[Pensamientoautonomo] Escuela por Chiapas

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Auteur: jchueco
À: pensamientoautonomo
Sujet: [Pensamientoautonomo] Escuela por Chiapas
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Dear friends,

Holiday greetings from the misty mountains
and steamy jungles of the Mexican southeast.


As 2007 ends there are finally more Zapatista
education promoters than there are
autonomous, indigenous schools ~ this human
miracle must now be matched with a renewed
burst of school constructions!

Your help TODAY will make all the difference!

For over a decade autonomous Mayan communities have assigned the best and
brightest of their young men and women to be trained as "promoters" -
teachers of literacy, health, and ecological agriculture.
These volunteers work completely without salary and make great
sacrifices on behalf of the Mayan communities. Now in this holiday
season they deserve our love, our prayers, and our support.

Please lend a hand in building new Mayan schools and training centers
Chiapas. Your support is helping construct a new world - one child at a time.

Make your donation now to receive a 2007 tax deduction!

Por y para los niños y las niñas,

Peter Brown

Schools for Chiapas

ps. Volunteer opportunity:

Dig foundations,
mix cement, nail boards, paint classrooms,
and hang blackboards for autonomous,
indigenous schools in Chiapas, Mexico.
Join a Schools for Chiapas educational and / or
working delegation in Chiapas during 2008 ~
or design your own trip!


Escuelas para Chiapas / Schools for Chiapas
is a project of Grass Roots Events, Inc. a
Federal tax-exempt, 501(c)3 California corporation with a U.S.
mailing address located at 1631 Dale Street, San Diego, CA 92102.

Join us!
Our cultural and educational work has been
supported for more than 20 years by thousands of
individual donors including many people of conscience
who are members of the National Education Association. In addition,
dozens of artists, organizations, and foundations have
supported our efforts including Activist San Diego,
Agapa Foundation, Amado Avendano, The Big Kitchen, Big Noise Films, Roy Brown,
California Arts Council, British Columbia Teachers'Association - Canada,
Catholic Worker - San Diego, Committee for World Democracy, CNTE - Oaxaca
(National Coordination of Education Workers - Mexico), Rosario Ibarra de
Piedra, Global Fund for Children, John Hancox, Jose de Molino, Larson
Legacy, Ofelia Medina, Ernie McCray, La Milpa Organica, Jose de
Molino, Holly Near, Ocean Beach Peoples' Food Coop, Oceansong
Wilderness Center, Gabino
Palamares, Peace and Justice Caucus of the NEA, Resist, San Diego
Foundation for Change, San Francisco Mime Troupe, Pete Seeger,
Solidago Foundation, Sweet Honey in Rock, Tides Foundation, WESPAC
Foundation, World Beat Center.
We invite the full participation and honest support of people-of-conscience

Join us...you'll be in good company!

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