[Badgirlz-list] contributions on sex workers struggles

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Autor: Errata
Para: badgirlz-list
Asunto: [Badgirlz-list] contributions on sex workers struggles

>From Camille in London


Dear friends and allies, (especially people in
countries outside the
*** please feel free to forward this email to other
sex worker
networks / contacts***

I am currently one of the guest editors for the
transnational journal
- Crossing Borders. The next edition is entitled
*Women on the Move*
and will address the theme of gender, migration and
labour. One of the
central ideas we are exploring in the edition is sex

I am writing to ask if people could please provide
information about
campaigns, struggles, protests by and for sex workers.
We are looking
for 'field' reports - so not very long, just an update
/ info and also
contact details etc. On page 3 & 4 , we report on some
of the new
experiences of struggle and communication emerging and
everywhere signifying efforts in the autonomous
organisation of
migrant labour. The journal is translated into 7
languages and is
available to download at www.noborder.org. We are
currently also
looking for translators - if you are interested please
get in contact.

Please send these reports to: elli.maci@???

To foster transnational communication was and remains
the aim of
"Crossing borders". Our aim is to consolidate and to
extend the
migration related networking process in, around and
beyond Europe. We
do not ignore the differences in realities and
struggles in various
regions, countries or continents. But we are convinced
in the
necessity to bridge and communicate these differences
- crossing these
borders too!. We are committed to a process of
"becoming common", not
only by exchanging information and experiences, but
much more by
fighting against the same global apartheid- and
migration regime! And
by struggling for the common demands of freedom of
movement and the
right to stay!

One year ago Crossing Borders appeared for the first
time as an
attempt to foster transnational communication: in
reference to the
migration-related networking process in general, but
connected to
practical struggles and initiatives in particular. The
first issue was
published for the transnational action day on October
7th 2006, then
we used the opportunity of the World Social Forum in
Nairobi in
January 2007 for a second, and this years Mayday for
the third issue.
Our earlier reports mainly covered conflicts in
western Europe, in
Africa and the USA. The latest issue includes
impressions from the
Ukraine, with a main focus on the noborder Camp in
Transcarpatia that
took place last August.

In solidarity and struggle

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