[movimenti.bicocca] International Master in Social Policy An…

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Author: luca alteri
Date: 2008-01-29 15:08 -000
To: Movimenti Bicocca
Subject: [movimenti.bicocca] International Master in Social Policy Analysis

CALL FOR APPLICANTS - Academic year 2008-2009 – Application deadline is the 15th of June 2008 - selection is activated -

International Master in Social Policy Analysis by Luxembourg, Leuven and Associate Institutes (IMPALLA)

The IMPALLA program is organized jointly by the CEPS/INSTEAD(Luxembourg) and the catholic University in Leuven (Belgium). Its broader academic network includes University of Nancy 2 (France), University of Tilburg (The Netherlands) and University of Luxembourg.

The program leads to an advanced Master Degree issued by the K.U. Leuven where the IMPALLA students are registered as regular students.

The academic program has three major objectives:
- to offer a solid theoretical foundation in comparative socio-economic policies, at the European level and beyond
- to provide a thorough training in advanced research methodology
- to give a well-founded expertise in policy evaluation

For more information please consult http://www.impalla.ceps.lu.

Application deadline is the 15th of June 2008

With best regards,

Prof. Jos BerghmanDirector of the IMPALLA program
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