reality. That´s the cuestion in Galicia, even for
people like me that we are not-nationalist and we don´t like classic
nationalism at all.

Un abrazo fraterno,



Thank You, Antón for opening this debate. I am sure that to reject to
discuss the national question in a so ideological and simplistic way
demonstrates a deep incomprehension of the history of the social
struggles in the Spanish State. Those who are living in Galiza,
Euskal Herria and Catalunya know that here it has always existed (and
still exists) a discrimination according to your birthplace and
culture (the linguistic configuration of the Spanish Constitution of
1978 can be a good example). This is particularly serious in a time
in which the relation between capitalism and the linguistic issue has
become decisive (Marazzi, Capitale & linguaggio, Derive Approdi).

Of course, globalization has deeply transformed social composition
of our societies. Nowadays to ensure the cultural rights of the
migrants cannot be done from the traditional ideological matrix of
the stateless nationalisms. They failed, and they have to adapt
themselves if the do not want to became a new kind of post-modern
identitarian fascism.

Dear Antón, as you know, this is a permanent debate that we have in
Galiza, Euskal Herria and Catalunya with secessionists and other
partisans of the classical conception of sovereign power (according
Foucault’s distinction). Undoubtedly, the independence movement lacks
any sense in a Global Era (an asymmetrical federalism is probably the
more adequate institutional design for the Spanish state, as it is
for the EU as well).

But this does not mean that the democratic claim to "decide on
decision" (in opposite to "decide on exception" –the state of
exception, Agamben) (http://ca.wikipedia.
org/wiki/Plataforma_Pel_dret_de_decidir), the claim of dignity of
birth and equal rights, as vindicated all along the History by
figures such as Malcom X (http://www.youtube.com/watch?
v=TO6Co8v2XjY), is not an issue anymore. Spanish-speaking brothers
and sisters should not neglect to think about, as they (too) often
do, if they do not want to persist in the same old errors of the
Spanish left.

In fact, organizational asymmetry is already (as ever) a reality in
movement politics and only from neo-jacobine conceptions can certain
organizational expositions be understood. I think it is time to
reflect seriously on the ideological nationalist background and
implications of the “Provincia España” discourse. Maybe if we think
together beyond nationalist frames of reference (and this also means
beyond Spanish nationalist frames), we can rekombine the MayDay into
the antagonistic process it aims to be. Politics of recognition and
“identity politics” (in the sense as the Weather Underground used to
speak about) are intrinsic to movement politics. All the rest is an
absurd waste of time.

Best wishes from Barcelona!

ecologie sociali, strategie radicali
negli anni zerozero della catastrofe